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If you have studied Laws, you must have understood that when where there isn't restriction and banning, there isn't violation of restriction and banning !

You have put your nose too far and Laws have a lot of failures All kinds of thefts !

So, Now Australia will cut 4 All jobs Wages

  • General Home Affairs => wages goes to account "General Home Affairs seat unoccupied" until i will be back

  • James Paterson => replaced by Lydia Thorpe as Delegated Home Affairs to make our Visas

  • General Governor =>  wages goes to account "GG seat unoccupied"

  • Pauline Hanson All =>  wages goes to account "Delegated GG seat unoccupied"

I will tell to whom and when to re-open those jogs ..

The Dog told me that its 5th wife Theresa is All.

Theresa is Middle East.

They don't have inheritance is their problem.

We have inheritance so the n° 12 is not Australian.

Inheritance started by me, double from the King and the Queen of Australia.

As said in my yesterday news :

Christmas has never been a holiday paid anywhere even in countries who allow that religion.

We have to change our calebdar to give New Year holidays paid.

Where are you in Europe ?

We have to know where you are to know where you go ..;

But No, you will not follow me.

I have not done everything for others to conclude !!

We must stop that culture.

I will not go back to the US.

Now, i might understand what's the problem., why they insist so much ...

If you are near by Kate Middleton in Europe and they want to exchange you with William in Perth, it might be OK for me ...

We will exchange with Europe for the last time and it will be definitive.

Not the 4 children of your wife. Only the 1 that is yours if i understand well ... ?

Just know that the problem of Abortion came from Russia, EU

not Australian North, Center, South or IU.

"Add" was in IU but didn't abort.

We are not Eastern Europe !!

It was just because i gave to my daughter a first name of a polish collegue... that she was beaten until miscarriage

and eastern European won the competition in France with a piano lesson !!!!

Vas en enfer, Nikos !!!!

Mais ne rêvez pas me les coller !!!!

si chaque personne qui a chète un piano ou aprend à jouer une leçon peut y aller ..

Effectivement, il faut qu'on aille sur d'autres planetes !!

America wins Nuke ?

The GG laid off goes out there ..

France will keep Nick for the Master.

We will take my son's child out for High School ...

Now, Many countries have many things.

We don't need to have All !!

I need to talk to Albanese to know what to do with him ...

But i have saved more than enough to keep us safe !!!

They are just laid off to go out without being injured.

Il ne faut pas jouer au con avec moi,

NE JAMAIS me faire du chantage à moi !!!!

In that order, my conversation with Australia day ...

It means goodness, kindness is not possible to those people even though not everyone want to get us stuck here ?!

I told them that our country is not public transportation, they are not allowed to come to squat a seat unoccupied

100% guilty. They know it, they were banned and they continue to do it unpunishly !

Pushing continuously to hates !!!!

Those people are guilty !!!!

So what ?

James Paterson goes to jail to fixe Laws Legal Theft failure ?

or WildFire without Water ?

I am working in France. I am not holding up the French Home Affairs.

France doesn't have Home Affairs and i am not getting their country stuck from going Home ...

Simon goes Home when he wants with me and it is you who broke him !!!!

Those fucking people are very hard to manage anyway.

I think that Australia will have happier holidays without fucking people !!!!

Who are you talking about ?

Ramon ?

NewSom's wife ?

or the guy who is doing my brother in Australia ?

Who sent Ramon to our dance group ?

I did doubt that it was not without intention ...

I asked him but he didn't want to admit the truth knowing very well that it is not randomized and i am not in a normal situation here ...

Ramon dreamed to be a BiG Boss and have a lot of money ...

I just have to take my country back from All thefts !!

Venus can be "planned" for Australia.

I am not going to UrAnus !!!!

Elon Musk didn't have 1000 000000000 yet !

What if we delay him and send someone on Venus first ?!

Yesterday Marc Zuckerberg told me that i win a Tesla ..

I said no, i don't trust Tesla.

So, why not keep it for America ???!

Which telephone do you have ?

An iphone ?

And Trump is answering you that he is following you to apologize ??!

from the Flag and the Brave to you, There is something new in California ...

They are those who want to remove 1 child for the other to take everything as All

and that is not me !

One country at a time, not staying here, keeping there ...

Or we will keep our States remotely governed.

I am not letting my States to them stealing me, fucking everyone with All !!!!

Home Affairs are local and before the Titles and Money .. whatever it was called.

Our days were full without a word to name it !!!!

When we will come back to the Social Cast, it is only among our local Monarchic Status.

The Indian cast, the geography cast is finished.

We don't have problem with Google.

Just stay on the Bridge to continue to serve people needs ...

People can work on different levels and have wages according to their jobs ...

Those who want to stay or come to work in Australia have to swear

Middle East Culture are now restricted, banned in Australian Home Affairs.

Mrs Pelosi,

If ever you return in the American Congress,

You return as Speaker, not as Judge !

Even though that is a job requiring the faculty of judgement ...

And you work for the whole country, not just representing San Francisco.

I am not wishing but please take care of yourself and change doctors when needed.

It is not because borders are bad done then we have to remove borders !!!

What have to be removed are bad workers !!!!!

They don't come to create problems and steal our Home !!!!

We will talk about the Calendar and History another day because the news today is quite long

As Medecine, Physics too has a lot of problems

That's why we need specific Infrastructures to handle different things, not everything in 1 All !!!

I am not mocking YOUR God but i will expell those who worship God out of Australia.

As previously said,

Those who want to stay or come to work in Australia have to swear

Middle East Culture are now restricted, banned in Australian Home Affairs.

Je ne sais pas si vous vous inquietez pour nous ?

Ou vous vous voulez nous garder pour faire la concurrence avec les US et la Chine ..?

Mais je pense que Plus tôt vous nous lâchez moins vous perdez et plus tôt vous pourrez vous reconstruire !

La nécessité d'un changement devient évident, ne plus essayer de revenir à un impossible Statut quo !!!!

Le suspense n'est jamais bon pour l'investissement.

Oubliez le crétin de Victor Orban.

On ne voit même pas la Hongrie sur la carte !!!!

he bah dis donc, vous avez l'air d'être une femme qui ne cherche que des emmerdements pour vous et autour de vous ?!

Peut-être que vous n'avez pas encore perdu d'argent avec lui pour s'en rendre compte ?!

Vous aurez votre Home Affairs à vous tranquille mais tout ce qui est d'ordre Affairs Etrangers :

  • Exploitation de pétrole et fonds maritimes du Continent,

  • Sécurité Satellite,

  • Transport maritimes et aérospacial...

Il faut faire le Pont et obtenir l'unanimité !

Parce qu'Elon Musk il en a plein de tout ça et il veut surtout nous voler du pétrole pour aller sur Mars alors que nous avons besoin du pétrole pour notre quotidien et pour aller sur Venus... ça ce n'est même pas moi qui l'ai dit. C'est la NASA.

La NASA c'est nous. Ou vous rentrez avec nous ou vous restez là avec SpaceX mais vous n'allez pas rentrer pour être traite et foutre de la merde avec SpaceX autour de nous !!!!

Nous allons sortir du dollar, toujours le même symbol mais différents monnaies

You can finish Twitter and other Social Medias that Musk has if you want ...

China and Russia have already shooted his satellites ...

Just stop doing forest ?

No, Elon Musk doesn't have water. He is a crook !

It seems that his gril friend has become his personal nurse ...

It was because his girl friend had sworn to love him whatever happened ?


it is because his legs didn't have suitable colours ?

Not the pants anyway ?

There are millions billions of persons who wear plenty of colors,

cut them all ???!

We didn't do anything wrong here in France !!

Middle East Culture

Too much Demonstration and Advertisement for Love ....

or Harash for Fear ???!

Who want to follow those experiences ????

Đi ra Middle Easy mà chiến đấu !

Ai về VN thì về.

Tôi không thích bú đít cái bôn khốn Trump và Putin ấy.

Nói với Mr Đàm là thôi không đua xe Đài Hà Nội nữa.

Người thì phải danh chính ngôn thuận chứ ai mà cứ suốt ngày hát hò rồi lò mò trong quần xì người ta mà đấu tranh !!!!

Gavin NewSom has collected a lot of donations to rebuild Los Angeles after desaster ...

He surely wants to do it now.

We are not letting the US behind but you are Canadian.

You (Jérome) will not go out to somewhere that is not yours ...!

I said that i come back nearby ..

There are 26 millions of persons in Australia.

I am not worried not to find someone for me.

Just stop Internet dating and traffic jam for fucking choice good for nothing !!!!

I don't replay History thousands years ago.

Now, i do it myself. I don't need God or anyone to heal me !!!!

Middle East People Culture : Go out of Australia !!!!

Unoccupied is unoccupied !!

I will say to whom and when to open those seats.

We need to come back in Home Affairs until it will be alright.

My son and me have a lot of things to do before ...

Non Australians shut up !!!!

Sydney is finished. Go out to Middle East or

Give that shit up directly to Russia or Italy !!!!

what is his ex-wife in Australia ?

Even not an all me-ta prostite ???!

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