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OK, Paul Murray

Sure, those who have multi-origines have many places to stay...

If they don't have anything else than land, they can stay anywhere without anything !!!!

=> They can not come after and break our Politics !!

And that's why my brother has to go out to "repair cars" somewhere else !

And that's why i can not stay in another country having lived the History of Australia ...

I don't want to exchange thousands years Monarchy with just an immigrant job !!!!

That is what those hard thinking strategic communist commonwealth can not understand ????

=> They All don't have Historic Government !!!!

Maths is something we take part to contribute ...

Every contributors can use free from their Home.

NetWork is like Solar Panels ...

We will have each own Network from Home now instead of one Global Net ...

and that are other things ????? we have that will determine where we stay ...;

I told Trump not to stick to me Net because Trump mustn't stick everywhere like shits to conclude everything !!!!

But someone who is doing NetWork in Australia will go out for me to go Home, OK ?!

That person might not have the same thing in America like i have in Australia, such like Solar Panels ..., OK ?!

We have always been anti-communist and our priority are those who WORK abroad not BIG immigrants ...

NASA is a Box, not immigrants,

If people have kept traces from where they came, they are the priority to go Home with me, not those who have gone in ALL commonwealth !!!!

Except for this NetCom News, things that i was paid to do in France are left to employers.

NASA will let what they did for America to America.

They can do it again for Australia if we take Venus but we have to restart by our own investment

=> NASA people keep their skills as a CV and that is WORK !!

Now, Paul Murray, if it is obvious you are a also genius 🤗, you will think about

What those who did Banks for Australia will let to us ...??????

Just don't tell me that these informations are not worth anything ...

About Visas, just make 1 same Sponsored Visa for my son and me,

I will be incharge for Australian working abroad myself when i will be back ...

Thank You !

Au niveau look, visage , Charles est très loin de nous comme Héléna ...

Effectivement, c'est Axel et Julie qui ressemblent plus à mes enfants ...

Vous voulez tester les conditions de "combats" ????

C'est ça leur meilleure "Arme de combat" !!!!

A chaque fois qu'il y retourne, le Château de la Star Ac est comme en feu !!!!

Sincèrement, les jeunes débutants, ils ont quoi ? soient la voix, soient le look ..

C'est surtout les coach et les profs qui leur montrent le reste ...

En matière de spectateurs, je ne suis pas Novice 😂😏

Motivée pour quoi ? pour qui ?

Je ne dois pas encore me motiver pour séduire les vieux fils de putes qui dansent avec une canne en France ???!

Cérémonie du 9 Mai ?

Comme si on n'a pas encore assez de crottes de chiens chez nous qu'il fallait encore plus de 9 Mai ???!

Arrêtez-moi les "datings" en ligne, SVP !!!!

Tant que je ne joue pas, ils bouclent !

Tant que je suis trop correcte pour faire juste, ils peuvent jouer autant qu'ils veulent et personne ne se plaint ...

Maintenant ils sont bouclés, qu'ils se démerdent pour se déboucler !!!!

Je ne vis pas en France avec le confort, le luxe d'une Reine, d'une Princesse, il faut encore que je sois impeccable dressing, manière, paroles pour les vieux moches et cons ????

Est-ce qu'on peut demander aux chiens d'être responsables et ne pas chier dans les rues ???!

"Casses-toi, Pauvre Con!"

Mike Pence is concerned by Australia ?

Just go out to us !

What he will do in Australia doesn't concern you !

The whole NASA can go out too ...

and there will be as many who come back in the US !!!!

The future of America mustn't be Trump sticking to me NETwork like a SHIT !

Aren't you ashame, men ???!

Ashame to become rich just sticking like shits !!!!

Je viens de regarder le playback hier soir ...

C'était son prénom Julie qui m'avait perturbé et ce n'est que depuis son élimination que j'ai des infos ...

C'est Léni le n°5, donc le n°12 !

Julie, elle, n'est pas le n°12.

Elle est le n°10, une pomme de terre Suisse ...

peut-être à la frontière avec l'Allemagne, là où il y a les montagnes et les chutes d'eaux ?

mais voilà, là où il y a Trump, il y a toujours beaucoup de malheur qui nous enveloppe .... !!!

C'était violent pourtant j'avais dit qu'ils sont encore jeunes ...

Comme si je voyais ma fille qui parte pour la 2e fois fois ... même si ce visage là ne ressemble qu'à ses 13-14 ans ...

Il faut peut-être changer de prénom et le karma va tourner un autre jour ... ?!

Revenir en Suisse participer à la Star Ac Suisse ou l'EuroVision quand c'est la Suisse qui organise ?

Parce que en France c'est trop de la M..E..R..D..E !!!!

Ou c'est vous Nikos ou c'est le directeur si votre émission maintenant s'échappe de votre pouvoir ...

Mais ne laisse pas les rêves de merde aller jusqu'au bout du monde, SVP !!!!

Parce que ça c'est peut-être un rêve pour elles mais c'est un cauchemar pour les téléspectateurs ....

Vous avez raison de les rappeler qu'elles ne sont qu'en France !!!!

Non, je ne prends pas Tout !!!!

Pas de meta-prostite !!!!

Pas de Trump !!!!

Take another date 4, 14, or 24 ...!!!!

Don't stick to the number 6 like a SHIT even in December, please !!

C'est exactement ça. Si les britanniques ont volé la squelette de notre dinausore sous prétexte de colonisation, on aura besoin de votre aide pour les faire recracher !!!!

Parce que bouffer les os de dinausore, C'est inavalable !!!!

Sure, we need something OFFICIAL, Paul Murray for people to vote.

So, your web site with

If you work with me to the same direction, just take informations from NetCom News for free ...

If you want to follow elections alone, prepare to be replaced the next end of year, simple ;)

People don't just turning around Albo small size of "bite" :)

With whom, Sharri ? Simon ?, Albanese and his wife are going out ...

But that is not me, i am not married anymore to walk dog out

I am not going to the US to be walked out by dog !!!!

As if it was not enough of Albanese in Australia, i still have to see Albanese in the US ???!

Vietnamese Administration, they took our Title and gave us their name,

We will never know where ?? if we don't have History ...

and since so many others want to follow them exchanging with us by All kinds of cheats !!!!

But Albanese doesn't have the Bill name ?

Those who just stick to anyone anything positive without any proof, any reason are free lectrons ! They don't have anything.

Albanes is an individual Jap Bill out of this governmental credit card ?

Lock his Credit Card !

This NetCom News is free for everyone even without coins, bills, credit card to prevent from mouth-to-ears desasters !!

I will not ask "what Albanese has to hide ?", i don't care !

Talk about cost of living ... ?

I have been getting stuck charged double here because of those free electrons games ...

Normally, charges are water, electricity, gaz, fuel, garbage collect ...

But in France, the charges are a % of the type of the appartment, not what we consume !

They have doubled my charges when my children left my appart to live by themselves ...!!

It seems Albanese just buy a house of 3.4 million to prepare to follow me out ?

This government must earn a lot from his charges ... to feel less worse !!

Sure, after $5000 scammed by Elon Musk, i didn't lose money anymore looking for a job !

But i still lose a lot of time before they realized that they can not follow him !!!!

If i just refuse to start, they say that i don't have confidence ... ni ni ni na na na

I have to come until the breaking point to show what is the problem ...

They pay to fixe it, not me !!!!

This Netcom News is paid by Australia, and free for everyone to know it, hopefully that my $5000 lost will help others avoiding it !!

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