Je ne suis pas intéressée par les élections européennes.
Macron va nous lâcher le Q avec leur 10 pays !
Mais Il faut savoir ce que vous voulez pour voter ...
Si oui, seul Macron y va !
Bien sur, la moindre peine c'est encore Macron démissionne par lui-même et Elon Musk rembourse l'arnaque qu'il a fait ...
Still doesn't want to refund ????
Même La Banque Postale qui avait été bien jusque là, a refusé de me couvrir la perte sous prétexte qu'il est trop tard pour porter plainte, Le visa n'avait pas de "processing time".
La Banque Postale a même clôturé le compte d'épargne de ma fille pendant sa disparition !
Je lui disait qu'il fallait faire attention et ils le faisaient, en abus de confiance.
On vit dans un pays de pute et de voleurs, la France !
Ils sont cons ET surtout malhonnêtes !
Ils se créent eux-mêmes un prétexte pour se venger. Macron parle du terrorisme tous les jours !
Leur but ultime c'est toujours de pouvoir oppresser voir tuer pour voler sachant qu'ils ne peuvent par gouverner seuls sans tête !
Il semble que Macron a parlé de défense hier ...
Au VN, ça pouvait être NPT
In Australia, C'était Scott Morrison
Josh Frydenberg ne faisait rien et c'était Scott Morrison qui voulait le supprimer, pas moi.
Your mom divorce by my joke will be "refunded" even though it was not me who did it !
Of course, if we stayed in the UK and splitted with Middle East, my son would be Hector again ... but we will not do again what mustn't have been done !
It is the adopted child that has to go out and it is
the 5 for the UK.
the 8 for New Zealand
We have been rebuilt clean, If we know that we will die, we will not go stupidly wrong again and again making plenty of families lost someone with us !
Indonesia takes simple Inheritance and that was me as an Individual.
My children can take double inheritance for local Titles inside the Australia continent ...
Lea can go Home right now with us in New Zealand or the Islands Union,
But others continents must stop miroring with us. We don't have relation with them.
If Melania wants to go Home in Indonesia, she can.
I will not stay there but it is not her NetWork. Stop lying Trump !
Sydney is with Queensland and Canberra is with Victoria
but everyone can work anywhere in the country. There isn't borders between States.
They just have less and more money for the distance from Home to Office.
That's why we need a flexible business model for a one Nation country, Title and SubTitle.
Now, i understand why all those americans, i talked to,
wanted me to purchase their Card ...
They thought that it was Bill Gates Junior who had it, but no.
The Credit Card was me.
Sky News ? Not New Sky ?
They are saying that William will become New Sky , but it will not be in Australia !
The name is the spouse, even divorced and go Home
(the Spouse, not yet the Employer)
So, New South Wales can become Sky New Wales when we will be back and Simon will leave ...
What are you waiting for ?
That criminals will stop by themselves taking us in hostage to steal ?