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I didn't see your video before, Mrs Linda Burney.

I just find it this morning making a search about you ...

I was about to propose you to replace Clare O'neil in Home Affairs to help us in our Visas and other Governmental process ...

As she gets stuck with the subclass 48x, we need someone else to make the subclass 6xx and 7xx ...

So no, you will not leave us like that without anything, Mrs Burney.

Russians can not stay in Australian Home Affairs !

It doesn't make sense.

So, if you can accept this proposition for our country, Thank you !

Who else do we need to replace ?

Are you telling me that I am paid 20€ / day staying jobless to let you create those jobs ?

French people were saying that they gave me a good job, a nice house, a beautiful car and i leave ...

Those who leave a country to come back Home country will do like me ...

Not just moving everywhere consuming energy as active people !

If you'd like to do things differently, would you like to assist Mrs linda Burney in Home Affairs/work Visas ?

The Country first then the Continent before other countries on other Continents ...

If you can help, thank you !

You stay in the same country like Mrs Burney.


Grey then White then Yellow ... then Red in another country ... before coming back Rose !

Was that day one you talked about ?

Vuong Dinh Huê comes back in New Zewland !

He can take someone beautiful directly in the country to come back beautiful....

Equal right, the Queen can get married local and self-govern her country.

Democracy doesn't represent Laws !

Democracy has a lot of failures of laws ...what people call "Legal thefts" !

Trump loses control but not trust ?!

Laws was made and executed by tha Black Tribunal under the King !

Those who are just joining us now and didn't know the history we've talked about since many years now... for thousands of years of Monarchy,

are invited them to read previous News on NetCom and

On NetCom News, we can only keep about 1 year latest news ...

Previous years are archived and aren't consultable.

It is not because we can take some Indonesians in Australia that Australia is Indonesia !

We hire teachers for our Academic Program building the bridge but Australia stays a Local Monarchy.

Obama is Democrate and Obama is African born in Indonesia .. ????

Indonesia itself is a Republic country, is it ?

If you want all DPR-DPD, it is All Indonesians and i am not concerned.

As i previously said that it is dangerous to change the Politics regime each time we make a new Executive elected, Australia keeps the Monarchy up to date above turning-by-terms PM ...

With just a problem of high school degree that doesn't hurt anyone, i can difficully pass on a country,

We can not cut head keeping All kinds of criminals above 7 billions of persons on earth !

Please just tell me whether you understand something ?

or it isn't worth to explain ????

They have to wait until Australians leave Earth for Venus to make the scammer Elon Musk casted with an Earth Criminal of All kinds !

I don't hope that they can understand one day ...

Đi bú đít khắp nơi.

Chổ nào có chấm mút là có VN để bú đít.

Vợ chồng cái con khỉ gì ???!

Putin always wanted to put words into my mouth with "now All is clear..."

Before making my daughter "All" ?

Despite many times I confirm not concerned by Russia and Ukraine and we are not All !

That is murder with premeditation, not sel-defence, not losing control with anger ...

That is Trump true granddaughter ?

Who is Nuke ?

If Nuke is what Macron called the Grand Catherine, then it is Nuke who will come back in Russia !

Dernière mise à jour : 18 août 2024

The Plan ?

Are you going to build Rockets, Clare O'Neil ?

Finally, you are Russian !

A big country like Russia, they still don't have enough land to live to go fucking everywhere ???!

Or was it because i am here in France that it bothers Russia ?

Now i am going back to Australia.

Otherwise, i will not save you a 2nd time. You have to leave Australian Home Affairs and leave Australia ...

I might have a russian origine like you but you don't have the Australian History like me !

I can not be everywhere pulled out by everyone VN, China Russia, France, UK, Indonesia, Middle east ...

That are places i don't have the main History of the country.

Sincerely, just tell me whether you understand something of what i say ?


Oh No, Don't talk about taking a Prostite or a META Prostite !

I even was not married to my ex-husband yet !

I was just a student who left a boy friend student then had another boy-friend student....

I told you that we ARE very different !

Don't stick to me !

I suppose that a lot of persons usually take a bath before going to see a doctor ?!

And that's why they need to stick something dirty to the bath beat the "getting out of all the beaten paths" master II ????

Trump has already abandonned saying he will always be a bad guy !

I removed that Master to replace it by doing right ...

And you what do you do to honorate degree, Obama ?

Stealing american for your individual dream ? Say it for you and only for you ...

I can not understand

why those who have everything over having to abandon being someone good and well ... can be above everyone, rich powerful, fucking the whole world population of more than 7 billions of persons ??!!

No. You doctor, while you are a private cabinet or working in hospital, you won't look into people bottom holes to do Politics !

Read my previous news about Oath and dogs Fidelity to its dog kibble !

I was not married yet !

I don't come (not back) to Russia or Ukraine or Creamea !

I don't listen behind the door concluding everything others want to do for them !

I don't have those UNEDUCATED Politics, capability to steal !

I don't have All fucking Gangster Politics to make people sacrify parents, divide families, abort, steal, prostitute, sabotage health and every moral values ...

Not avery problems are equal. We fixe problem by problem, person by person.

Otherwise, we all die. There isn't anyone above, there isn't anyone alife !

1 in 1 out ... in exchange ?

A senator is a senator !

Malcolm Roberts too wanted to send it out.

Put it into those fucking Americans to let someone earn $20 USD / day !

then make Australia independant from Gangsters Money Politics ....

I can not understand why plenty of Monarchic can stay at their Home but not me ??

VN is saying that they are afraid to lose ... as good and well 😂🤣😂🤣

and that's why my Home has to be a warehouse of fucking piss and shits ???! 😱🤧

Thấy người ta sắp xong rồi kiếm chuyện câu giờ ?

Thought that  Nguyễn Phú Trọng has sacrified himself for VN corruption ???!

Not the communist plan,

Locally self-governed countries.

If they don't know how to do it themselves,

I prefer China copy than American theft ...

I told you we build the Bridge and we will help ...

As you help providing cheap good quality products ...

You are not alone !

J'ai toujours connu un peu de racisme du à mon accent mais je gagnais encore bien ma vie au début ...

Plus maintenant.

Le retour au status quo français repunblic n'est plus possible.

Je ne peux plus me motiver pour travailler en France.

Ne me comptez pas dans votre Ensemble.

Je n'éprouve aucun plaisir de le faire ensemble ... avec Anne Hidalgo et les espèce de perroquets !

Je ne trouve plus la video où elle a dit ça mais je réponds quand même.

Si vous pouvez faire quelque chose pour respecter le planning de départ, merci !

Et puis quelqu'un d'autre va retourner à Paris pour la Tour Eiffel ...

Dernière mise à jour : 15 août 2024

At which other world level are you afraid of how to represent ?

The meta-theft or The meta-prostite level ? 🤔🤣No, we don't have that level yet !

Disappointed ?

French games are usually very dirty !

It means very UNFAIR ...

I don't know why Australia continues to send sportives to competitions they organise ??

We could have boycotted them !

It is still not Official Support so it is perhapes to keep you for later ..??

Because when we do it, it must be politically correct uniforme ...

We don't have to wear all the clothes we have. Unused clothes don't matter ...

but in International Competitions, National Representation must be politically correct, even in a country like France who used to cheat of All kinds ...

Otherwise, it is me who would not make them win like the "All Black" New Zealand Rugby !

No, it was not Lina who hurt us so why i let would Lina hurt by them once again ??!!

I want to do it right ...

No, Albanese.

You will finish your "time child care" as you so wanted it !

Otherwise, we will impeach and it is impossible to negotiate anything else for you !

We'll come back 27th Jan 2025 for 2 consecutives Office leave National Holidays 26th and 27th.

Visas 3-4 months before for me to sell my appart.

It means now, soon ... during September 2024.

You can not continue to be paid that salary good for nothing and I will not stay here no longer than Jan 2025 with 20€ /day with everything I have done !

Divorced since 2013, with 20€ /day, i could make you elected PM and stay busy with your wife.

Many times, people asked for your break and i said No.

It is now your turn to do back something for us ...

You are elected PM of Australia, not PM of the world to care about all the dogs on the road !

That was why i don't want that everyone stick together !

I don't have All gangster Politics !

When i work for 20€ / day, they all earn a president, a pm, a governor salary ... because they have capability ...

Now, i am coming back everything clean and they have problem ...

and i have to tell them where to go ???? what to do ... ????

Capability of what ????

No, self-govern !

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