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Like that Lidia Thorpe does right and Pauline Hanson is doing wrong or walking the wrong walk ...

Lidia Thrope doesn't need to be in the Senate anymore. We aren't wrong Law country ...

and a lot of Senators will change career ...

Lidia Thorpe will join Paul Murray for our Politics HelpDesk to make elections and impeachments of Politics Executives.

We will keep some Black communities in the Northern State to keep the Piano KeyBoard ...

Like that we can reduce those who walk the wrong walk in small communities too ...

Sure, a lot of us used to dress multi-colors and it is not funny to have too strict clothes ...

Just white is impossible.

But Nation is Country.

One Nation is 1 Country, not 3 countries sticking together !

I have explained it a million of times now.

Those who still can not understand or stubborn to do wrong must be reduced or removed if they refuse to go out by themselves.

If Albanese is doing the 5th Dog, his wife is NOT Australian !!!!

Papua New Guinea and New Zealand are another country.

My brother will go Home Malaysia when VDH will come back ....

If you are Malaysian, you can go Home Malaysia and fight against racism where you have that right.

Our country is not a market for everyone to come in and ask for rights they don't have.

walking the wrong walk, walking the wrong walk, walking the wrong walk, walking the wrong walk,

Are you never enough of shouting everyday ???!

No, i don't want those people whatever their colors ...

A country is not a house or an appartment ...

We can not inherit to sell !!

I think that those who didn't know it can not be true Monarchic ....

They didn't build anything, they just win the cast lottery !!!!

For EU, it is even not a Geography-Cast

Depuis que nombreux d'entre eux jouent à me menacer pour voir si j'ai peur ...

Ils n'ont pas obtenu une réponse !

Parce que je n'ai pas de réponse à cette question. Je ne me la pose pas.

Pourquoi se poser la question si on ne peut pas faire autrement ?!

Séduction, Oppression, Harcèlement ...

Ceux et celles qui ne savent de quel trou de cul qu'ils sont sortis pensent toujours pouvoir faire de nous d'autres personnes, faire de nous eux ...

Mais en réalité, ce n'est pas possible.

Même quand on est de nature pacifique et qu'on ne veut pas être dans la lutte, on y est ..

C'est comme ça, c'est malgré nous !

Peut-être que si on n'existe plus, le monde va devenir autre chose mais on ne peut jamais devenir eux !!

S'il faut absolument que les putes, les voleurs, les toutes sortes de criminels gagnent ..

Il faut qu'on arrête mais on ne peut jamais être avec eux !!!!

Je ne fais pas d'illusion. Peut-être que je vais perdre mais ce sera la seule façon dont on va perdre et ce sera définitif parce que ça ne sert à rien de perdre la guerre maintenant pour continuer à lutter plus tard ailleurs ...

L'Australie c'est là d'où je viens !!

My daughter didn't wear dark Blue.

Oh 😰

But the dog doesn't want to go Home ... alone what for ?

It follows wife faithfully. 😏

Dogs never divorce !

And you Sharri ?

What do you have to be strong ?

Or you are still there listening behind the door to stick like dog shit to everything i say ???!

Are you telling me that you are the kind of Macron that insult can not hurt ????

Hurt or not, i don't want to keep you in my Home to insult everyday.

We can not let your other Hero face split out to us like Hawley !!!!

They have removed from Internet the photo that said she prostituted .....

But now everyone knows it !

I told you that i prefered Lina a thousand times more ...

She is still working in the Airport and you shouldn't stay there to make that place dirty before we come back ....

By the way, make Mrs Pelosi dirty at the same time !

You are a stupid shit that make everyone dirty !!!!

I said that votes and work are a right for women, not an obligation ...

I didn't say that Mrs Pelosi and me didn't work !!

You don't understand what is heritance ?

You are a stupid shit that can not come up to our ankle !!!!

I have shoes ..??

Mrs Pelosi might not be able to insult but i can because that's what you deserv !!!!

It was not without reason that French people voted Sharri out to France ... She is your kind !!!!!

Waiting on our way back to rob, listening behind the door to stick to anything positive from anyone, without any proof of History, without any reflexion of what is right, what is wrong, just like that you stick !!!!

You want competittion ? you will have it ...

but you don't have any testite to answer my question ???!

your husband neither ?!

Some days ago, someone in Australia talked about Adminstrator income ...

I didn't know that it was about you, Jim Bridenstine.

I said No there won't be any Admin income, we already have our Administration as i am creating the Monarchic Status ...

I said that the US keeps their MBA

but Business Administration is Administration of Tools Box..., not what i am doing !!

Well, i suppose that Nasa Administration are both Tools and Space Admin ??

If you have already been laid off from the Nasa Administration in the US, you can go out to us.

You will explain it to us but if they don't need you, they don't need you.

Europe already has Polo.

Welcome to Australia, Jim Bridenstine !

We can not update BIG red if my grand mother had taken Red before her sister Tu Cung came to BIG !!

But sure, if it is too complicated for Home Affairs to change Visas Policies, just keep Visas like that for the Department of Efficiency to be efficient !!

We will pass by there see what Hell people are living through BIG ALL stupid walking the wrong walk ???!

We will stay our local SKY if you have not understood yet ???!! 😱

It has been years now that I care about my health alone.

I don't have any daughter clear nor not clear to care for me !

When i've talked about change, they didn't want.

Now, Trump is following his own experience, they are blackmailing me to keep him ?!!!

They will All go out !!

We can not keep Trump and all th thefts of his kind to keep us in hell, in hell, in hell, in hell !!!!

You are from the Nation side ?

You will campaign to be the next PM ... just for that question.

We will replace Albanese for sure but while Sharri is still sticking there without having to do anything, someone else will conclude Jim Charlmers' effort without having to do anything.

You care about people housing, Albanese ?

You will go out to VN to care about people housing, Albanese !!!!

Try to solve the problem where it is extremely severe, not to create new housing problem in another country, everywhere you go... !!

Je ne fais pas semblant.

Je ne suis absoluement pas triste.

Au contraire, je serai très heureuse si je peux quitter la France maintenant !!

Je voulais juste que les Français(es) restent Fair Play jusqu'à mon départ pour garder une bonne relation pour après ...

mais il semble que Fair Play n'est pas une valeur Française.

Ils surtout elles sont trop mauvais joueurs pour être Fair Play. 😂🤣

Quand ça perdent, ça se dresse des poils dans tous les sens sachant très bien qu'il/elles ont eu tord !!!! 😱

Don't stick to us Belief and Somethings, Trump !!

People have always fucked our lives too much with YOUR Control !!!!

I have never been for culture of Sacrifices to get success ..

Go there Clear, Trump!!!!

Even when i opened my laptop and saw my daughter's accounts set with her password regsitered, i didn't log in to spy ...

Until Universities moved her out and cut off our relation by every ways.

Police didn't work. Universities didn't give information.

Telephone, mail, messenger got stuck ...!!!!

Believe me, Social Medias are not the most harmful when your child is not with you.

It is what they call "mouth-to-ear" that raise children against parents ...

When parents are silenced, and tracked for prostitutes and thefts to operate in the hidden dark !!!!

I have seen so many videos about that suject from Albanese and Gerad Rennick ..

Perhapes, that's what they need to know ???!

Tribunal is very bureaucratic !

Pousser le petit merdeux ailleurs, pas chez moi !

Macron seems to be there in EU.

I don't fucking care !

It is them who are going into the bottom of the US Brazil and are stealing our fight jets !

When i come in France, they are high, i am low,

Because they have always been there ... !!!!

Now, i go out back, don't stick to me out Monarchic !!!!

For multiple-origines people, ground is the only thing that everyone have ..

Those who have gone Commun Ground with Africa and/or Common All with Italy won't go Private properties anymore !!!!

Only workers and divorced spouses are welcome Home...

Votes and Work are a right for women, not an obligation.

Divorce is allowed even Monarchic ....

History updated :

For Monarchic Status holders, Monarchic Title is a right, not an obligation.

Those who just want to live a normal don't have any Monarchic duty.

The Monarchic Status is automatic whatever the name and job, unless it is revoked for a specific reason. Monarchic Status revoked = stop heritance.

The Monarchic Status created for Australia is not open to be copied by others yet.

Local people can get it with us but local Monarchic Status holders won't move anywhere anymore, revoked or not.

En dehors du téléphone de Krys, je ne ressemble pas à mimie Mathy ;)

Il lui manque quelque chose comme plus de 30 cm ... pour être moi.

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