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I told them that my Home is NOT Public Transport that others can come to squat a seat unoccupied !!!!

It is available for them. It is available for you, Pauline Hanson.

Wear what you want, but stay there in your house or appartment.

STOP play All or play the country. Be informed. You will not say that you don't know.

Somehow, Trump was not completely wrong with his "Breaking News .."

But people were getting crazy because they don't know which new to break ... ????

Those who do wrong ???? or those who walk the wrong walk ????

Or Trump has to break them All ????

I am the ONLY PERSON who said I have to do RIGHT !!

Don't stick to yellow like SHIT, Biden !

I didn't manisfest against Democrate in the US because if they don't have it, they don't have anything else than workers.

Democrate elected in the US doesn't remove anyone.

There isn't anyone who loses anything.

That is not the case of Australia. Who have a Monarchy for thousands of years.

Breaking this Monarchy, you can die a thousands of times !!!!

Stop putting your fucking nose in my country.

We will move NASA out. I don't need to know what happens there.

The Bill, the Bill ...

I suppose that they were talking about them ?

If there is someone True Yellow who wants to replace that Bank, it is the moment.

Why not to receive pensions from Home directly to Bank account instead of passing by the Employment Office ?

A way to make jobs and wages independant ...

I don't fucking care of fucking public trust !!

Because you were nearby Marc Zuckenberg ?

Marc Zuckenberg is the 5th dog !!!!!

My facebook account has been locked twice requesting for payment for META...

but finally released twice without payment.

I have always said that NetCom is free to read for everyone who want to search for truth ...

Hawley, if you have a daughter then Australians will refund you out a Senator.

So, you can be paid by the American Treasury $20 usd /day when you will be jobless to right Laws news .. not sure that people will read but, A Senator is worth a Senator, OK ?

It is unbelievable that you can turn black to white, truth to lie like that when everyone is watching it !!!!

It is your Jews who was Attacking My Home Affairs in MY Country !!!!

Our Brave is German, not Jews ...

In France, we are workers, not water, not tree ... ni,ni,ni,na,na,na

In Australia, my son from the Queen side will not take the Title Prince but he is not Jews Toilette Water !!!!

We are now making the Monarchic Status to stay with Operational Titles at Home and that's our full right.

Jews, Shut OUT !!!!

I can not watch more than 2-3 videos per day per person..

But Brief, if you want to follow Experience ...

Sharri can drink your Jews Toilette Water and take it out to you !!!!

I have always been with South Australian communities everywhere i go.

You Jews came there to steal New Zealander face !!!!

I am not so "short" and not so "conne" !!!!

13 12 24 400++ News

Le suffixe 400++ est le code d'Histoire Calendaire pour l'Australie

Comme les préfixes code de pays pour les numéros de téléphone, (+33) pour la France par exemple ...

Bon , je vais dire que le principe c'est que le code d'Histoire varie d'un pays à l'autre

mais il se peut que plusieurs pays ont le même code d'Histoire pour le Calendrier.

L'importance c'est que le gens se sentent bien chez eux..

Les Sciences Naturelles et Sciences Sociales (Physics, Maths, Histoire) sont la Maîtrise d'Ouvrage.

Les Technologies sont le Maître d'Oevre.

On peut développer des Technologies différentes pour convertir tout ça mais il faut que les pays se mettent d'accord sur le même principe, maintenant dans l'Espace...

Moi, je préfère rentrer chez moi pour travailler sur ce genre de choses que rester ici lutter avec les abrutis d'usurpateurs d'identité tous les jours ...ça c'est peine perdue !!

I told you that Australia is Monarchic, not Democratic !!

Harashed, harashed,harashed, harashed but I am not suiciding as a terrorist to let Democrates win !!!!

And i will not keep in this country a population of thefts people i have never met as first priority !!!!

Things that i have said a millions of times and you still can not put it in your headbone ???!

What do you think we are doing abroad ????

They don't want to make our Visas.

They are waiting for active thefts quake !!!!

It is serious, I am not bluffing.

Ça fait bien longtemps que je me suis levée !

Je ne suis pas Queen ici, mon fils n'est pas Prince, ma fille n'est pas Princesse...

On n'est même pas leur Royal, ni même Presidents et Ministres actifs !!

On ne bloque personne qui veut rentrer en France ...

De quoi a-t-on peur ?

Il faut qu'ils se posent la question avant de nous la poser ?!

La voiture est toujours stupide ....

Je ne cherche pas à faire juste pour répondre à ses stupides question tous les jours !!!!

Who said that James Paterson is Home Affairs ?

Someone said yesterday "Open now and breaking through" ...

He wants to be broken through his glasses ????

Who is James Paterson in fact ????

Why do people talk about him so much ????

James Paterson and Sharri go out to New Zealand or the Island Union.

I am not sure that Paterson can stay there or will have to leave again ...

But i will let New Zealanders or the IU people decide it for themselves...

For Albanese, i need to know, first and foremost, whether, yes or no, he let steal the dinausore in the Museum ?

We will stop talking about Albanese before i get that answer without ambiguity !

Some people said yesterday that i had to wait so long because i broke my marriage with my ex-husband ...

I told them that i don't need dogs Fidelity !!!!!

Having many spouses was the King ...

The Queen had only 1 spouse ?

So, having only 1 spouse is Only the Queen ? out of marriage with the King ???! 🤧

I AM HERITOR, Not Role Player !!

We need 2 persons to make a baby ...

I don't keep Dogs in my country to harash me with Dog Fidelity !!!!!

There isn't anyone who sold Australia out !!!!

English people came into communism where we were anti-communism to steal us to Add to the UK ...

And they already died for that.

The only thing we have to do now is to go Home.

It is time to change the way to deal with Economy.

Indeed, i was thinking that Jim Charlmers has to do something else...

Why not Delegated Home Affairs to make Visas ?!

And you would replace him as Treasurer to pay pension without human speculations with the US ...

I am not bureaucratic ..

But while you are Democratic with Thefts People First, my answer is NO !!

When it will come back to Australia,

It can be

  • 5 Blue and 1 White (Bridging Australia Papua)

  • OR 6 White (only Asutralia)

I am not actually in Papua. I am working in France and coming back White Center Australia.

Welcome Back to Nasa People !!

Indeed, i could have entitled my NetCom News for today : 12 12 2024 400++ News

And that is Australian Calendar !!

We can even change day and month starting our New Year the National Holiday ...

I want every months the same number of days.

Un petite idée sur les travaux qui nous attendent ...

Mais malheureusement, je dois laisser plus de commentaires à demain ..

Merci pour les compliments !

Et vous ? qui êtes vous ?

Pourquoi vous êtes là riche ?

Riche de qui ? de quoi ?

C'est dommage que vous n'avez rien faire pour aider jusqu'à maintenant ... !!!!

Parce que le chien n'a toujours pas fini de nous emmerder ?

Il faut qu'il rentre chez lui au pays-bas pour avancer !!!!

Sans histoire, OK, mais pas avancer comme un voleur non plus !!!!

Le Master avec eux, ce n'est pas la peine.

Rien qu'avec eux deux, j'ai perdu mes deux parents !!

Si quelqu'un veut rouler vite, c'est eux qu'il faut rentrer dedans ...

Ou alors, trouver les vrais coupables

C'étaient les Tops BNP et Société Générale !!

Sarkovsi, je n'était pas au courant de mon Histoire.

François Hollande n'était pas élu par moi et même quand je voulais m'abstenir, ce n'était pas possible !!!!

"Ecoutes petit, chez moi ce n'est pas le Transport Commun que tu peux venir squatter une chaise inoccupée !"

Macron ce n'est pas la Grâce.

Macron c'est l'Impunité !!!!

60 years ago is not me.

I am rather more than 400 centeries out of their calendar, your calendar if you are jews.

It is not you who tell me what to do in my Home to stick nearby !!!!

I didn't ask you anything !

I asked Jim Charlmers and Albanese for my pension payment.

Jim should have taken it directly my from the Australian Treasury with all those foreigners living in my Home paying Tax ...

20€ / day is too few !!

Biden was in the scam with Elon Musk Appart and Visas ...

Just tell me that Jim didn't have choice with Biden and you ???!

Stop playing now with Radio active.

Some persons called me by my middle-name,

until All with the same middle-name aborted and made believe that it was me ...

Those persons have always been there to create confusion when it is not precise and they removed precision !!!!

There are who just exist to get everything stuck around them.

I suppose that 400++ centuries before, we didn't have that unpunished solidarity around us when we were just among Australians ... ???

So, now, Hawley, you will follow the Brave to stop putting your nose into our country !!!!

If the yellow Prince at Troy was dead because he came from us,

the child out was not your people.

We don't have relation and i don't want to keep foreigners in my country.

If you have to callapse, please take Middle East people in Sydney and in Canberra with you !!!!

My Biological daughter and Jim Charlmers have to stay in Brisbane when Sydney and Canberra will be quaked !!!!

A way to finish without RadioActive in our country ... Thank You.

As if there is a strange force that retains me to force task, my mental Health is never down more than 1 day !!

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