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Will i take Home everything i have done or got here ?

No, what employers hired me for, i let to employers.

I can only take Home what i personally do myself for Australia !

I myself will not come back to Titles but my children will by National votes, i said ...

It is not because we inherite that we can not progress !

I am continuing what my parents have started but not finished, fixing their problems and my own problems every day ...

Are you inherited from dog brain to beat inheritance so much ?

You get out to the US and Japan.

Maria Antoinette stays in Europe North Africa (Algeria).

We even will not keep Macron !

They all are in the list out !

We will not keep accountable because we will have less back in for sure.

I have not finished lodging the claim against the scam of Elon Musk, we will not take another Musk *hit Little X scammer as education !

Canberra we take are true Australians living there.


Simon and Harry might come back in the UK or EU or Russia because both Diana and Camilla has an "a" in their first name ...

But Charles will not let the UK to William and push Simon in my Home !

One Nation is Better.

We reunite the North and the South.

It doesn't mean All kinds of legals thefts !

Move directly to the Bridge with this program, including this banning list

The Liberals party doesn't exist anymore,

replaced by the Commerce Registration and the CE Great Public in Sydney (EXEC and Decision Staff)...

We maintain the Parliament in Canberra.

Pauline Hanson gets out to the UK or EU where there is All ...

Sydney is with Queensland and Canberra is with Victoria,

and that during 20 years until we will have the National votes for the Title and SubTitle.

They actually are in VN.
You want to take them back?

My son will split between Australia and New Zealand.

His brother can also split between New Zealand and your country.

But my daughter will stop taking him.


What did we have in Congo ?

but Africa was for my 1st sister for Africa.

No, she can not pray for my King and let Africa below !


Charles was David.

Prince Andrew was my 3rd brother .

William has to get out to America.

He is very dangerous.

Now, David can come back to them or get out to Ukraine where there is his father the Tri ? (Biden)

I think that both my grandmother and Ségolène Royal are British.

The one who split is the one who was with Albert in Monaco.

Thomas is from Middle East, it seems.


Qu'est ce qu'il ne comprends pas ?

Je ne vais abandonner un pays comme l'Australie pour venir faire la classe moyenne française  !

En dessous d'une p* qui couche avec tout le monde !

C'est ça !

Virez-le du poste de Président et envoyez le en Ukraine pour faire la guerre !


We are talking about Politics and countries.

Please keep that question for the Bridging activities when the Bridge will be started...

I am not coming back EXEC. We will send someone to talk with you.

But GERMANY has Physics, not IT !


2 daughters is not me.

But don't confuse between the child of the spouse and an adopted child !


We have to replace Albanese and Jim Charlmers as we replaced Scott Morrison and Josh Frydenberg.

But we have to find the right persons to ...

I can not continue to make elected without conditions.

I will make elected the persons who can achieve the defined target.

Mrs Burney is on the way for the PM position....

If you can help, thank you !

With me, it is Life, Home & Jobs first, not Bank and speculation.

I don't care about the world richest ranking full of lies and cheats, if finally people live well and are happy in their country ...

I have to come back to do it in place, not just eternally working abroad.


I need to see my $5000 scammed by Tesla refunded, Biden !

That $2400 deposite for the appartment was asked by you !

As the President of the US, you have to see it with FBI or CIA if you identity was stolen by Elon Musk.

I don't want to see more. I want to see less scams from the US. They have to refund !


Au salon de l'agriculture, quelqu'un lui a dit que la France c'est Claire et Net, mais moi je ne sacrifie pas mes enfants pour l'Ukraine, voir pour la France !

Et je pense que bien des parents français le sont aussi.

Faire ce que je suis en train de faire pour un pays dont je n'y ai pas droit, c'est déjà beaucoup !

Ma mère a toujours dit "Ton/tes enfant(s) et mon/mes enfant(s) bat(tent) notre enfant ...."

et maintenant que je comprends plus que jamais de quoi ils s'agit

Mais elle a finalement fait le choix de me lui rendre après m'avoir porté et on garde la main ... Mes enfants ne retourneront pas en Europe.

Je vous aide les Français mais je ne reste pas éternellement ici et je ne me sacrifie pas pour l'Europe. Il faut mettre ça dans le crâne de Macron, sinon virez-le !

Il ne faut pas céder à la tentation de pouvoir voler les autres puis se demander dans quel pays de merde vit-on ? Pourquoi il y a autant de voleurs ???!


Oui, c'est ça.

Fermez-la et allez bosser activement dur vous-même,

Marine le Pen !

Ou vous êtes en train de dire que vous pouvez faire ce que je ne peux pas ? On verra ...!


PM Modi has the right reaction to Putin.

Ok Independant.

Now, India has to stop Global track to stop stealing intellectual properties for Indians AI developpers.

We will let them know how to cooperate through the Bridge.

It is not a problem for me that he comes back in India but he has to make another child to shake hand ... i will not deliver out my daughter.

Europe didn't copy exact Australia. They did the mirror, the opposite.

I go father land. My elder half-brothers and half-sisters can stay mother land.

Russia doesn't have the plan.

Big enough, Russia can become a new independant continent, letting Ukraine to EU.


Don't stick to me like a *hit and make me you,

and i won't have to rectify in social media !

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