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Ca y est, Putin est prêt à s'évaporer dans l'air comme les gaz !!!!

Comme si les militaires ne venaient pas des civiles sur lesquels ils mettent une uniforme, les payer pour les envoyer pourrir à la guerre !

Mais qu'est ce que vous ne comprenez pas ?

Oui, j'ai dansé sur n'importe quelle musique mais je paie pour suivre des cours ... je suis apprentis mais client !!!!

J'ai beaucoup voyagé, j'ai rarement vu quelque part les commerciaux traiter les clients comme ça ...

Mais qui êtes vous au juste pour se prendre la grosse tête ?

Vous êtes des fils de Putes et de Voleurs Institutionnels !!!!

Vous mélangez tout dans votre tête de con.

Il faut encore que les commerçantes fassent concurrence avec les clients !!!!

Moi, j'ai arrêté le cours, ce n'est pas parce que je suis en tord mais parce que l'ambiance est pourrie avec les vieux cons et vielles connes comme vous !!!!

Je sais qu'en ce moment Putin,Trump, Xi Jingping ..sont rageux de ne pas voir mon fils abattu par expérience

Et bien pour une fois, et Marine Le Pen et Macron veulent le protéger parce qu'ils sont en train de dire que ce qui est arrivé à ma fille était de sa faute lui, il est sans faute !!!!

Et oui ce sera comme ça que cela plaise à Putin ou pas.

On n'est pas en train de vivre en Russie. Fermez-la !!!!

Comme si recevoir un salaire de Président sans rien foutre d'autre qu'écouter à notre porte, profiter du travail d'une femme gratos, copier les meilleures solutions, n'était pas encore suffisante ???!

Mais vous n'avez jamais honte de la pourriture que vous êtes ou quoi ???!

Leadership where ? In Europe ?

Perhapes, if you are the 1st to copy us ...

But who can have a Toillette in the Middle of the Living Room ??

To stop sticking the whole Belgium to Sydney,

I think we will have to move the Bridge in Sydney out to Tasmania.

Our 3x2 = 6 mainland States are private.

If States are equal, they have to get each a Monarchic Status...

The only way not to vote by Majority of States.

Tasmania will be the only State Great for Public Services.

Those who have Titles and Titles name from us who want to come come back to us have to come back through the Bridge by WORK ..

Meta-Prostite is not allowed. We don't need that stupidity, good for nothing !

Which broken budget ?

I don't understand anything !

It is impossible to handle everything online ....

Even though we are doing Technologies ...

And will come back as Technologies to Home Affairs for Work.

What means Shadow Home Affairs ?

Are you sticking to our Home Affairs or not ?

If you were sticking to Sydney shadowing Home Affairs then you will not be sanctioned but it is finishing ...

Not just Albanese, we have to move that Real Toilette out of our living room ...

Going Independant from sons of thefts and prostites Institutions is not easy !!!

Everything has a price. If we want well, we have to accept going through some tough times ...

I don't underestimate the difficulties but i think that it is possible.

By this time, it is not just about who to choose as spouse ..

I am not just replaying History !!!!

I have to solve a lot of problems that we have not finished solving yet ...

I don't need a spouse to do it.

I can surely do it without a spouse but not alone !!

If you just want to be some book pages or a Bill, you are neither stupid, nor dishonnest ..

Because that is not Better.

Well, i would say that it is not always banned for entry everywhere to everyone all the times

But at least people have to ask ...

The problem was i didn't understand what Jim asked.

I didn't think they would do it like that ..

So, you must be the last time they do it that way.

We now have to go out of the American Dollars.

Sincerely, they can pay me 20€ /day with or without you...

For what i am doing, it is too few, not too much !!

Broken heart, they didn't try to leave earth flying into the Sky, they are ready to lick any bottom to stay for the car and revenge !!!!

Their Girl got married with African and became nurse,

not got married with the King and became Queen !

Indeed, they are those who made numbers Accounting ...

That is the face of Trudeau's Nuke Dad.

I also saw the face of my friend "Moon" Nurse married to an African twice: one in VN and one in the US by video..

I think they started their History like that taking African before following us the Monarchy ...

I must have got African by Add,

Even not sure that Add has followed Saint Peterbourg to Côte d'Ivoire ...

We are just nearby ?

Hà Nôi got someone like Obama and stay in VN.

The Flag got someone in Australia and goes out ...

Bien sur, les fils de putes ne peuvent qu'avancer ...

Ils n'ont nulle part reculer pour être "Interdit d'entrer" !

Bien sûr, il y en a d'autres parts qui perdent leur légitimité parce qu'ils ont fait des erreurs mais moi, je suis persuadée que quand on fait juste, c'est la légitimité qui va rester !!

Sinon, le monde est foutu si ce n'est que la force des putes et des voleurs qui gagnent !!!

Je ne prétends pas que la Russie nous aide ...

Je veux savoir si la Russie y fait quelque chose ?

Si la Russie n'a absolument rien fait pour nous, il y a forcément quelqu'un d'autre ...

Mais alors pourquoi avoir accueilli Bachar El-Assad et prétend d'avoir un lien avec nous ???!

Juste rester là sans rien foutre et inspiré par notre excellence double héritage n'est pas suffisante ??

Moi, ce n'est pas Marine le Pen qui est toujours à côté de la Porte.

Je ne suis pas pour un peuple de voleurs et de putes moi !!

And what if i say Lea and Hawley will die following the Brave and the Flag to let us keep their 2 children ?

If they pretend to having come from us ...

Propositions that i've received from French and American people for experience of "Add" during many years about me and my children ...

I was shocked, i was shocked but i have to propose it to them to know what to feel ??

Je ne sais pas qui est Mayotte et pourquoi la Mayotte est comme ça .. mais si j'étais à la place de François Bayrou, je lui aurais demandé

"Et toi, pourquoi t'y vas pas toi-même ?!"

I am not "enough is enough" but they will get out ...

I was confused between you Netanyahu and Serguei of Russia but finally, they are nearly the same ...

Isreal is with Africans, not the King, Netanyahu will take Isreal in Australia out to him ...

I am not public Transport, they can not come in to squat a seat unoccupied, i told them.

It was by my friend "Moon" that i knew about Christmas but i am finishing it now.

Everyone is the 1st people somewhere ...

But Tasmanians did right first while Victorians still had a lot of problems.

Now my daughter has 3 States Queensland, News South Wales and Tasmania while my son only has 2 States Queensland and Victoria because New Zealand is another country ..;

I must get my Queensland Legitimacy Official before helping others ...

You must be manageable to me to stay there. I don't want to hurt people if they are not there to hurt me.

Facilitate things for each others is what we can do ...

No, people can not abort cut head in those States : Queensland, News South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania.

They can make other Politics parties in other States ...

Because of Universality, i am not for votes by number of States.

It was Celine and your Nuke who reported very young at the 1st mission ...

They came from there, that shit hole like you, Trump !

When they knew to draw the path for me, it was already too late.

I was already nearly 40 ...

I didn't come from that same shit hole !

I just pass by there and we are for leadership, Trump !

We have numbers and the Time counter..

As if their agendar didn't use numbers to count Time ?

But we let others use what we have without harashing them to take us ..;

We are proud to be us and proud to work.

We don't have to go into others Home to stick a shit, stealing their identity to live a fucking life !!!!!

It is Tulsi who seems to have the max counter, she didn't talk like you ...

She might be true American ... ?!

With your tiny 2000 years, you make me SHAMFUL for your kind, Trump !!!!

No, you will not remove others daughters and sons saying that they are fake news ...

It is too easy !!!!

We have history to know who have what as Time ...

Because Dogs Time doesn't mean for us !!

I didn't want that way but i knew the Brave before he was stolen to me.

In that fucking world continuously pulled and pushed everywhere, who can do well ?

But i believe that the Brave didn't want that way neither...

It is Elon Musk who must stop sticking to us like a shit !

I keep NASA Out not SpaceX !

Middle East countries have 2 boys as History.

Australians and Asians have 1 boy and 1 girl ...

Without NASA, Elon Musk knows he is just a scam...and i don't want to spend 1/2 a page to insult them every day in my NetCom News !

It is not worth to do.

Don't take us !!

But now i don't know who is Xi Jingping to go begging everywhere for his daughter like that ???! 🤧

You must have understood that James Blunt doesn't look like my son if i am not true to the Birth !

I don't know who he talked about Dad dying ..?

Pehapes, his Dad, perhapes the Birth, perhapes my half brother ...

It is not a surprise if it is the Birth ... He has already 104 years old !

But, it is not English people who went to Communism to steal ..

It is spanish who sleeps to steal ...

If Spain is taking the car with Xi Jingping,

just let Lea die and we will take the child back Home with us if it came from my son !

When i was good and kind, they remove goodness.

When i am hard, they are just focusing on fighting me while millions of persons are looking at me to know how to live their fucked life !!!!

Desasters are everywhere with stupid hard fucking car !!!!

Not someone who is just there to keep everything stuck !

In Russia, you can do nearly everything for you, for your people, for your country ..

But not following Global getting everything stuck for everyone !!!!

As we have returned to person by person,

My laptop is extremely charged today and i am not writing news without computer !!

Now, they are standing from Canberra to go sticking to Brisbane ....because they are afraid of Sydney and Canberra quakes, i suppose ?

So, we don't have choice else than doing it person by person even charged ???!

NO, Democrates are not the 1st people.

You will shut up about democrates or we will have to remove you something.

For this time, take it as a Warning !

Because when my daughter was trapped to play a game on board with Obama, she was already a teenager but not yet an adult.

Both Brisbane and Gold Coast are in Queensland and we don't want too much dogs shits sticking there ..;

Queensland stays restricted for those who are ligitimated.

Someone else will stay there in Melbourne, Krys or Pauline Hanson ...

Sports are competitions but not every competions are sport.

I wanted a Double National Holidays to keep both children and reunite 7 States as a country ...

But i am realizing that we might have more dogs shits sticking to us than Australian people ...

They don't all deserv it.

We will have to clean dogs shits before giving you those days ...

I will go out to say it in front of people who can stay until that double days.

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