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To NetCom News


Bú đít bên này, bú đít bên kia !

You defended without asking, you assume what you spent without our agreement !

We don't take anything, anyone of those out with us.

Il ne faut pas que l'Ukraine se colle à nous !

C'était bien avec Nato que je ne veux pas collaborer via la Norvège.

L'Australie est un seul grand pays, pas l'union des petites îles.

Et c'était bien "Demain" la Russie, qui l'a volé pour donner aux autres.

Et notre retour dans le pays est un retour local.

Nous avons le droit de choisir notre partenaire local, qui que ce soit, et je tiens à ce que les autres pays ne nous dictent pas avec qui on doit vivre ...

Je peux seulement vous assurer que ce n'est pas RPD et c'est définitif.

If Gavin NewSom wants to stay in California as head of State, my brother can take Papua as an Independant country.

I think that it's better for him than going back to Mexico with his other brothers and sisters of the Rich and his wife..

I don't want and can not exchange Australia with anyone but they might because they are both followers...

We don't allow Nato to stick on our head, and so, we can keep our Aircraft in the same corner,

even other children of mom "Add" have to go Home too => the Islands Union.

To whom exactly did you "write" ?

You leave or you stay in the US, it depends on your and her choice ...

Multiple-origins persons have to choose only 1 place to live

So, only 1 place to belong !

We can not live without working in a place continuing to belong to another place making HR management hard of unuseful quantity...

But why can't i talk to my daughter ?

No, i am not taking decision on hypothesis and anti-thesis for AI !

I am selecting some persons back with us for my son and my daughter ...

and i am not doing it for everyone !

65% of the population will get out to the US ???!

Chừng nào chính trị nội địa ổn đình thì những chuyện khác tự nhiên sẽ ổn định.

Which date confirmed ?

Is it about Wix ?

I didn't know that Wix was Isreal.

We don't have relation. I just took it like that ...

But finally, it is a good news. I don't have any problem with Middle East countries.

Yesterday, i had some problem accessing the NetCom News from the telephone

but it seems to be a sabotage from outside ...

The problem is now fixed but we will not continue to use it free for longtime ...;

Even paying a Premium is temporary.

We have to relocate this NetComNews on an Australian platform seriously.

It is already Tomorow !

Don't confuse between hope and trust ...

But if you are both dishonest and incompetent, it will be too much for me keep.

I can not hire and just spend time to explain ...

and why to explain if you are dishonest ????

It is to Jim that i will explain how to calculate salary by value and believe me, there won't be speculations anymore.

More you wait, more you decrease your worth ... if you don't do now what you were elected for !

  1. "pas permettre à l'ennemi se profiter du cessez-le-feu pour améliorer sa situation..." c'est marrant de voir Putin comme ça 🤣

Cela est quelque chose à laquelle je ne prête guère attention ... Everything is not to win or to loose !

Par contre

2. "En espérant que l'autre partie prendra des mesures positives ..."

Moi, c'est pas quelqu'un qui espère !

Quand quelqu'un me pose la question et que je finis par répondre Oui, il faut me confirmer Oui et pas nhi nhi nhi nha nha nha puis disparaître muet !

Je ne sais pas si on m'écoute mais ça, je l'ai déjà dit !

Vous imaginez un programme chargé comme ça, mentalement chargé comme ça,

On peut se permettre de nhi nhi nhi nha nha nha puis disparaître muet ????

C'est de l'IRRESPONSABILITé totale !

Il y a quelque ans, quand je cherchais encore un homme sur qui me reposer, on m'a dit qu'il faut que je le fasse moi-même !

Puis je me suis mise à le faire seule, solitaire en tant que femme, surtout dans les moments très difficiles...

Puis au fur et à mesure que je progresse, je remarque qu'à chaque fois que je connais un petit succès, il y a toujours un gars qui se pointe et veut être flatté dans son égo de mec ...

Très bien,

"Tu veux être un mec, je te donne l'occasion d'en être un, sois à la hauteur ..." puis silence radio !

Alors pourquoi j'aurais besoin de ça ?!!

Il faut encore qu'on me disent qu'ils sont à la fois malhonnêtes et incompétents ?

C'est pour cela que 99,99 % de ceux que j'abandonne ne rebondissent pas, pendant que je continue à galérer !

Le Norvégien était un des gars comme ça ..

alors si vous voulez espérer, cela ne me pose pas de problèmes mais allez espérer ailleurs !

Je ne comprends pas pourquoi ils ne peuvent plus vivre sans nous maintenant alors qu'il y a 34 ans ils ont toujours vécu sans ?

Ou maintenant ils deviennent drogués ?

Ça c'est très emmerdant mais ce n'est pas un échec ou défaite de notre part !

Mon fils a toujours été le seul là pour moi ... et moi, je ne l'ai jamais laissé tomber.

Alors si l'IA veut foudre de la me*de, ils prennent vos déclarations à vous tous ...

I will not keep that Insurance next year but it is not 23 years ago that we heard about William !

AI is dangerous. It can harm and hurt anyone who comes to stick to anything !

Don't come to stick to others.

Why that wonan would need that man too ?!

I didn't say that Africans, as persons, are weak !

As persons, they are even stronger ..

than Indonesians, who are often Minesweepers ....

Be careful !

Weak are usually white people.

I have always taken it easy because men are not a subject to loose or to win for me. It is compactible to live, to work, to share ... ? or not !

But it seems that it was you who said about Clinton that she couldn't keep her husband ... ????


Everyone makes mistakes ... but we must be at least useful to progress !

Less you have a men ego to be flattered, more you have margin to progress ...

I have never tried someone younger than me,

if you want the other point, Hallelujah !

There must be a fourth to have a fifth 🤗😂

Here we actually are ...

We had to remove the simple Gold ring from the Gold Diamond,

We can not get our Gold back,

We could even not move to Silver ...

Who do you propose to break ?

You as bank who did all those things ?

as volunteer ? or to take those $6,100 ?

Australia is not a storehouse for disabled people all around the world to be paid 3900€ for retirement !

We have too few population to work, not enough to feed us and to feed them.

Trudeau has to finish counting years to get full right back to change !

They must understand that i am not staying here to watch ...

Well, i should finish watching now to let him finish counting years one day ?

If you can force the nuclear reactors, you can force our Visas back ?

You know the requirements to fulfill to replace Albanese as the next PM ...

I have stopped everything in France, waiting is wasted time.

I can not be remotivated to find another little job with career managed by uneducated HR to let them track and steal intellectual properties for l'AI is not a solution anymore.

Any employer can handle this permanent brouaha all around hopelessly !

We have to move to the Politics reform to get drug takers out of Hell !

Pauline Hanson is not a fake One, but a fake Flag 😂

Si les démocrates sont généralement forts, il faut être forts chez soi ...

Là où il y a légitimité de faire.

FrDemocratExit : je pense que ce n'est pas la peine de préciser ?

que les démocrates sortantes ne rentrent pas tous en Indonésie ?

qu'un démocrate Italien ou Français ou je ne sais pas quoi ne va pas rentrer en Australie ?

Ou quand même, vous avez besoin qu'on vous le dise ?

Pas de retour de la haine pour nous, aucune des haines que vous avez semé !

La situation haineuse doit arrêter simplement pour donner droit à l'oubli.

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