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Police in France didn't do anything to be overwhelmed !

In Australia, we need a Claim Service for Social and Financial crimes like scams with real lost, not just hate !

But sure, when there are a lot of hates in the Society, there's a problem ....

And the problem is the Events Societies as a culture.

Putin wanted to create a bad event with Elizabeth II to stick it to us by bad habit that they call procedure ? Without caring whether we are guilty or not ....

Believe me, the absence of Justice can only make it worse !

Whether Putin wanted to criticize Germany physics st..u..pi..di..ty, or

Putin wanted to compete with a bad habit, Putin is guilty !

I forgot in my yesterday news to take into account Rita who, years ago, wished that i would wish ....

So, the 50% harashment, crime not done must be shared between Trudeau, Rita and me : 16 % each ? not sure ....

People didn't do it just for hate. They did it for their own interest, with premeditation !

  • Trudeau wanted to break the Monarchy of Canada to make it republic, he said it himself.

  • Rita didn't say it but why didn't she want to break me to steal Australia ?

  • Not me, i am just working in France. I don't have intention to stay here ...

The penal Tribunal has always distinguish murders with premeditation to murders by accident or by self-defence ....

As everyone judge faith, we have to consider it even when there isn't anyone dead yet ...


Qui a demandé / donné l'ordre à pFizer ?


J'ai déjà dit. Je ne le fais pour personne.

Et je ne garde pas Scott Morrison en Australie.

Justice n'est pas la "Voiture" !

Si vous avez un cerveau qui ne fonctionne pas bien pour comprendre Loi & Justice ...

Je vais vous répondre :

Maintenant, il va falloir prendre en compte toutes les personnes que j'ai sauvé.

Je suis sûre d'avoir un crédit ! et ça c'est bon signe pour la société ...

Sinon, ayez les co*illes d'aller faire la guerre en Ukraine que vous avez tant voulu !


Parce qu'ils préfèrent me voir dans la difficulté que de me voir réussir ma réforme ...

Moi, quelqu'un qui ai toujours donné de la chance sans avoir besoin de voir les gens au bout du rouleau !

Il faut me laisser rentrer en Australie faire ce que je veux faire et vous allez voir...

mais je ne fais pas en infraction comme des bandits de pères voleurs mères p*tes.


Moi, je n'ai jamais mis mes pieds dans l'ECOLE où Marie-Claire travaille ...

Comment je peux le faire ? Comment je peux savoir ce qu'il y a pour demander ?

Si vous avez un cerveau qui ne fonctionne pas bien pour comprendre ...

Je vais vous répondre très simplement :

Si vous bouffez de la merde, ce n'est pas la peine de laver les assiettes !

Jetez-les directement !

Je ne comprends pas pourquoi les personnes qui rêvent de l'espace ne vont pas en Russie ???? Ils ont un pays encore plus grand ...

Mais bien sûr avant que les pays Républicains soient bondés de gens, ils ont eu de l'espace comme tout le monde !


I would say that they are in Aseane ...

  • If China is seeking the limit with Macronesia, they must be called Islands Pacific Center, not Pacific South because Australia has Pacific South islands.

  • If China is copying us with Tasmania, then it is Taiwan for China, and i am not plitting my children everywhere !


If you didn't know it ...

It is not India who tracks our thoughts to work.

It is China who has to tracking steal ideas to know which products to make and sell !

And they track our private life, in our house and appartement, not Home.

I have always answered to every commercial polls that everyone do but that is not enough for them.

They have to prove their technical capability in every ways, legal or not, moral or not !

Your dad was expert accounting ? You can count ?

  • You do what i told you to do and move to 75% ?

  • or if you don't have your testis to do, just stay with 25% harashment to ask, and shut up, OK ?!

I have to know what happened to my daughter first ...

We will get it unstuck in people mind ... sanctionning those who got it stuck in their mind and did it !

It seems that your divorce was enough and yon don't want more ?

I am not going back to 2nd war, and Trump is definitely impeached finished unchanged.

Experience can not win.

Just stop licking African hit bottom to go f*cking everwhere !

Because they choose China and China is China, not Canada

I am not worried but Canada is not my country.

Our Politics HelpDesk is in the US.

If their Monarchy needs help,

OK, we can help but it mustn't be endless.

You know what ?

As we are returning to Australia lawful before,

Perhaps we will let America "the sum of people willingness" as God for a while ...


Which heart do you want to break ?

I didn't ask, didn't do anything about Prince Philipp and Queen Elizabeth, didn't wear violet dress with that intention !

It was Putin who stuck to me to do it !

If Simon stuck to it with the intention to hurt my daughter in her Home, he will be sanctioned. Otherwise, he will go Home safe.

When every local Monarchies will come back to their countries,

King Charles can abdicate and let the British throne to William.

Australia and Canada stay local Monarchies.

No, we don't need to lick Africans *hit bottom to live, go stealing and prostituing everwhere !


Doctor talking about Climate Change ????

You are not doing right for sure ...

Otherwise, just a first name is not identity !

Sure, we have other doctors in Australia and not just Dr Sophie, Jim !

And the Sophie of Trudeau is a sexe nurse, not a doctor !

But why people there are getting stuck with Trudeau and his sexe nurse ?

  • Because their desire to hurt is not succeedful yet ?

  • Because it is too much for them, they can not get it off, even without willingness to hurt ?

No, i am not forgetting but i have too many things to do to get stuck with it !

I just need to know whether people need a "brain stuck" specialist ?

Canada is not my country but Australia is.

Is it for that reason that Australians are getting stuck with Canada ?

Most of you are there to make problems and not to solve them ?

Are we working free for everyone ????

Just tell me where do you want to get out ...???

Si Putin veut aller sur Mars avec Meghan et Elon Musk, c'est à la Russie de décider. Cela ne nous concerne pas.,

Autrement, je n'ai jamais mis mes pieds en Russie mais les Russes sont déjà chez moi en Australie !

Pourquoi les Russes doivent aller partout comme si la Russie n'était  pas pays ???!

Vous rentrez chez vous , c'est ce que je veux,

mais vous ne pouvez pas vous tenir tranquille parce que vous, les fils de pute, vous savez très bien que vous êtes foutus et vous voulez qu'on soit avec vous ???! C'est inacceptable !!!!

C'est pour ça qu'on me demande de partager ?

Il faut que Mars soit aussi foutu avec vous que vous allez perdre espoir de voler partout pour y aller tous ensemble !

Il y a qui disent que ça arrive de se tromper...De quoi vous vous mêlez ?

Vous savez quoi ?

Moi, je pense que c'est celles qui s'efforcent à se montrer "bonnes femmes" malgré un mari méchant ou violent. ..qui ont un passé douteux !

Chose que j'ai déjà pensé en discutant avec l'aînée du Riche...

Oui, peut-être qu'on a réussi à faire d'une mère américaine indigne une bonne mère

mais ne nous demandez pas de faire d'une pute Russe une femme !

C'est trop pour nous !

On ne peut pas ne se taper que de ça !!!!

Si cela les dérange que je vous appelle fils de pute, est ce que c'est plus poli de vous appeler fils de prostitués parce que plus poli que ça c'est mentir !


Indeed, i am thinking that Charles III was probably the King "show must go on" from Asia ... ??

Because the US was very "clothing".

Forever 21 was an American brand. They even have a New Jersey State.

They sold it when i was there in Boston.

Grand-mother Marguerite sold fabrics for clothing in VN !

And princess Anne young looks like my aunt in Hanoi a lot ...

If King Charles was in the US with Princess Ann, what "mom Tomorrow" did there ?

We aren't anything !

Whatever, in Australia, we are coming back to 1000 years ago and my son was already local King.


You forget the word OUT, Pauline Hanson.


You are the last who got a German guy, not the first and we are not working as Labor for you !

I am not in the Australian Labor party,

for Papua and New Zealand as a PERSON !

I am actually working in France as a country, not All Inclusive !

I will return Home Affairs, Politics Helpdesk and NetCom News ...

I was saying yesterday to those who vote Presidents "Keep on querelling,

a mouth to debate without a head to think has never come to anything good and well, if you have not understood it yet" ...

and was about to disable "Respected Ministers" videos ...

before someone admit the fact !

I don't invest in Trade-GPT.

All those scam mails are always sent to trash and spam.

They continue to send mails just to be sent there.

They don't have my authorization to do anything concerning me, my family and Australia.

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