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05 11 24 News

Photo du rédacteur: NetComF6NetComF6

On vit dans le pays de la dinde dingue !!!!

Je suis cliente, je paie l'assurance et ils me disent que je dois participer à la charge mentale !!!!

La vache folle puis la dinde dingue ...

Je peux beau dire que je ne vote plus à tous les niveaux en France mais manger les légumes tout le temps ne les aident pas à aller mieux !!!!

De l'Assurance, à France Travail, à l'Urssaf ...

Tout est toujours pareil partout !!!!

Remplis d'Africains, surtout à France Travail, ils ne comprennent rien, les insultes ne les atteignent pas ...

Tout le monde jouent partout tout le temps à essayer d'emmerder au maximum parce qu'ils ne sont pas contents de leur salaire de fonctionnaire ... ????

C'est déjà 1600€-1800€ sans rien faire !!!!

Parce que c'est plutôt les clients qui paient qui travaillent en tant que chômeurs ....

J'ai dit qu'il faut taxer sur la moitié des loyers locatifs parce qu'il y a des charges qui ne sont pas revenus nets mais je n'ai jamais dit que je ne vais déclarer que 50% !

Mais bon, 6% sur la moitié ou 3% sur la totalité charges comprises ... ce n'est pas un problème

Seulement, si vous ne comprenez pas, il faut demander. Sinon, fermez la !

Vous avez fait assez de dégâts comme ça avec la 2e élection de Macron !!!!

Mark Cuban was in Cuba, nearby Florida ??


That are Celebrities around Florida but they don't look like the Brave.

They look like the Brave (n° 2)

Brief, the Brave in South America is like the Flag in South VN,

They died, both children come back in Australia ...

If my Royal aunt stays in Ha Nôi then the sister of the Brave can stay in Canada.

She said that "beautiful" has to come back in VN but no, Vietnamese by Origine are not beautiful !

Asians merged with Europeans look like New Zealanders ..

and now in VN, we can not distinguish who is fake, who is true New Zealander by look ...!!

And you Sharri ????

What was unfair with you ????

What did you do during the 17 years i made others elected Executive presidents and PM ??

No, Trump will not be your next guest in my Home.

Don't stick to me like fucking shit !!!!

I don't know where you will go out ... to be a wednesday your time ????

But Thefts of All kinds are not allowed in Australia.

You will go out somewhere ... to have the right to wait for your long week !!!!

What are those budgets estimated, James Paterson ????

I can not watch all your videos to see what you scheduled and want to unschedule ...

I know that Not everyone have the Capability of Synthesis.

There are who can only work with details ..

But I have hundreds or thousands of persons in my porfolio !

If everyone makes videos like you, i need 240 hours per day to watch ...

Brief, if those "budgets" are waiting to go out ...

They go out with $10000 max per work year, everything included,

Or Continue to take us for stupid ... wait until we will have 2M Ausor = $2000M estimated !!!! On which criterias ????

Or Now, we will refund to the US $20 per day for some years, taking from Tax or high Prices good for nothing in Australia, in what concern me.

The agenda was not respected !!!!

If people talk so much about Insurance / Assurance these days because Jim Charlmers looks like Pascal Saget, the chief of project at Scor (ReInsurance / ReAssurance) !

Pascal is n° 11, not n°7 ...

But those 1st names are like those Budgets estimated !!!!

People call who they want what they want ...

First names are never inherited !!!!

They are those who always wait on our road back ... to rob !!!!

When we worked for the Libraries,

I bought a book about Cleopatra just to know what's about ...

I didn't have time to read, it was already stolen !!!!

Then they moved to Egyp and she had a miscarraige ... to set their procedure,

because we don't want to abort willingly ????!!!!

I suppose that pyramid represents Hierarchy ?

OK, if there are hierarchies everywhere ...

Just don't stick like fucking shits in my Home !!!!

I prefer Einstein

than Nikolas Tesla !

The chief of the field Insurance studied Telecom, lol ...

Who couldn't put his hand on my legs, people said .... ????!!!!


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