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J"entends parler beaucoup de "à la hauteur" ces jours ci...

Comme ceux et celles qui parlent de la "tonalité originale" n'ont strictement rien compris, ni à l'histoire, ni au monde d'aujourd'hui !!!!

He bah, je ne m'attendais pas à ce que le Monde d'aujourd'hui ait autant de voleurs !!!!

Je pensais que l'honnêteté existe encore ...

Je pensais que la justesse et le fair-play sert encore à quelque chose ...

He bah, non !!!!

Ce n'est plus pareil il y a 4000 ans !!!!

Mais de toute façon, personne ne vit éternellement.

Un jour ou l'autre, il faut mourir mais pour moi, ça ne sert à rien de me renouveler dans un monde pareil ...

Il faut les laisser vivre entre eux.

Maintenant, ils sont solidaires pour nous battre mais quand on ne sera plus là, ils vont se battre entre eux !!!!

Peut-être que le peu de gens qui cogitent encore entre le bien et le mal vont quitter leur monde définitivement avec moi ... ??

Il faut être dépourvu d'âme pour vivre avec eux !!!!

That was how Trump got it ???!

It was not because i was out of control but because i wanted to do right, staying low in Europe ...

Jews thefts don't care about what is right, what is wrong .... !!!!

Russia likes following ...

They are not forced to steal !!!!

Syria is with you !!!!

Belgium is in EU,

not Switzerland  !

Switzerland is in schengen, not EU.

But sure, Schengen sounds more China ...

Named Flag is Chinese, not Aussie, Peter Dutton !!

You go back there NUKE yourself !!

I stay with NASA.

Actually, that's what we are having as One Nation Flags !!!!

By solidarity with us, they have abandonned theirs to stay in our country as All Australians !!!!

It has not changed back yet ....

Which program ?

Because Australians are too rich that you have so much money to throw away in every communities ?

No, Albanese, you (with them in Australia) are not worth so much if you (and them) are fucking everyone everywhere !!!!

As they were undoing All, i will stop celebrating Christmas this year.

Asia has started to create the Lunar Calendar.

I think that others too ...

As we already have jet lag everywhere for hours. So, why not for days and years ???

You will go back to China and Middle East to fight for anti-Semitism. We don't allow All kinds of thefts in our country !

Our Visa back is as soon as someone will be ready to do.

The next election will not be in June.

It will take place when i will be back in Australia ...

I will never loose our Australian Monarchic Leadership to stay in the Bottom of the Plan !!!!

Am i talking to donkey ?

Just a little bit of complexity, you have already abandonned doing right to put everything in All ...????

That is NOT WORK HARD, that is WORK STUPID !!!!

And that is NOT ME !!


All those fucking communities will go out of Australia as we have to get a lot of Australians working abroad back Home !!!!

Sincerely, i prefer to come back to work with Nasa People about Space than to talk to donkeys everyday !!!!

Those who want All will take a Meta-prostite for their children, not me !!!!

I can not grace All kinds of criminals coming in my country. GO OUT !!!!

I told you that was what i just bought recently for my children.

When i was young, i did it myself in OTHER Colors !

I don't know exactly where it came from ... ?

but even though it came from out side, it is not because it come in that i loose what i have in the country !!

Just tell me that you are too stupid to understand !

Please take Peter Dutton and other chinese in Australia out by the way.

We have to make place for Nasa people to come back Home.

Digital is not Global.

There are less tools than persons but more tools than countries, i suppose ?

I let people do what they are able to do and teach what they created ...

France can keep their IT Masters.

You couldn't drop a nuclear bomb where you were yesterday reading the log ????

It was Marine Le Pen who talked about "Immediate Execution" !!!!

Not me, for some things i have to prepare ...

So, whenever you are not able to execute immediately, you have to ASK FOR CONFIRMATION, after preparing and before doing it.

And i am now confirming that i will NOT go up anywhere on the Plan.

I go Home.

Both mom "Add" and the "Birth" didn't know anything of what i am doing today ...

It might be possible that countries continue to collaborate through their Bridge from Home but we have to finish All kinds of thefts !!!!

We sanction or grace person by person according to what how they did.

Not All as a principle.

All is NOT allowed in Australia.

Don't believe that when people have everything put into a Meta-Prostite All above everyone that people can do any job they want below without problems !!!!

They abort cut head everday in France at every levels !!!!

As i said Not All is something,

They are making me understand what is loosing everything without understanding anything of what i say !!

As fucking stupid can never change, they are undoing All to rebuild All.

Australia is just living the impact of Globalism Communism until we will be independant.

Be independant from that impact is the ONLY way to keep Australia out of All kinds of criminals.

People have to get what they need to get at their exact position, not everything in All !

By the time you, were saved, it was ScoMO the PM, not Albanese !

Josh Frydenberg, you know very well that it was neither ScoMo nor Albanese who has saved you ...???!

It is easier to love anyone, to love everyone when he can become millionnaire, billionnaire without anything to loose !!!!

Trump loves bandits of thefts people !!!!

C'était moi qui ai parlé du nucléaire à propos du Japon ...

Bluff ou pas Bluff,

Maintenant je dis qu'il faut faire en Russie là où se trouve Putin !!!!

S'ils n'ont pas fait au moment où c'est dit,

et que vous n'avez aucun moyen de revenir en arrière,

Il va falloir avancer pour faire ce qui est dit maintenant !

J'ai remarqué que ça c'est le problème récurrent de l'exécution en lisant les logs.

A un moment où on a dit certaine chose dans un certain contexte puis les choses ont bougé mais ils continuent à exécuter ce que tout le monde dit complètement hors contexte ...

L'enquête continue tous les jours. Tous les jours, on comprend un peu plus ...

Aujourd'hui n'est pas comme hier et demain ne sera pas comme aujourd'hui ...

Et ça c'est une faille à corriger si vous n'avez pas autres choses à faire qu'exécuter ce que disent les gens : Il faut sauter ce qui n'est plus d'actualités dans les logs !!!!

Comme ils ne font qu'exécuter ce que disent les gens, ils n'ont pas d'Intelligence proprement dit ou leur Intelligence est Artificielle ...

Si on leur dit simplement faire attention à AI ou ne pas faire AI,

On n'obtient jamais ce qu'on veut et ça a été le problème de beaucoup de gens...

Ce n'est pas parce qu'ils ne comprennent pas le "NE PAS" ou "DON'T", ils ne savent pas quoi faire sinon ???

J'ai mis beaucoup de temps à comprendre cela ...

No Korean Body ?

I don't have information about them ...

It must be someone else who said it ..

and that's another problem of Execution from anyone, from anywhere !!!!

Si vous ne comprenez que ce que vous voulez comprendre ...

Moi, ce n'est ni la division, ni l'immobilisme, ni Arc, ni vous !

Elle part la tête haute pour rentrer chez elle ? Pas chez moi ?

Lui aussi ne va pas tarder à quitter le Château ... ?

Nikos, vous n'êtes pas mieux. Vous êtes courageux !

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