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To NetCom News


Which inflation ?

You have to stop printing money, Jim ! 😂😏

Seriously, the French Employment Office asked me yesterday to search a full-time international job forcing me to volunteer if i continue Netcom News, i suppose ?

Plenty are surely wanting to follow it, otherwise.

So, Treasurer Assistant job and Visa ASAP for me now.

Everything else can be negotiated later...

It will be easier to discuss in place than through Internet !

I know which kind you are, Albanese.

And that's why i will move back Treasurer to let Jim move to be the next PM !

That was our "contract" with your "Child Care" Policies.

Take Tax on Income make immigrants people think that they have the right to decide by votes...

While Tax is just there to finance what they consume, not to raise funds for Governmental Politics issues.

That's why i said that votes are not free !

And you are not allowed to give it to whom you want !

To support a Politics that is not ours ..

Perhapes, for once, i will ask people to vote for what to do about you without paying for votes ... ????

Không được cưới 2 vợ là Úc đen,

không phải Úc trắng hay Úc vàng..

Đen thì về đen mà ở.

Luật đen chỉ có thể ở trên dân đen thôi.

Lò gì lại đốt nữa vậy ?

Tiếp tục đốt lò là tiếp tục đi theo Nguyễn Phú Trọng.

Tôi đứng ngoài. Đừng đụng vào đây !

Còn phải đi 40 năm nữa mới tới 60 năm đó cha !

Tưởng nói lịch sử 4000++, chúng hiểu nhưng làm càng.

Ai dè chúng không hiểu. Suốt ngày rình mò sau cửa, nghe lén dể copy với ăn cắp, có làm đâu, sao hiểu được ?!

Mà VN cũng hay thiệt, lịch người ta mới có được tới 2024 năm.

Không biết chúng làm sao đếm được Đại Cồ Việt 4000 năm ?

Mỗi ngày gạch 1 cái lên cây cổ thụ à ? cây còn sống không để đếm được 4000 gạch ?

Nghe nói Hậu đã xin nghĩ việc rồi phải không ?

Vậy thôi trả tự do cho Hậu.

Không cần chờ thêm 3000 năm nữa để chạy qua đây làm rồi lại chạy về.

Trẫm bị trể, còn chưa về tới.

Chỉ có Công Chúa thôi, lại còn mắc bận bịu với phò mã mới.

Thôi, Hậu về thẳng Cung đen mà xây cầu luôn cho xong...

Thời loạn lạc. Sanh con rồi mới sanh cha. Sanh cháu giữa nhà rồi mới sanh ông.

Hoàng Hậu lại không có vua. Làm bao nhiêu trẻ con thành Chúa Jesus biến thái !

Tout ça c'est vous les français qui avez fait.

Moi, j'ai même pas été voir !

Depuis hier, la communauté vietnamienne qui avait l'air mal avaler leur échec cherche des critiques de ma bouche par des videos Youtube que je ne daigne même pas les leur donner !

Si vous ne saviez de quoi les gens parlaient ...

( la video en question n'était pas fait par moi, je l'ai vue dans mon watch list ...)

Personnellement, je ne suis ni bouddhiste, ni catholique chrétienne.

Je peux manger de temps en temps végétarien et Noël n'était qu'une fête familiale.

Peut-être oui les mères et pères célibataires ont tendance à gâter les enfants avec plus de cadeaux ...

Mais ce n'était pas moi qui s'est mariée à la pagode ou à l'église !

Then disappear silent again !

Euh, i don't really need people just to follow everything i afforded to do alone or with others ..

Bây giờ không biết Pitou ở đâu mà lấy về ????

Lo thân mình còn chưa xong làm sao lo cho chó ??

Đã biết là hạnh phúc rồi thì im đi mà giữ.

Lộn xộn coi chừng lại li dị nữa cho mà xem !

I was telling them that i don't know where is Pitou now to take it back ...

And i can not care about dogs anymore.

Pitou must be too old now. It was my daughter's dog and she is not here with me.

Thôi bỏ đi, coi như chưa từng nói nha Mr Đàm.

Tôi không còn liên quan đến VN nữa.

Those people have to stop harashing me to be them or to follow them back !

I don't insist. I am someone who doesn't like insisting.

Besides the unique problem of perception of dealing with "money", i've seen a lot of compatibility with Jim ...

Sorry, i had to fixe the last problem with Gavin Newsom as we have not known what's who was true to my children...??

I think that Jim mustn't be very far from me and my ex-husband.

I will come back there, nearby nuke.

Nowadays, we don't only have 2 disciplines Letters and Military ...

but a dozen of ministries !

It is impossible for me to come back to the exact house (the precise place i mean) we had a thousand of years ago !

So, come back nearby....

Where is "out there" for you ?

If it is Papua where your wife came from ..

It is ok if you want to stand with your daughters....

My son will stand with me in someone's else shoes in France and in the US in VN, in Indonesia to come back with me in Australia.

Personal Freedom is the Right to choose for Self.

Votes are right to have collective opinions about someone else in a common thing ... Votes are not free !

We are modernizing the Australian Monarchy with the Monarchic Status wearing Operational SubTitles to give personal freedom to even Monarchic people ...

But the Australian Monarchy CAN NOT be removed by ANYONE in the WORLD !

Even die a thousands of times, you can not pay back the debt ... so don't !

Whenever you don't impact us, we don't impact you !

Live your lifes and let us live ours ...

If they had left America non Monarchic, come to Europe then stuck to someone in Papua and stole our Australian Monarchy,

They can not come back in America Monarchic for sure !

Harry and Meghan have come back in the US non Monarchic.

Simon can also follow them out non Monarchic ...

Charles and Camilla can go retirement letting the UK to William and Kate

French people are saying that Gavin NewSom is French so if he stays in the US with his wife, France can keep Charles and Camilla without children in France ...

That doesn't concern Australia, my son and me.

Live your life and stop fucking us all around !

You are new and already nuking !

I give to other countries the right to create their local Monarchic Status different than mine ...

But what you took must have been that ... Charlie !

Not my children.

Learn to live your life and stop fucking All around...

May i ask people around the world to respect my choice, my personal and private life ? As i don't interfere into theirs ...

Tout ça c'est vous les français qui avez fait.

Moi, j'ai même pas été voir !

Depuis hier, la communauté vietnamienne qui avait l'air mal avaler leur échec cherche des critiques de ma bouche par des videos Youtube que je ne daigne même pas les leur donner !

Si vous ne saviez de quoi les gens parlaient ...

( la video en question n'était pas fait par moi, je l'ai vue dans mon watch list ...)

Personnellement, je ne suis ni bouddhiste, ni catholique chrétienne.

Je peux manger de temps en temps végétarien et Noël n'était qu'une fête familiale.

Peut-être oui les mères et pères célibataires ont tendance à gâter les enfants avec plus de cadeaux ...

Mais ce n'était pas moi qui s'est mariée à la pagode ou à l'église !

Then disappear silent again !

Euh, i don't really need people just to follow everything i afforded to do alone or with others ..

Bây giờ không biết Pitou ở đâu mà lấy về ????

Lo thân mình còn chưa xong làm sao lo cho chó ??

Đã biết là hạnh phúc rồi thì im đi mà giữ.

Lộn xộn coi chừng lại li dị nữa cho mà xem !

I was telling them that i don't know where is Pitou now to take it back ...

And i can not care about dogs anymore.

Pitou must be too old now. It was my daughter's dog and she is not here with me.

Thôi bỏ đi, coi như chưa từng nói nha Mr Đàm.

Tôi không còn liên quan đến VN nữa.

Those people have to stop harashing me to be them or to follow them back !

I don't insist. I am someone who doesn't like insisting.

Besides the unique problem of perception of dealing with "money", i've seen a lot of compatibility with Jim ...

Sorry, i had to fixe the last problem with Gavin Newsom as we have not known what's who was true to my children...??

I think that Jim mustn't be very far from me and my ex-husband.

I will come back there, nearby nuke.

Nowadays, we don't only have 2 disciplines Letters and Military ...

but a dozen of ministries !

It is impossible for me to come back to the exact house we had a thousand of years ago !

So, come back nearby....

Where is "out there" for you ?

If it is Papua where your wife came from ..

It is ok if you want to stand with your daughters....

My son will stand with me in someone's else shoes in France, in Germany, in the US, in VN, in Indonesia come back with me in Australia.

Personal Freedom is the Right to choose for Self.

Votes are right to have collective opinions about someone else in a common thing ... Votes are not free !

We are modernizing the Australian Monarchy with the Monarchic Status wearing Operational SubTitles to give personal freedom to even Monarchic people ...

But the Australian Monarchy CAN NOT be removed by ANYONE in the WORLD !

Even die a thousands of times, you can not pay back the debt ... so don't !

Whenever you don't impact us, we don't impact you !

Live your lifes and let us live ours ...

If they had left America non Monarchic, come to Europe then stuck to someone in Papua and stole our Australian Monarchy,

They can not come back in America Monarchic for sure !

Harry and Meghan have come back in the US non Monarchic.

Simon can also follow them out non Monarchic ...

Charles and Camilla can go retirement letting the UK to William and Kate

French people are saying that Gavin NewSom is French so if he stays in the US with his wife, France can keep Charles and Camilla without children in France ...

That doesn't concern Australia, my son and me.

Live your life and stop fucking us all around !

You are new and already nuking !

I give to other countries the right to create their local Monarchic Status different than mine ...

But what you took must have been that ... Charlie !

Not my children.

Learn to live your life and stop fucking All around...

May i ask people around the world to respect my choice, my personal and private life ? As i don't interfere into theirs ...

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