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A very funny job ad for Asistant Director 😂

Yes, even Director, they come to ASSIST if we don't want to end like Steve Jobs !

But not Great salary.

As foreign worker, as we stop great,

They can be paid in their bank account their salary in their local currency,

If that job ad is for you, don't recommend it to me.

I am not applying to Automobile sector.

Otherwise, you can only be scammed $5000 usd without being hired and paid.

We can also stop that Great culture of selling children, paying person in Australia as well.


If you are another version of Céline there, can you go down to develop please ? before going Home ...

So, we don't have to take new in, to do it right.


Besides person-money in Great culture, we also have to stop Global Track to steal without work.

They are everywhere !

And they have always been those who track the most silently ...

Sincerely, i think that very fucking is not Papuan ...

Elon Musk is as fucking as William but not Beatrice.

Well, if i share Australia with my half-brother, i share the US with my half-sister.

If i don't share with my half-sister, i don't share with my half-brother ...

We will see what to do during the next US President term, hopefully with Mike Pence.

It can also be the last time that i will elect the President for the US ...

but it is necessary to talk about Space and Security once ...

I have to come back to do it from Australia.

I can not handle those matters remotely from France with so many mis & dis information !

People send what they want as information.

There isn't anything legal and official yet ...

I have seen what France has.

I need to see what Australia actually has and can afford.

What did President Biden do wrong during his term ?

If it was before his term, it must be judged out of the President term, unless he lied to campaign.

If it is his son, his son must be judged, not him.

Penal crimes are not for ever.

There are who say that that criminals who have finished jail can not find a job ...

That's why in France they don't judge and condamn what is not worth to be condamned as it didn't hurt or harm anyone....

Then God are everywhere to scam and steal the criminal-victime infinitely !

Authorities and Criminals are the same as bad procedures and crimes are unfinished ...

Some Australian recruiters ask whether we didn't commit any crime or offence during the last 5 years ?

and what if the crime was worth 10 years jail but not condamned ?

  • Even when the crime is not worth condamnation, Authority has to give a verdict and say that it is not worth condamnation and the crime is finished.

  • when a criminal accomplishs the sanction, he/she must restore the full right, or the sanction can not be accomplished.

  • Death sentence and/or the Monarchic Status revokation must not be removed for every cases.


Otherwise, recommend those jobs ads to someone else ..

I am not going there to work and i will not do Executive Assistant in Australia.

Educate yourself !

I don't know how much you can understand ...

Or we will have to remove.

Another problem with the Medecine sector

We have always seen it like that decades ago ...

Perhapes, old doctors still remeber it ?

Les australiens semblent dire que c'est eux qui me paient l'ASS via le Pôle Emploi ...

Je ne vois pas en quoi notre nationalisme est un danger pour quelqu'un ?

Je ne trouve pas de sense que je dois me payer pour vous faire du support politique ???! Donc je ne le fais pas.

Je veux juste vous dire que s'il y a un quelconque danger, ce serait de nous écouter à la porte et faire la même chose.

Par exemple, pour nous, quand je dis on conserve un petit % vert comme immigrés et les rouges sont des travailleurs, ce n'était que pour notre continent.

Il ne faut pas que vous fassiez la même chose pour les avoir dans tous les sens.

Il faut tenir compte de votre histoire locale et le faire vous même.

Je ferai du support officiel quand je serai de retour en Australie.

En France, en ce moment, je ne suis payée que pour des missions "intermittent du spectacle" pour aider combler les revenus de misérable dans une attente inutile ...

Sincerely, those Executive Assistant jobs ads make me angry !

The leader of a field stays the leader of the field ...

Executive is not a field !

Exec Assitant to GM :

  • From where did my son came out ?

  • Their Office is out of our country ?

Order :

  • Did we have States Queen 1, Queen 2, Queen 3, Queen 4, Queen 5, Queen 6 ?

  • or those Recruiters are just uneducated and uneducatable ?

Je ne me suis pas manifesté ni hier ni les jours précédents concernant les élections en France.

Je ne soutiens ni Marine Le Pen, ni Macron et cela ne regarde ni moi, ni mes enfants !

Pour moi, vote et élection ne sont pas la même chose.

Maintenant, vous avez le culot d'appeler les voteurs électeurs ... pour les accabler en cas de problèmes ... à quoi vous servez ?

Cela vous regarde mais svp, arrêtez de coller trop près à notre identité !

Quand je serai retournée en Australie, on va couper la traque.

Vous allez arrêter de nous écouter à la porte.

Vous vous démerdez en France avec Tout ou sans Tout ...

Puis si vous avez un problème, vous pouvez demander de l'aide via le canal officiel du Support Politique si vous avez un bureau d'élection, pas votre bureau de votes !

Le peuple entier ne font pas tous du support !

Je ne sais pas si c'était vous ou ce n'était pas vous mais ma fille ne retournera pas en France !

Si vous gardez l'espoir d'aller à la pêche une 2e fois pour être claire ...

Allez voir ailleurs !

Je ne la remplacerai pas par mon fils non plus.

Quel crétin de mère peut faire ça à sa fille ?

Toute la politique Française est trop tard pour nous.

Je n'ai pas cherché à venger ne veut pas dire que je vous ai pardonné, Jamais !

Canada et Mexico ?

I told you that we come back working with Operational Titles

and take time to choose ....

Everyone are not ready tp change ! We have to cut off track to let them work instead of listening behind our door all the time ...

Tasmania should depend on New Zealand.

we have Logics in Australia.

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