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What is the subclass for those Students Visas ?

Sincerely, it is not what we can not afford just once to come back...

But to be politically correct, you have to increase the cost for 3xx, 4xx, 5xx ... students, not 6xx or 7xx students in Australia !

It is too easy, Albanese !

You are really incompetent.

Take immigrants in, give them citizenship, give them the right of the born ground ... to do what they want you to do ...

Are you fool or stupid ????

Even work, they are incompetent !

They are not smart to ask them what to do !!!! I can not play Steve Jobs !

Biden down there in the piss and shits mass !

Because teacher and coach are workers

such as i didn't insult customers at the airport !

It is OK, Obama, if the dog can not say "knock, knock, may i come in ?" !

But you will not tolerate it if it sticks there to die to let us stuck here to die in France !

Dựa hơi ai mà thành nữ tổng thống đầu tiên ?

Có khả năng mà phải chờ để đón đường dựa hơi ?

Suốt ngày rình mò xem người ta đi đâu đón đường trước làm dơ bẩn cả đường về !!!!

Cái thứ mất dậy nó vậy đó.

Thôi miệng thúi quá câm đi cho được việc.

Nous, on a tout arrêté ici : la politique, le boulot, les événements nationaux sportives, même l'aéroport ...

Notre situation ici est pire que votre chien aux US ...

Ne parlons pas de Vice Président, je pense que le chien ne l'aura pas si on est toujours bloqués ici ... ????

Bon, je pense que les Français sont comme ça,

  • Très mal éduqués par nature ou par l'Indonésie ????

  • Littéraire, vous ne comprenez pas le respect autre que par les mots ????

  • Mariés à une Méta-Pute Italienne, la mauvaise fréquentation ne peut pas vous aider plus quand vous n'avez pas de bonne base ..

  • En vietnamien, il y a 2 mots distincts pour les chiens et les gens mais en Français il n'y a que "fidèle" pour tout le monde !

Vous valez ce que vous valez mais vivez chez vous !

Si le chien ne reviendra pas avec vous, c'est Macron, c'est Kate ou Céline ou Albert de Monaco qui va le remplacer ... je m'en fiche ...

Mais n'espérez pas nous bloquer ici comme un faux monde de 2 jours de travail ingérables.

Je préfère largement 2 jours de fête nationale en Australie et quand on sera de retour, on va vous renvoyer Michaella votre petit train ...

Macron n'ira pas jusqu'au bout.

Essayez de vivre votre vie autrement que dans le trou du c*l de quelqu'un d'autre ...

Laissez-nous arrêter les insultes, SVP, Merci !

Gavin Newsom had never meddled in election before ... ????

His only warning communication is very negative to me...

We don't need too many uneducated incompetents inspired ...

as i said yesterday we will give Massachusetts where there will be the Politics HelpDesk for Election back to princess Ann...

And if Kalama Harris will be the next President, we will suspend everything during her 4 years term !

No, Americans can not swallow NASA alone and vomit out to us all the piss and shits they can not swallow !

It is not because she might share a Black Chicago Med with my ex-husband's mother that she is us ...

I even say that the culture of scam has come from India !

When i exchanged from € to $AUD in Australia in 2018,

Everywhere was correct except for the Indian Exchange point !

The Queen's Home is not a Garbage Collector !

It was because she got married to us to become Queen that his brother "Add" left to get married with All Indonesians .. ??

The Dog said that if "Add" can not come back, i can not come back ..

But i am not a dog !

I come back right.

I don't come back with all the piss and shits and trashs from everywhere !

Cấm không cho vào Úc nữa thì có lẽ đúng hơn ?!

Cuộc sống người ta mà cứ phải chen vô cho bằng được !

Người gì mà không biết mình ở đâu ra ??

Đến con chó nó còn biết nữa là !

I don't know the children of the 1st wife of the Flag !

He has not yet come back to Australian History ...

It is me who comes back to Australian History with the Princess

Trịnh Hội and Trudeau has a common thing : Philippines ...

Are they telling us again that they are not just graduated identity theft ????

Camilla is surely American like Biden's wife ...

But i told her New King Charles III that we will not follow them BIG !

neither Commonwealth, nor Global !

We move BACK to self-governed countries ...

If you want to break New, break those who stick to us forcing us to become New BIG !

I told clare O'neil to change those Visas Subclass

to 6, 7 and 10 ... ?

Why are still with those 4xx .... ?

Is it because David is still there as General Governor ?

You don't want ? or you have a problem ?

Change, but we still have to take with "Add" numbers to make our Visas Subclass ?

If so, for my son and me to come back, our Subclass "Add" are 6 and 7 !

Tell me Albanese, is it too difficult for you to understand ??

Neither the Queen Home, Nor the King Home is a garbage collector for All Indonesians or for Italian Meta-Prostite !

Is it clear for you ????

Coi bộ anh John Trần đó còn chưa hiểu người, chưa biết mình ??!!

Bởi vậy mới nói, kể cả bị chửi cũng phải xứng đáng chứ!

Mặc dầu cái cách làm đó có hơi đặc biệt thiệt nhưng anh ta nên biết là cái tình trạng lộn xộn đó không phải lúc nào với ai cũng xảy ra...

Để thúc đẩy suy nghĩ ?? Không phải ai cũng chiu khó suy nghĩ đâu !!!!

Nếu anh ta vẫn không suy nghĩ được thì sao ?

Vĩng biệt ông Trọng.

Chỉ đơn giản vậy thôi.

28 tháng 1 đối với tôi mà nói là 1 ngày đi làm bình thường !

Đáng lý ra thì phải gọi là ngày thứ 68 trong tháng thì đúng hơn ????

Listen to what Trump and Obama said ...

Lò gì đốt hoài vậy ?

Nói là hồ đồ xớn xác, khi không nhà người ta chạy vô đốt lò thì chưa đủ đúng...

Cái tội đúng là tội ăn cắp của người cho thiên hạ !

Mình thì đầy tội ra mà lúc nào cũng tưởng trong sạch thật là quái đảng !

Phải mà tôi nghe lời ông Putin cách đây nhiều năm trước đừng cứu để cho đi sớm có lẽ đã tránh được tai nạn đáng tiếc.

If it is Mike Pence who will be the next President of the US,

I will let him choose himself his Vice President without any suggestion.

Don't stick any DVance *hit to make us smelling bad All around, please !

Because any shit and piss can come after and harash for child care ?

Because I have to invite him and invite his italian meta-prostite at the same time ?

... who has just filmed me fired at the airport ??!!!

Don't ask for too much hate, please !

We are not concerned by Brics and $USD.

They are free do do what they want...

where there is Global freedom !

But that is not something said by president Putin and president Modi themselves now just now in this context ... so be aware !

Le vice président c'est comme le premier ministre en France !

Qu'est ce qu'il faut dissoudre pour le virer ?

Le sénat au lieu de l'assemblée générale ?

Où tout le monde choisit God, pourquoi avoir encore besoin du sénat ?

I supposed that Albanese has gone to make people dabate and vote enough ... during his 3 years term ... To reach the target of the projects we've defined together ...???

Are you still wanting to debate uselessly,

opening your mouth and shutting off your head ?

OK, we can organize votes again before electing Jim as the next PM ...

Those who vote No to him will see all the tax cut, that Jim is doing, removed to them as well as the 2nd National Holiday ...

Your vote doesn't count or your vote can be counted for you !

The Child Care path was an idea of Albanese ...

But it was my family who suffered while he was busy with his wife ...

Paid more than 3 hundreds of thousands AUD per year !

We will see what to do with Albanese when we will be back ...

OK, Jim

We continue to do what was planned...

I think we will leave Europe around January 24th or 25th 2025 to come back in Australia 27th, with Qantas.

In the meantime, you can create new IT jobs for everything said in this NetCom News about foreigner Medias Policies...

Make some tax cut for your campaign, preparing for your election ...

Thank to you both, Jim and Albanese.

When i said that in France, there are only foreigners and there aren't true French people anymore, Morrocans told me to talk to Gilles ALBERT !

The same family name !!

A lot are dreaming to take Massachusettes but i think it will be let to Princess Ann children ... It seems Trudeau said that it was Princess Ann Canada ??

Logics, Prince Charles was in South America.

That is someone who looks very much alike mom "Add" ... his far away sister ??

He is not yellow Monarchic , he is black Monarchic

but he was our cast with Papua for 4000 years ago, The Queen, i suppose ?

The birth wanted so much stealing my marriage for All

because Papuan has gone to get married with Indonesia ..

And New Zealand was the 2nd wife (small wife) of our Australian Yellow King ...

They adviced, i kept my son and got married anyway !

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