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The formulas to build power and to keep power is very simple ...

The question not How but Why ?!

If you can never get something for you, why do you want power ...?

God is very pathetic !

Just punish, punish, punish, punish ....

Power is something that you can easily taste but difficutly able to spit out or to swallow !!!!

When i took care of the birds that come to lay eggs and raise their children on the edge of my window, someone was saying on the French TV that "some persons never change...."

Perhapes, they were waiting for me to change worse ... to be them ???!

while hard thinking strategic are obcessed to become genius ...

I can change some things, not everything.

I can change myself, not exchange with them !!!!

Are you becoming the new Heros, men, who have "died" to keep our Nation saved from "dogs shits" attacks ??


It will wait long time for Albanese grandgrand son ...

Who among you want to be elected the next PM ?

Who wants to take us out of the Hell we are living here ?

That is a dog medias question ?

I suppose that they were talking about Zuck wife ????

And that has made Putin reconcile with Europe ..

Strange ! after my yesterdaynews, there wasn't anyone who wish to see me die in Europe ???!

Some of them even want to see me back in Australia multi-colors ...;

But now the shit is sticking to white dog with Albanese son in Canberra ?!

That was why i said that Trump must be removed by someone else before Mike Pence can campaign or not by himself ...

Albanese grandgrandson, lol;

Dog shit will wait long time !!!!

Sincerely, If you want to campaign and be elected the next PM from the Nation side, you have to swear that you will stay with a local wife ....

because "Dog Shit Sticking to Politics" has now become a National Crime that is worth Impeachment immediate !!!!

That is unacceptable that dog shit sticks to everywhere to conclude in our Home !!

And if Albanese has let them take the dinausore in Brisbane museum out to Europe, it is worth the Death Sentence !

I only make elections for others and never for me ?!

Ok, it is not a problem but sons of prostites and thefts can never blackmailing me !!!!!

It is not me who was afraid of dogs, but i find dogs shits disgusting !!!!

That was not what i said but that is the problem of accountability whatever of brainless dogs shits, not mine !!

I didn't steal Antiquity in VN and believe me VN Laws about Antiquity theft are very barbarous !

Just some main made antiquities, they had already broke the vertebral column of the theft !!!!

No, i think that stealing the dinausore in the Museum is worth the Death Sentence, both dealers the buyer and the seller !!

There are some persons who raise questions about Lidia Thorpe ...

Indeed, some photos look a little bit alike on Medias ..

And even if they look alike in real, they are 2 different persons and might not inherite the same things ...

That is the Italian Original look ...

You still have the North Australian Original look ?

Sometimes, 2 persons who are not really beautiful merged together become someone very beautiful but beautiful to lose everything else is very regrettable ..

Be aware with whom you merge or stay primitif ..

We don't play roles. We investigate and tell the truth for people to avoid traps !!

Each time i say a negative truth, my computer is charged and i put double time to write the news but it has never stop me telling truth ...

My days are extensible for fucking players ;)

House worker, house holder mom, working mom... Are not the same things !

A hired baby-sitter doesn't sign children Home work for schools...

A hired house worker doesn't pay housing Tax !

A lot of women who didn't work told me that their days were full !

Women who work are like having 8 hours less to do house stuffs ...

but their husband participate more in house work and children care.

It is not a problem if you don't work if you just work to get everything stuck and make others' life worse and harder !!!!

Those failures must be reduced or removed !!!!

Hé bah voilà, si elle est démocratique!

Il ne faut pas essayer de gagner la France en faisant la loterie geo-cast avec nous !

Parce que, nous, on n'est pas démocratique !

Like that Lidia Thorpe does right and Pauline Hanson is doing wrong or walking the wrong walk ...

Lidia Thrope doesn't need to be in the Senate anymore. We aren't wrong Law country ...

and a lot of Senators will change career ...

Lidia Thorpe will join Paul Murray for our Politics HelpDesk to make elections and impeachments of Politics Executives.

We will keep some Black communities in the Northern State to keep the Piano KeyBoard ...

Like that we can reduce those who walk the wrong walk in small communities too ...

Sure, a lot of us used to dress multi-colors and it is not funny to have too strict clothes ...

Just white is impossible.

But Nation is Country.

One Nation is 1 Country, not 3 countries sticking together !

I have explained it a million of times now.

Those who still can not understand or stubborn to do wrong must be reduced or removed if they refuse to go out by themselves.

If Albanese is doing the 5th Dog, his wife is NOT Australian !!!!

Papua New Guinea and New Zealand are another country.

My brother will go Home Malaysia when VDH will come back ....

If you are Malaysian, you can go Home Malaysia and fight against racism where you have that right.

Our country is not a market for everyone to come in and ask for rights they don't have.

walking the wrong walk, walking the wrong walk, walking the wrong walk, walking the wrong walk,

Are you never enough of shouting everyday ???!

No, i don't want those people whatever their colors ...

A country is not a house or an appartment ...

We can not inherit to sell !!

I think that those who didn't know it can not be true Monarchic ....

They didn't build anything, they just win the cast lottery !!!!

For EU, it is even not a Geography-Cast

Depuis que nombreux d'entre eux jouent à me menacer pour voir si j'ai peur ...

Ils n'ont pas obtenu une réponse !

Parce que je n'ai pas de réponse à cette question. Je ne me la pose pas.

Pourquoi se poser la question si on ne peut pas faire autrement ?!

Séduction, Oppression, Harcèlement ...

Ceux et celles qui ne savent de quel trou de cul qu'ils sont sortis pensent toujours pouvoir faire de nous d'autres personnes, faire de nous eux ...

Mais en réalité, ce n'est pas possible.

Même quand on est de nature pacifique et qu'on ne veut pas être dans la lutte, on y est ..

C'est comme ça, c'est malgré nous !

Peut-être que si on n'existe plus, le monde va devenir autre chose mais on ne peut jamais devenir eux !!

S'il faut absolument que les putes, les voleurs, les toutes sortes de criminels gagnent ..

Il faut qu'on arrête mais on ne peut jamais être avec eux !!!!

Je ne fais pas d'illusion. Peut-être que je vais perdre mais ce sera la seule façon dont on va perdre et ce sera définitif parce que ça ne sert à rien de perdre la guerre maintenant pour continuer à lutter plus tard ailleurs ...

L'Australie c'est là d'où je viens !!

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