Show down where ?
The guy who makes that video needs to be precise !!!!
Do Americans want to be loved by liars, crooks, scammers, thefts, killers... all kinds of criminals ????
Harmer more than all of them are stupidest !!!!
Hundreds of thousands who want to be loved by all kinds of criminals or hundreds of thousands are all kinds of criminals ?
You are HR Human Resources, Trump !
Don't stick to us truth and politics !
Perhapes, you don't understand that you are lying but
Politics is not just about People Care and People Cut !!!!
Trump est comme un adolescent retardé gâté pourri ...
à son âge , c'est peut-être une forme de l'autisme ou une maladie similaire ?!
Strange, those who invented numbers and counting could only count until 4000.
That's why i needed ++ to say we were before ..
I can not understand how those who don't have symbols and numbers .. can count until 5000 ???!
I agree with Biden to stop war in Middle East ..
I think that we shouldn't send our people to fight there but we should rather send Middle East people from our countries back to their countries.
DNI is not me. I keep 2 !!
The obcession of Europe is to make me All but i am NOT ALL and it will never be confirmed !!!!
All can not study is a fact !!!! All is a Meta-Prostite !!!!
I will NEVER confirm it.
Try to put it into your headbone once for All !!!!
Tulsi needs to be investigated from head to toes for what she has ...
If she pretends to have 5000 years, we need to know her History, at least per each 1000 years ...
But i will never let to her our model same Symbol different currencies,
One International Bridge, many Home Affairs with everything we have built !!
It is TOO EASY !!!!!
Was it about Céline ?
Now i understand why it sticks to me like shit everywhere i go, everything i do ...
Land Use is VN but i didn't talk to NewSom about Land Use !
With plenty of mis&dis Information,
i just didn't know to whom he was true ?!
I thought it was to them ..
Now, if it is not the case,
OK join us out !
By this time, it is me. I am not giving Visas In to Celine !
You are Welcome !
Obama plays games too or more exactly he manipulates teenagers playing games on board !
Or someone did it in his total ignorance, without agreement ????
We will rather keep EU accountable with IU ,
1 & 1
Envoyez Nikos en enfer ! ;)
Pourquoi ils ne diffusent pas "Danse avec les Stars" le Jeudi mais le Vendredi ?
Plutôt jaune comme de la merde que comme de l'Or !!
Parce que les cours de danse municipaux, il n'y a pas de mirroir dans les salles pour se regarder ..;
Mais maintenant je crois comprendre d'où venaient les saloperies de batteries ...
Cela venait du savon, spécifiquement pour toilettes de femmes !!!!
C'est chimique, ce sont des chaussures italiennes et c'est Tout !!!!
Il faudra changer de marques savon tout le temps, et pas que toilettes intimes, ..
Macron a dit qu'il va sacrifier la totalité de la population Française !!