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C'est qui Manuel Valls ?

C'est le père de Lea ?

Comme ça, il envoie sa femme baiser le Roi d'Espagne pour nous squatter un Titre,

puis envoyer sa fille sous ce Titre coucher avec mon fils pour nous voler nos propriétés afin d'obtenir un poste au Gouvernement Français ?

C'est ça, votre Histoire ????

Vous êtes en train de les insulter poliment ou vous êtes vraiment comme ça ?

ça c'est quand j'étais submergée par la gestion des c*nnasses comme Célines, plein partout en France...

Peu importe, vous allez rentrer travailler en Espagne.

Vous allez le/la garder jusqu'à ce que cela devient adulte pour décider si il/elle veut rentrer chez nous pour obtenir son Statut Monarchique ou rester en Espagne pour le voir révoquer ..

Notre Statut Monarchique n'est pas valable en dehors du pays et sans ça, ça ne vaut absolument rien !

A partir de maintenant, le Titre seul sans Statut ne vaut absolument rien en Australie.

Il ne faut surtout pas prendre des Français avec vous avant de rentrer !!!!

Autrement, même rentrer là-bas, ça ne peut être que révoqué !

C'est une fille ou un garçon ?

Est ce que je peux le/le voir avant de quitter la France ?

Prêt ?

Prêt comme "Rent" en Anglais, pas comme "Ready" ?

Je ne prête pas au "Car Leasing",

prêter le Capital et vous payer les intérêts aussi ???! Non !!!!

Pas de stratégie, pas de petits jeux de merde avec moi !

Indeed, if William comes back Russia as Obama for the US, it is Elon Musk who follows the Brave with his car ....

If Musk is doing everyones at the same time ...

If they earn money like that, they have to finish like that !!!!

They can not earn money having everyones and be injured just like someones ...

Musk was in Italy, not German.

Don't stick to TikTok, Trump !

Shut up and continue to suck your big hole !

It is not better than the long long key of Kate !

The Brave was killed or suicided ?

Do it right Obama,

Otherwise, you can not keep Authority ...

Somehow, at a moment, we have to take into consideration the Guilt, not just the car and revenge !

Another Sky News problem ?

That was why i have never wanted people to "be there for me" !!!!

You shut up and go down

I am not there, NO !!!!

Well re-establishment soon, Mrs Pelosi !

Don't let them stick to you !

It seems i understand more or less why Trump is still there ...

I think that sooner Trump stops struggling, fewer Trump loses ?

But Trump is stubborn and there are things that can not done quickly ?

Ce n'est pas moi qui suis pas en train de suicider.

Certains m'ont demandé de décider mais je ne suis pas en train de décider pour l'Europe ...

Je donne les CONDITIONS pour rester en relation avec nous !

Macron was with Merkel and has had his 2 terms.

Macron will not stick to Olaf scholz now to make them all leave with him ?!

Macron doesn't have Aircraft and Elon Musk can not go there ..

Otherwise, we can not cooperate.

Only German people can vote.

I am not going there as German.

We only keep cooperation whenever it is favorable.

It was 76% than change to 75% ?

I was telling you this

And my comments saying that we have been more than 4000 years Monarchy and Jesus has stolen us 2000 years ?

and the World Meta-Prostite has just been since some hundreds of years ...,

were not taken by Youtube, probably to silence some truth .. ????

Brief, my son goes out my side with me !!

And i am not for God or Jesus !!

I don't analyse others in order to manipulate them !!!!

They don't just try to access ...

They move up making those who start addicted to flatteries adepts executing instructions inconsciously !!!

Just like Cocaine .. that we ban in Australia.

Stay sane !

Tour Eiffel couchée par Terre

Ou tour Eiffel debout

Avec la France ..

Jouyeux Noel !!

Puisque les Français(e)s savent si bien GéRER les autres...

Vous allez vous démerdez à vous gérer, mon Statut Monarchique n'est plus à copier !!

All those Cat, Catherine... are Great Russians.

You stay in Germany, William.

We will take the NASA ADMINISTRATION back with us.

Our Monarchic Status is not to copy !!

Suggestion ?

OK, Kate out to Russia

Added from 1 to 5 to UK

6, 7,10 out to Australia

Don't stick nearby in color, in letters or in numbers !!!!

Stay yourself where you are !

Sure, if Elizabeth II came from Russia, her BIG family will return in Russia.

They have a very BIG land and they don't need more !

I already have a lot of Russians in my Home and can not take more of them.

You are nearer to Diana (Camille) than to me,

Take your son with his African wife out where you are ...

and keep the Birth All low in England, not in France.

The Title Queen was mine and sure the King (in my History, not Charles III) couldn't choose both Boy and Daughter without her children ...

It is my right to choose it. Others just shut up !!!!!

People told me that i watch ..

I am still watching !!

Go Home soon ?? Good News for a Happy New Year !!

We can not share with you.

Those who have our Monarchic Status can not stay out or only revoked.

I have abandonned the Dance group who voted for you, for All.

Independant is Independant.

Just fire us out now.

Those who just have the Yellow Title with someone else can not come back Australia Mainland.

There isn't anything that says that Meghan is Royal ...

She might get a Title with the UK but she is French Mexican ??

France doesn't have anything Black ???!

Blue is with Mexican !!!!

For all those proofs, what do you still want to make believe ?

And why do you want so much hurting us ?? what did we do wrong to you ??

We even didn't want to steal Harry !

They are saying that Meghan is not a Princess ..

Indeed, she is not a child of the King and the Queen.

But that way of sticking very near to make dirty is ... very Russian !!!!

like BRICS and Bridge for example ...

and all the arms Putin talked about !!!!

They don't just want to hurt Harry?

They want to hurt us with the geo cast !!!!

With who do you pretend to be the mirror ?

I saw a video yesterday you said you did it ... and i asked you did what ?

and i can not find that video again today.

So, you will fix it, that problem with them, Kalama Harris, not me.

META-All Communism has just begun since some hundreds of years ...

And it has been 1000 years i've been nuked with German American Individuals without Geo-Cast !! we are anti-Communism !!

For All those things said, we will not keep relation with France and the UK,

But rather Germany for Europe ...(NASA Admin)

It means that Air France will work with Lufthansa and Lufthansa will work with Qantas.

Air France will not work directly with Qantas !!

That's All, very simple.

I don't have anything to do with Sweden and Norway.

It is not bad but it is too few to keep cooperation.

I suppose that in the Eiffel family, there are others nearer to it than me ?

I will not stick nearby them !

We keep relation directly with Germany, not through a German tour in France. Aircrafts can not land there !

Don't do what we don't ask !

Sure, if we take you, we will have Gold Coast like California with Gavin NewSon and his wife ...

That is bad for my daughter !

And when the young Singer of the Voice will come back,

That will be bad for my son and Brad ...

He said he will come back late as Many.

Just tell him that the Monarchic Status i created is not Open to be followed !!

Brisbane and Gold Coast is like VN and Cambodia ...

Now, i don't much want to trigger the part of History that i don't understand well ...

and while Trump is still there waiting for any occasion to hurt with experience

The choice of the King : a boy and a girl i take !

Shiloh will be safe if my daughter is still alive ...

Just tell me that VN has killed Red Kmer for Cambodia

And just tell Trump that "We can not remove all the progress we've made ...everything we've have built !!"

If Trump wants it great again, Trump can remove all his business and money

But i don't remove my children to remove 4000++ years of History !!

For instance, it is Obama and Gavin Newsom who seems to be the mirror with my children...

But it is still Trudeau who gave the most right answers ...

I think that trudeau must have a lot of things ?!

Trump is just a long term stupid that hurts everyone everywhere !!!!!

It was not Trudeau himself who had conflicts with me.

It is all the French communities among others who raised the conflicts ..

And Celine is everywhere !!!!

Even when i said "Be careful!" you did it !

So, It was not because i wanted to make fear but you wanted to silence us !

I need free speech because there are too many things we don't know and Trump is always there waiting for any occasion to hurt with experience !!!!

I confirm that i am not asking anything to Putin and he must stop sticking like a shit to everything i say to do what i don't ask !

Thank you for your wishes.

You are much more comfortable to have than Trump.

I would prefer my son to be a real younger brother than an elder brother role player ...but 2 years more is not a lot.

People will not vote neither by Majority of States nor by Age

For instance, we keep the PM among other positions for everyone to start at anytime.

Cut off a complicated History is not a solution.

For me, many things can happen at the same time in different places ..

Just know that it is not us who listen behind the door, to start silently then pretend we are the 1st ...

China might keep relation with New Zealand or Russia ?

But Australia will keep relation with Germany.

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