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06 11 24 News

Photo du rédacteur: NetComF6NetComF6

Do you contest the Election Results by this time, former President Trump ?

I suppose that not...

There wasn't any cheat.

Everything was not done yet but people know what they need to know day after day...

And first and foremost, because among those results there are a lot who voted for Trump 4 more years ... :)

So, not yet possible Congatulations but Sure,

I would like to thank voters and everyone who have worked behind the scene to lead to those results.

Thank Mr Trump and Mrs Harris for having played the roles,

Escepcially Mrs Harris for having kept all the speechs of former President Trump safe from whatever happens ...

Thank you !!

Now, we are in a floating period that everyone have to be very careful ...

Trustful until Safety.

It was a desaster with Charles III !!!!

We can not save Elizabeth II disaster after disaster ...!!!!

Harry comes back to Camille without Meghan and that is France.

Queensland is me.

My brother can not stick there to make theft walking the wrong walk all the time !!!!

I knew my grandmother, not him.

Those who come after as elders have to leave ...!!!

Who is Peanut ?

I was thinking that the brother of my son with the Brave can come back in the US ...

Not sure, between him and you, who are more animal ???!

He will not come back to my daughter. We will not take her "merry" again and again ...

With our Politics Master, we will have 200 graduated per year !!

Elders have to leave, unless they are where they are truely elders.

Animals have Hierarchie ... not Titles

My son stay in Australia as Title. Africans stay in Africa as Humans.

Who goes out where to vote ?

In such a day of victory, i don't want to insult anyone but i still have to say that Australia doesn't accept fucking shit in !!!!

Make sure that after this reform "getting out of all the beaten paths" there won't be anyone else who get out now to get in back after me ...

Fucking shit don't stick to me !!!!

Not sure you are peanut but if you want to get out there, we don't retain.

Not sure Americans will want you

but you still have to leave Australia because we don't want you All kinds of thefts in Australia.

There wasn't any misinformation in the American election yesterday !!

People know what they were doing for .... and they did it wllingly !!

So, just shut up your prostite tongue of leftist, Sharri, and find somewhere to go out !!!!

10000€ max per work year or regulations multiple-prices Dollar Ausor ...

High numbers is not high values !!

Rien à voir avec la Techonologie ...

C'est difficile à les décrire mais je vais dire que ça c'est le genre de profile pour Macron ...

Ambitieux certes, mais

Ils ne connaissent ni la justesse ni la dignité.

Rien ne peut les remettre en cause, ils prennent tout le monde pour des cons, ils s'en foutent de ce que les autres pensent, rien ne peut les atteindre, même pas les insultes !!!!

Ce n'est pas parce que les insultes ne les atteignent pas qu'on va arrêter ...

Si c'est la seule chose qu'ils méritent ???!

Tant qu'ils cohabitent avec nous, les insultes vont cohabiter avec les bonnes manières !!!!


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