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03 03 25 News

Photo du rédacteur: NetComF6NetComF6

Are you talking to the Donkey ?

Now i am sewing clothes and not yet military uniform.

Le février 2022 dont vous parliez dans votre vidéo, c'était quand ma fille a eu sa fausse couche, c'est ça ?

Après être revenue ici dans cet appartment pour un dînner en famille après un 2021 complet d'absence ...

Je me souviens que Poutine était comme un fou parce qu'elle m'offrait des fleurs ..

Fêtes de fin d'année, un simple dinner entre mère et fille n'était pas possible en dehors de leur caméra !!!!

Ils doivent nous scruter en permanence jusqu'à notre intimité

mais de quoi ils se mêlent-ils ???!

Mais dans quel monde de merde vivons-nous ???!

Fin 2022, elle est revenue pour la première fois seule, sans son frère, me dire qu'elle part en Australie.

La regarder jouer au piano de dos, je sais que quelque chose de grave est arrivée ...

Son corps a changé et Il n'y a plus une joie innocente qu'elle avait toujours eu plus que son frère dans ces occasions ...

Ils ont fait tout ça pour savoir de quelle putaine de mère je suis sortie ?

Est-ce que j'ai de la haine ? ou j'avance simplement ? ou je l'oublie ?

Mais de quel droit des connards comme ça nous font ça ???!

Quelle orgueil ?

J'ai expliqué depuis bel hurette que pas tout c'est quelques choses ..

Ils veulent absolument faire de mes enfants Tout ou Rien !!!!

C'est parce qu'ils n'ont pas pu le faire avec VN, il a fallu le refaire avec Commonwealth après nous avoir volé la Monarchy ????

Sure, if we allow the mirror with William in Germany, they will want to do it to ...

But it is not with them, not like that we want the mirror !

So, we will stop the mirror with everyone !

Not the whole Europe are mirroring with us, from head to toe, from Town to fa/u(c)ke King...then we will have to mirror back with the car ???!

Not All i said !!

I am not against Peace, Trump.

But not before Justice is done !

Let's make it done then move to Peace ...

You didn't wear that Red head when you were shot ?

You were a theft, might be son of prostite and shot as a hero ..

My daughter must have been a Princesse and gone as a salope ..

That is what they want but your 2nd term is not too bad ....

For you, Justice is finished, Trump !

Keep it accountable for EACH PARTICIPANT !!!!

Trudeau, Ursula Von der Lyen, Putin, Trump ...

You can not hurt then protect your criminal citizen !

It was you going out to get my CE Great Public stuck while they were saying that freelancer is english ..

And what did we do wrong to you in this appartment ?

The building didn't belong to you !

The country didn't belong to you !

If you didn't hear well and are unable to "disconnect" ?

It is your brain, not your ear that must be "shot" !

It seems Putin is making vaccines for "White Cancer", he probably will take it !!!!

And you, Jim ?

Which All do you respect ?

What didn't you understand ?

I told you that All is not allowed in Australia.

Even All parts ...!!!!

They musn't come to grab and make us a part of our own Country and our own Monarchy !!!!!

I thought that Angus would want to campaign as PM concluding your 3 years efforts and let you jobless with $20 per day .. ????

But No, he seems to choose to be treasurer being himself national...

and i think that he is not as empty-minded as all the Alls you respect !!!!

And now, i am worried to let you become the next PM with your "Putin comparisons"..

Unless i have someone trustful to place as Delegated GG whenever needed if the PM is 3 years fixed !

It has been twice Jim talk about All and All parts since i talk about the Anti-Communist Party ..

So, Jim will pay 20€ Tax to that fundraising after the Aussie Agenda Channel !

I was saying yesterday that these days i don't see Australian videos in my YouTube watch list .. But i have to know what to search to search !

So, if you want me to watch those debates, please send those links directly to me via Telegram.

Otherwise, please conform strictly to these bannings

Jim mustn't be the next PM if he continues to be there for All, any All !


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