If you want to work hard, you can take harder tasks... but don't work hard to make everything stuck !!!!
I work RIGHT !!
When i work for employers, i can not do what i am doing now,
I can not say everything i need to say.
That's why i had to resign to do it for me, for us.
There isn't anything wrong about economy, if not 20€ / day is too few because people can not measure the value of what i am doing, having been set to other standards too long time .... a world of roles players and identies thefts !!!!
Why ? Because Albo let steal the dinausore in Museum ?
Albo is dying or Albo is being "aborted" ????
Procedure set for Paul Murray ?
But Paul Purray is following everyone at the same time, not just Albanese !
Now, Jim Charlmers is getting stuck with 20€ unchangeable / day and Paul Murray is getting stuck with Trump ....
Those mistakes are not worth death. I grâce them.
They continue to do Treasurer and Politics Helpdesk ... and they have to find how to get out of that Hell ???!
Never make any mistake is impossible ... unless you don't do anything !!!!
But follow up double down seems to be the most stupid thing to do .. ??!!
After my yesterday news, Jim talked about economy.
Putin said Dollar is finished.
Indeed, we will have our own Money : 1 Symbol many currencies for our Continent.
But what i wanted to say by "Cash Grap, not Shits Grap" is :
If we had started to do somethings together before being divided into countries than both can keep something for self ...
Commonwealth is the opposite.
They didn't start to do things with us. They grap what others did without having participated and that is theft of All kinds !!!!
We can not allow it. We can not accept it.
France is still sticking to my son as Hawley wrote to us ....
Jim will try to solve that problem.
I am making some aditional revenus to his 20€, while waiting to come back to a normal situation ...
But now we have to Stop Grap !
We can not exchange what is not comparable.
Both my son and my daughter have the Australian Monarchic Status.
Australian Monarchic Status means NEVER get out of Australia !!
Get out of Australia = Monarchic Status revoked = Stop Heritance !
Europeans have to learn to live their life without fucking All around,
Learning to manage themselves ...
J'ai regardé le discours de Macron hier à la Télé.
Sincèrement, pour une fois, ça va.
Il n'a pas l'air de persister à nous bloquer ici.
Vous reprenez votre vie comme avant qu'on vienne ...
J'ai dit que j'arrête de voter partout en France et j'ai tenu ma parole même si l'élimination de Julie à la Star Ac m'a un petit peu serré le coeur ...
Mais bon, c'est comme ça, c'est la Vie.
Personnellement, je n'ai plus rien à reprocher à Macron et ce que les Français lui demande ne me concerne plus.
Par contre, Jordan, vous n'allez pas nous coller au cul avec le Master Politique !!
La France va garder son PONT avec ses Masters qu'elle a fait, y compris les réformes faites pendant mon passage ...
Mais pas copier l'Australie.
La copie n'est pas autorisée, dans le cadre de l'école,
aux étudiants encore moins aux profs,
si vous avez déjà passé par là ...
Et pour la journaliste de France 2, je n'ai pas regardé l'interview Rachida Dati mais si vous pensez à garder un morceau de nous ici, c'est refusé !
Sinon, Tout vous regarde et ne nous concerne pas.
J'espère que ce sera la dernière fois que je dois répéter aux têtes à claques lourdement cette chose.
Apprenez à gérer vous-mêmes.
Sincerely, it was not me who chose Venus.
When i said that we started new and already caught by south Africa ...is regrettable !
Someone there told me in facebook that we will take Venus :)

Looking at that bitmap, i would say Venus Or Jupiter ??
After that, it might not be worth to try ...

Looking at those measures, Venus is nearer to Earth ...
if It is not too hot ??!
We have to wait to know more ...
But i am very interested in that subject 😏