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Can they come from everywhere to break your companies and share money to everyone, Trump ?

You, who have become millionnaires billionnaires coming from house wroker ?

Or you will shut up your prostite tongue to manipulate those dishonest people ?

I keep workers, not thefts.

I can not come back Monarchic because you don't want to come back house worker !

I can not come back Home because those like you don't want to go Home, just steal others as Great !

You can do it to me. Why can't i do it to you ?

Everywhere you appear, there are desasters.

I validated the Experience Master II by ignorance, someone else had to abort.

When your nuke pass her high school degree, mom "Add" was dead.

When i was supposed to come back in Queensland, you pissed into a Korean nurse despite my banning of body immigration !


Despite what she did to me, i didn't hate mom "Add", you know ?

Everywhere, there are a papuan and a north African, i feel more comfortable with the Papuan ...

I think that mom "Tomorrow" just wanted that mom "Add" take me back in Australia as Socialism was winning but she couldn't ... Saying that we were too young and didn't have age to work was not the real reason !

The Flag weared the Official uniform White, not Red.

It was Elizabeth II who said that i am the Queen and she is All ..

At a time that i didn't understand anything ..

Queensland, i am the spouse of the King in Tasmania

Victoria, i am the spouse of the Royal in New Zealand;

Royals are those who are born Monarchic.

The Brave was a child of the King, my ex-husband.

Trudeau seems to follow the Brave with 1 German and 1 shoes maker ... ??

I told you that All is where there are plenty of small countries, Pauline Hanson !

I was an ENTIRE country divided because we had followers ...

Now, we can stay Federal with a Politics HelpDesk to elect turning-by-terms Executives ...

My children can take the Monarchic Status i created back to New Zealand and Tasmania for Monarchic Titles if they want ...

But we will NEVER take All !


Why the Australian passport is blue ?

Because people have to pay for is not the answer. Everywhere passport have to be paid, red or blue.

In Australia, Rose and Grey are at Home, not Red. Be careful !

We will keep a small part Greens as Immigrants and Red as Workers.


Si Céline est Canadienne, Macron n'est que Mexicain ...

Parce Franfinance, soi-disant "l'enfant européen"

est plutôt Brigitte avec les algériens et les anglais au-dessus, pas Macron !

If God comes until Australia, he can only work right, not powerful !

Not Labor but Great..

Great doesn't want Australians Homes, only Institutions.

Labor exist in every Politics regime but they are not the problem.

The problem is the wrong perception of Great Banks playing with people misunderstanding !

We have to ask the right questions to get the right answer to put back to right bases ...


Who are you ?

You understand what you understand ...

At school, those who get it wrong and those who get it right just have a high or low score for them.

In life, we can not just do it right for us. Those who do it wrong do impact us !

All what they do to be the King of the world !

As if Simon broken, Harry gets a Meta prostite were not enough ????

If Charles III continue to migrate himself everywhere to be the King of the World, he can not be saved from cancer.

Make Britain Britain again to get well, please. We have to finish the Great King.

Say it for you !

Inherit from cancer for insolence and humiluation uneducatable ???!

Are you too stupid to understand what's different ?

Understand what ?

Insolence and humiliation uneducatable? No, impossible !

Even Cancer can not help them stop fucking ! 😱

Make Canada Canada again !

If Celine is not Canadian, she shouldn't go there as French, British or Chinese ...

If she came from them, she is not principally Canadian.

But now i understand why the hierarchy in that Bank harashed for a Master II with fake degree !

Because it is them !

They need to sabotage to represent as fake ...

They are so powerful that even the European "child" can not compete !

Ne me mettez pas dans le même panier avec les Africains qui montent en France, svp

Puisque je vous ai dit que si les Africains du nord nous copient, il faut qu'ils se rabattent sur l'Afrique centrale !

Sinon, faites ce qui vous regarde et arrêtez de nous écouter à la porte.

Je n'ai pas besoin de votre opinion pour choisir avec qui je vis .... surtout quand c'est local de chez nous.

Ce n'était pas moi qui les ai choisi pour me remplacer en France.

Ils se sont permis d'eux-même avec la politique de Macron ... qui n'est pas la mienne en termes de mérite !

Vous avez le choix de continuer avec eux ou pas, mais comment cela se termine ne me concerne pas.


Who as seniors ? What as money ?

Not every family with a lot of children are rich.

We have to stop the double standard

money-person in Australia.

Money is money.

Children are children, not money.

Partner is partner, not Bank.

Stop playing stupid taking everyone for stupid, please.

You are not hired PM of Australia to play all the time ...

To whom you sent money ? for what ?

If they don't want to work, we don't have anything to do with them.

Not everyone will get the new Monarchic Status, as necessary as Titles to fixe the current issues.

If i can do it for you, i can do it for me ? 😏

Should i better take someone local ?

We will be double local, you are simple local !

The look is not the most relevant about identity of a person because the look is often the last origine we get.

That's why for some persons, history is more important.

Sydney is in New South Wales, not Wales.

If the UK want to take NO + MORE, please take it from him (when it is still time to take new), not from me, not from her. My ex-husband let our daughter to me, approved by the divorced Tribunal.


Je ne sais plus dans quelle émission de la télé hier, peut-être le JT de Anne Clair Coudrey, mais ils disaient que les français sont en train de construire de quoi tourner les films pour beaufiner Tout ...

La vérité est absolument logique.

Si vous cherchez à mentir, il y aura toujours quelqu'un qui est là pour vous en rappeler.

Il faut reconnaître le problème et le corriger.

Ma part, je n'était pas au courant j'étais en train de vivre l'histoire de ma vie avant de le redécouvrir..

C'est vrai que je les ai vu très jeune mais je ne m'en rappelais pas jusqu'à ce que j'aurais vivre tout ça en version "épinards sans beurre et sans argent du buerre" !

Mais c'est bizarre que pour vivre le négatif de l'histoire, on n'a jamais besoin de prouver ou convaincre ???!

Peut-être qu'ils ont fait ça au cas où je nierais ou chercherais à fuir ??!

Maintenant que Tout est dit, je n'accepte plus les nouveaux films.

Non, Julien comme Trump doit terminer !

He bah, ils disent que maintenant il y a une joueuse de tennis Tunissienne qui est bien partie pour gagner le porno !

Le p*tin de me*de, il est toujours à fond à 400% avec sa rage de gagner !

Mais il ne connait pas les maths ou quoi ? ça déborde de partout, ça colore en dehors des dessins ! ça ne laisse personne tranquille avec Tout !


What i said :

If we can hire Jap as PM, we can hire American.

By the definition of turning-by-terms, you have to let your place.

Otherwise, you have to leave.

I will take someone in the Greens party, make elected the new PM or GG to work with, live with then go to retirement with ... simply !

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