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Sorry for the obsolete OverAll photo.

You don't have to take any number down.

We use the numbers like we use the calendar as so many people there are wanting to stop Middle East people immigration ...

These are up to date for the past year, Now, and the next year.

Visas 610, 606 607.

Different is different.

Different is not the same.

I don't wear any hat.

I do it for me at Home.

Their marriage mustn't condition mine !

I must have the right to choose for me...

Walking the theft walk has always been You, Gavin Newsom!

And if it is for that I am fake, it is not wrong !

Even though, Trump should understand what he usually do to others...

as they used to do in the US .. The country the most armed, that is not my idea.

I told you i can support Republican workers, not Democrate thefts.

You asked me to join your web meeting for Republicans then your Team switch to Democrates once i logged in the conference and i immediately rectified it.

That is not Trust !

And if Trudeau and You are frustrated because curious people don't have anything to discover anymore as they said...

Please just know that it was not my idea to do it like that but i don't care !

I don't care about the size of the crowd like Obama used to say about you.

Thailand or Cambodia ?

Exploit human as ressources ?

There are who said that the girl in the "Thorn Bird" is All ...

Well, i think that is rather Add than All because Trudeau's father didn't know All to have a heart attack !

And it is not Trudeau himself who had heart attack !

The equivalent of New Zealand ?

Bảo Đại is Big by name ?

My name is Đài. It means many things but not Big, not so Big 🤣

I am not Public Transportation AirLines.

It is William nearby the Brave, i think ...

Indeed, it mustn't be a problem for me to let them come back in Perth as a State but Prince Andrew is the Dragon ...

If i allow the Dragon, i have to allow All and All as One Nation removing our local Monarchy for thousands of years is not acceptable !

So, they come back in Papua like All Papuans.

Les Russes doivent rentrer en Russie pour faire le Home Affairs !

Pas squatter l'Australie pour le faire !

Clare Oneil ne doit pas nous bloquer dans nos reformes.

We are not simply social media!

No, it is not a jike.

If Albanese fails his mission as PM, people will forget the power of Bill quite soon !

What do you have as sex organ, Pauline Hanson ?

a male sex ? a female sex ? a unisex ? or any ?

men and women have different sex.

That is fact, reality and truth if you want to debate....

So, different is different or different is not the same

2 weighs, 2 measures. Identity is unique.

You are talking like the cashier and house worker, mother of Nuke

that everyone thinks self is right ...!!!! That is not science.

but Laws must be logical to be accepted by everyone or at least the majority to avoid Hell for everyone !

Dressing like that, you must come back in a black country to do Laws or to do All.

Australia is a white country.

Tasmania is Yellow as a State of Australia, not Papua.

Papua is another country !

We get married local. I don't take the Indian cast !

I don't insist when it is wrong.

Perhapes, you don't know what is wrong because you don't know what is right ???!

Between yes and no, there is undefined ...

Before you will be investigated to move to uniform,

that is the least you should show to be politically correct as Senators the Australian Government (the country, not the continent)

Bill is Money.

Money is not Ressources and not Richess, explained a millions of time now ...

They make money to be rich then when they begin to have problem, they call us out !

If it is not yet the case of Australia. Don't wait until it.

Standards can change because we have to fixe some issues from the past errors and that is why we have to study and teach future generations ...

There are who can make abstraction of the prouhaha plenty of negativities in the societies and there are who can not !

Not to participate to debate is a right for everyone but anyone can silence you if you are willing to say a truth, believe me.

And one of the subject of our reform is to give to people, not what to gossip, but where to complaint easily when they have problems.

I am not inspired to be an activist woman like all those women activists i have seen, fighting all day long with men while we have to live together in the society !

So, i am willing to do something that make them feel comfortable to live with us ...

But i have never said that Home Affairs are only Affairs for women !

I said that men can participate....

It is the place for the Longest Local Governmental inheritors, not Liberal, not Labor !

People can move from Home Affairs to Business if they have SKILLS (Points Base)

People can move from Business to Home Affairs if they have the Longest Local Government Time ...

at least simple Inheritance from the Australian side.

Double Inheritance is prior to Simple Inheritance.

Even when people are jobless and skillless, they can stay Home,

It is their RIGHT !

We are a whole and ENTIRE country, Tasmania included.

Just tell me that we have lost the Left (Perth) because of them !

Since people talk to me about Cambodia, i didn't know what ????

It is only now that i understand why !

Should Australia join the UK to exclude Pauline Hanson out of our Country ?

Leftist people say gatherings make Force !

I am too, ENOUGH of that FUCKING ALL !

I am not coming back to China.

That's why i make the Sponsored Visas in Australia subclass 6xx

And not 1xx updated Breaking News as someone suggested yesterday.

I bought Chinese clothes sold out because it is cheap and good quality.

For those who confuse everything because they don't understand anything,

I am customer, not a child !

Whether Africa is a House or a Street,

The room number 6 or the house number 6 doesn't allow foreigners in our Home Affairs.

China should dry barnacles if they don't want only me as customer.

I buy it and everyone can stick to make speech ? Stop track !

get Globalist out of Australia !

Bien sûr, votre liberté BIG doit respecter la liberté des autres !

Ce sont eux les Top Barlanes (Barnacles) à sécher !

Pas les nageurs apprentis ou pas apprentis d'ailleurs !

What didn't you understand, pauline Hanson ?

1000 years ago, i, Rose, had already and still been the Princess of the Local Monarchy !

You brought All to Australia to break us !

We were not for All Deutsch there !

Why you stay in Australia ? Why Germany is not your land ?

Why don't you come back where there is All Politics ?

Do you want the right for ground as they said to Alain Delon in France ?

Or are you wanting to put words into my mouth, expecting i would say "take the Meta-prostite" to accuse me for Meghan to Harry ? You are stupid not me !

The 1st Clear is a "Connerie".

You All is a Stupidity !

You can not study and understand complexity. You put everyone in the same bag !

In France, they call All everything

In the Uk, they call All everyone !

Pauline Hanson will go out joining you, Harry and Meghan.

That is All you get.

I am not defending William.

When i don't know, i don't say anything.

But what i know is

If Meghan pass as the Top, Harry and Meghan have the capability to handle Africa.

If Meghan doesn't pass, it is the mistake of someone else ....!!!!

Be a man, Harry ! Assume !

I don't find the video again, but people were also talking about parental protection to their children ...

How to protect when the whole society is against us : Police and Universities included ?

The whole French society had been attacking me since my daughter was 13-14 years old...

but she had been safe until more than 18 years old, even more than 21 years old ... until she moved out to live and leave by herself.

It was my responsability until the legal age.

It is an error of Laws and of myself (not my mistake) to consider that at a certain age everyone can be adult ...

She has to assume herself but what she did was not worth miscarriage !

Or Everyone have to stop letting Human Ressources managing people's life (not work) and let the Tribunal judge penal crimes !

Too much power for stupid !

NATO is added to the banning list in Australia

You are still not late ..

You still have enough time to make our 606, 607 Visas before the end of this month.

Your future depend on it ...

They can not come break our local Monarchy and steal our country, those Business !

We change and they will do thing differently with us

or we continue to struggle for how long i don't now ??

We have been struggling for thousands of years ...

There isn't any reason not to be optimistic now that the main problem is fixed !

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