On rentre en Australie avant !
Which legal personality ? Legal theft ?
Some countries have also made prostitution legal too...
Commonwealth Commonwealth....
I told you that I will not give to thefts the Authority to fire us !
International, other continents have billions of persons. Australia doesn't have even 30 millions. We always fight 1 against hundreds or thousands persons at the same time ! What's a shame for their competition !
They are protected by the British Monarchy and the French People.
They steal other countries to eat wealthy food and dress
And we are just challenged too much, if i am still alive, you must have estimated that Australia has a lot of chances !!
You might prefer that cloth
to that cloth ...
Get out to the UK !
I don't prefer that show
To that show !
We are coming back to change ...
As they were saying they did the show American way !
No, we don't take a fake head in the culQ.
I knew the Brave. We studied and had some outies together ...
My 3rd child was Pitou, not my son !
William might want to remove Louis
But I am not removing my son to validate a fake biologic monarchy,
putting a popular culQ without frame on my head ...
to make China stronger !
Was it beacuse i said that we take the Monarchic countries group head and let the Space group head to France, In my April 6th 2024 News ?
We have to find out what's wrong ...
but God never explain !
God is not so faithful ?
God just do anti-thesis ?
God accepts everything and give away a leadership child to Commonwealth ?
But we don't deliver a child to Commonwealth or Global.
Other countries can innovate.
Finally, people can vote to conclude :
Solution 1)
China baloon : Sky leadership
France mongilfera : Sky new 1
Australia helicopter & air craft : Sky new 2
US Space Moon Shuttle : : Sky new 3
Russia Rockets : Sky new 4
Solution 2)
China baloon : Weak Sky leadership
France mongilfera : Weak Sky new 1
Australia helicopter and aircraft : Strong Sky leadership
US Space moon shuttle :: Strong Sky new 1
Russia rocket : Strong Sky new 2
The limit of people votes without the right to vote and African head ....
J'étais en train de dire :
Faites ce que vous voulez avec vos représentants.
Si Lea a un enfant avec mon fils, ils rentrons au Tasmania.
Ne nous faites pas dire ce qu'on n'a pas dit avec vos représentants de me*de !
Puis si on veut tant que mon fils sorte "un peu",
Bah, on peut toujours revoker le "Statut Monarchic" de la petite espagnole ...
Mais effectivement, c'est plutôt Léa qui était fautive pour "détournement mineur et vol" parce que mon fils à l'époque n'avait que 17 ans et il ne veut toujours pas d'avoir d'enfant avec elle ...
Et, Johny Hallyday était mort pour pas grande chose parce qu'il n'avait pas de Statut Monarchique à révoquer !
Mais pour moi et mes enfants, l'école de l'école est terminée.
C'est pour vous les français l'école de vie obligatoire avec Jordan parce que votre école de vie c'est trop de la me*de pour moi !
If you want tos share quakes, please share it with Italy !
Perhapes, we will be able to avoid it to spain ????
We are not returing to Turkey, because my son is my son, not my dad!
In VN, my dad was my dad but mon "Add" was not mom.