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07 01 25 News

Photo du rédacteur: NetComF6NetComF6

Comme pour la Macif, je n'ai jamais travaillé pour la Banque Populaire.

Seulement cliente et mes comptes ont été fermés il y a long temps.

Tous les documents qu'elle génère en mon nom depuis la fermeture de mes comptes sont illégaux.

Il faut qu'elle arrête de nous emmerder avec ses documents !!!!!

That is !

See directly with China.

I am not here to satisfy the desire of Putin to revenge China, beating Xi Jinping !!!!

Stop trying to sabotage every relation i make with others !!!!

It has been too many times and there won't never be any hope to become our new clear !!!!

Australia is not a place to solve conflicts between Russia and China and/or other countries !!

If you are not there for the interests of this country, go out !!!!

Democrates always say that is the People who do it, just go out to do it somewhere else !!!!


Australia is Monarchic, not Democratic !!

As many other fields, Jason Clare can take informations from everythings done here on NetCom News to build his Politics master program ... then commit back directly to us when everything will be fine.

We don't need Pauline Hanson there to grap for All everything we do !!

German people are not banned in Australia but she has to find something else to do than grapping. All is not allowed.

Australia is Monarchic, not All Communism.

Kinds of jobs that Employers in Australia propose to me on Seek, i can do it in France.

I don't need to go back in Australia for that !!

I will drop my account on seek now.

When Australians will be able to make our Visas for Home Affairs, they can contact me directly or through NetCom News contact form.

People were like crazy with Black and Blue Breaking News yesterday ...

Not every News...

Stop Trump Breaking News stupidity !

If Blue is low level workers as technicians in the opposite of high level workers as frame managers, then both low level workers and high levels are necessary ...

but high level workers are white not black !!

If Black represents the Tribunal and Blue the Force then they are complementary.

The Force is not a New to break !!

Indeed, in VN i sometimes wore Blue and Rose.

Since i've come in France, i only wear Black.

For Australia, we will put both Black and Blue in the Grey.

We don't have the Plan.

I will not say long today.

All the external mouses i have are bugging.

There isn't any plug and play USB mouse that can work with any Laptop except for the integrated in the Laptop mouse !!

A lot of fucking are playing Big tiny, very tiny !!!!


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