I am motherless, not my children !
So, i go fatherland, my children go mother land.
We will stop getting married abroad seeing all the problems envolved by those marriages.
As Australia is a Monarchic country, i even create a new unisexe Title for future generations....
The Monarchy was created by us, we have the right to update.
Australia is not Socialist. I don't keep dog.
Of course, i could let our grandchild come back in the US with Lea to give them the National Politics Support to make their Presidents elected ... and it is Massachusettes.
But i don't want others (fucking New Yorkers) to stick to them then pretend to have inheritance in Australia ...
So, lea will come back in New Zealand or the Island Union for a while ...
until my daughter or my son will come back to Local Monarchic Title.
We continue to remotely assist from Australia during 2 decades = 20 years.
And China too must live their life where they are and stop sticking to us, one after another, OK ?!
If it was real he sent someone broke then he must be condamned for his crime by the Tribunal or by the Government.
The sanction must be at the same level of the crime.
No, you will stop sending out to us all those *hits.
We don't want to hire them.
I will come back in Australia and they have to get out.
If Europe needs Accounting workers, you can send them to Europe to replace me..
Because they are refusing those jobs to me here and there no need to keep jobless people.
Beijing and Trudeau must STOP meddling with us !
Are you frustrated not being sucked man ?
Well, i don't like much interfering into others' private life ...
But the right way or the wrong way, the importance is AGREEMENT !
I didn't ask to buy.
They did it in my total ignorance because of YOUR lack of Moral Values !
Jeff Besoz and your inheritors will never be President of the US if American people don't want body immigration, OK ?!
California is Socialist.
It doesn't have relation with me and my children, inheritors of the Flag who was just there as adopted, and it is finished now after his death.
My son will not go there ... they adopt someone else or other dog !
Florida is Republican. It is about Space. We will see what the US and Australia will exchange as Bridging Activities... when i will be back in Australia remotely work with the US ...
But now, i understand why they asked me to choose between Socialism and Republic at the time i didn't know all those things ! It was just non sense for me !
Now, as the US is not Monarchic, the only thing we can do there is the Federal Politics HelpDesk to help Americans governing their turning-by-terms Executives.
and it is in Massachusettes if people want to change ...
War History :
VN war with China, with Japan, with France, with the US, with Cambodia ...
It is obvious that the war culture is VN !
Si Macron veut du renfort militaire, il faut demander à David (pour son pays) ou au fils de Muriel (Alcatel), celui a été pris à porter l'uniforme Politechnique ....
Pas à moi, pas au mien,
à qui tout ce qui m'a tenu à coeur a été refusé !
Payé toujours si peu cher pour trop de choses demandées ....
I will come back
Retirement Home Affairs
Free Help for Remote BC Great Public
Part-time Help for Politics HelpDesk and NetCom News ....
In the meantime, Australia can not pay my pension alone working for everyone.
The charge has reduced a little bit about 100€/month
That is what i have to live, everything included.
The full medical covery has stopped.
I can not continue to work in France no longer.
They have started to replace me everywhere ...