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Enfin pourquoi La Banque Populaire mais il ne faut plus extraire les comptes-lieux !

Il faut les Visas pour les lieux ...

"Tomorrow" is not Agenda but a Number 5

I am telling them finally why that Popular Bank but to stop extracting place-account documents !

Indonesia is Simple Inheritance ..

So, why they don't stay in their Country, Simple Inheritance ?

In Australia they don't have Inheritance at All !

Gerard Rennick is someone who can never get his head out of Trudeau Net Zero hole 😱.. with numbers

But to understand correctly who he is ... with the 0 value !

About Work,

Why don't you go your Home to work from Home ?

Don't push me out here to work in France to stay in someone else Home !

It is my brother who must have gone to work in France instead of me ...

No, they push the whole country working out just to come to work in our Home ???!

And he knew it because when we sang the Vietnamese song "the Nation",

He said he had to go Home to go to work tomorrow !!!!

That is why we have to do it right !

If i pull a brother out, everyone pull a brother or a sister out and our country is full of thefts !!!!

As if it was not enough, we have to work out to be empathic with them !!

And now they can not afford the low salary we can ?!

And it is because i moved out that plenty of Australians had to move out with me ...

We don't need them anymore, we move back and remove them All !!!!

They are Shits, not Money, Trump !!!!

Moi, je ne suis pas Totale et pas Américain mais pour ceux qui sont venus de l'Australie c'est la même chose ...

Pour la Poste par exemple,

S'ils sont sortis parce que je suis sortie,

il faut que je rentre pour qu'ils rentrent !

Mais tout les employés Français ne rentrent pas chez moi !!!!

Les livraisons aujourd'hui sont diverses et les courriers postaux sont remplacés par les mails ..ça, c'est une bonne chose parce qu'on aura moins de gens à récupérer..;

Parce que nous on a 26-27 millions pas 65 millions d'habitants !!

Si vous voulez garder cependant les Agences Postales en France, je pense qu'on peut commencer à passer au système de Franchise ....

Which their silence ?

My daughter didn't lose a Red.

She lost a Black !

It is Kate Celine ... not William !

Macron stays Paris

Lea goes Home New Caledony with her child ...

and dad ?

It is nearer to see ...

Bridging Tourism with Spain 😏

Put your Starlinks into your body !

Say it for you and only your you !!!!

That is the child not yet born of Prince George if William is following the Flag ...

They don't do anything, just follow !

Brief, it is just to say whenever we fail History, we can find it in their mirror ...

Now, my Monarchic Status is banned to copy, they will start to search ...

Because George will not go to Engineer school !

If "Tomorrow" is like Theresa May, she didn't deliver 1 but 2 children, a boy to Papua and a girl to Australia ...

Both Countries don't have Black.

Black are Africans who came to Indonesia.

In Germany, It is George (Helicopter) who will take the Red Airbus gone to Germany, not Charlotte who is "Money Car" !

But i understand now why it is so difficult to see how my brother came from the Flag who must have only 1 child ..., OK ?

It was not just yesterday that this Government say it ..

It but it was just yesterday that i saw your video and see what you did ..

then understand why you won't have anyone to commit when you will move out to papua !

I told Putin and Xi Jingping that Australia doesn't adhere to BRICS but you went there to shoot the Moon anyway !

Papua is the country of Segolène Royal.

I might keep my brother in the Northern State but we can not keep you.

If Mike Pence will split for Space between the US and Australia,

You will split for Navy between Papua and Australia ?

But we can not keep Scott Morrison, too many scandals.

Please start replacing him now.

Defence Force is necessary for any country.

It is impossible to keep an eye on everything from abroad ..

Even when we don't talk about you, you continue to entertain.

That is industrial parallelism.

But copy is copy, not parallelism !!!!

Industrial is not doing the same thing everywhere !

Our Monarchic Status is banned to everyone.

That is nearby Djebril of the "star AC" thus Jean-Marc Thomas ?

If yes, Djebril will not come back in Australia ..

Sincerely, i am not someone who like to go fishing "humans".. Trap and Scam !

But that's it.

We answer their calls immediately or we answer years later,

if it is impossible to go, it is impossible to go !

It is not because i keep my brother that i have to keep Elon Musk for the car !

They are not just fucking the US now ..

It was for that Russia and China and VN have gone to our Islands Union as Global South !

But the IU is in the Continent Australia, and now Putin is against Global ???!

Sincerely, i think that Trump is not a cow, but a mouse !!!!!

We have to help Western Europe to keep them out of Fuc K ing F orce with Russia ???!

Cut yourself if you are doing D !

NUKE !!!!!

I think that Nuke was what came from China to our IU as South Global but it is finished !

At a moment i was still looking for my son something that he has never known,

Trudeau went phishing and broke hope ..

But one is ENOUGH, there isn't need to try twice !!!!

Now, i am stronger .. perhapes ENOUGH to break him ?!

But I didn't take any cent from all those dying women in Canada

and Trudeau couldn't scam. Only Elon Musk scammed ..

That is the real face of Russia and China ... go fishing trap, scam, steal, cheat ... !!!!

I am shameful to wear the nuke chinese name but i am more shameful to wear the Russian pd name ...

But i can not change it like that with the Vietnamese and French Administration ...

They have separated the Brave and me just for that !!!!

sticking like SHITS All together !!!! Dishonest and STUPID !!!!!

All works out to Europe ?

You were there Macron ?

Everyday i have to ask for confirmation with a list plenty of videos head cut, tail cut !!!

Because if we don't say no, they do it and we can not blaim...

That's why trust is so important !!

Because Gov Effeciency is not just to count hours to be paid

Or do undo and redo the same thing all the time !

In Australia, All is NOT allowed and every Visas even Business or Work Visas have to pass by my Home Affairs ... strictly conforming these bannings

We have to reduce progressively Labor in Government ..

and it is not because a Government seat is unoccupied that anyone can come to squat !

VN was saying that i am Trump as most of things said by them are stupidities !!!!

Trump is in hand with the 1st American as All, not us !!

If i am doing something that there isn't anyone else who has done before , it means

  • i am not following someone

  • i didn't grap it from anyone

  • and i didn't learn !

Americans are in the middle time ..

Australia is coming back to the 1st time creating additional Monarchic Status ..

I have to ban it because they can not follow us from anywhere anytime to anywhere anytime and Trump and Putin are not someones who can understand it !!!!

Trump told Americans to go a head ..

Trump is someone who thinks that every thing can be bought and can be sold ..

Trump is wanting to sell Prostites to Europe paying them ???!

And Macron still wants to be together in Hell ????

I just think that other parts of Europe need to figure out their White population ...

on their Flag, not anywhere ..!

Australia needs to figure out THEIR White NOT AnyONE !

We are not just Anti-Communism as a Politics Party...

We are Anti-Communism (Local Ownership) as a Country !!

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