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07 11 24 News

Photo du rédacteur: NetComF6NetComF6

"Il était dans ma classe, il vivait dans ta rue".

He bien, dans ma rue, il n'y a personne qui s'est faite insulté comme votre mari à la con, Madame !

Vous êtes non seulement son enseignante, vous êtes aussi comme sa mère !

Qu'est ce que vous faites en longueur de journées avec lui pour ne pas l'éduquer ?

A moins que vous dites que votre classe est une classe de voleurs et vous l'acceptez tel quel ...

Parce que du moment où on a choisit de dire la vérité pour faire juste, il faut appeler un chien "un chien" !

Mais j'ai pu me débarrasser de votre pédophilie d'une manière que, sans mentir, et sans avoir besoin d'insulter des beaucoup plus jeunes que Macron pour me dissocier de vous !

The Time of Leftist Lies is being over ...

People are less stupid now !

Some Americans were asking about writting their own History ...

They need time to think about a correct Politics Regime for their country...

something else than just licking African bottom, fucking All around,

something else than opening their great arms to welcome all kinds of thefts in a Home that is not theirs, aborting to cut head just to have a place to stay ...,

something for true white Americans !

The next 4 years could let them that time to think and write ...

but only honest people should participate ...

So, When and How they will make happen "Trump 4 more years" that a lot of Americans voted for ?

Australians working for Nasa wanted to keep log of where they came from ... ??

Americans living in Australia didn't have choice .. because the center is not habitable ...

But we will give them back their AirLine ...

Why Freedom lost ?????

They are popular !!!!!

I will not keep in my Home the n°5 spouse of a "merry" i couldn't have with their own child .. ???!!

For whom we have been harashed so much as the next number in All and for what Albanese will be in all those beaten paths we'll get out ...

They just have stopped following me Royal, taking me down, and took up by you !!!

But when it was time for them to take me up, he just left ... and they told me that i had to do it myself !!

Students didn't die at school.

Those "merry" die at their Home and other Australian child goes Home.

My brother has to release Queensland to me.

Both my children are Australian now.

Question Time 6 is very simple :

Who are still there in my Home Affairs ?

If you want to make a fair go to everyone .. what's about me ?

When will someone make my Visa back ?

Or you are still saying that you can not do anything ??!!

If people are worried about our Security and Safety in Australia ...

I can move first.

My son can stay in France for some times then come back later if everything is OK with me.

But if Leftist are still playing to make me "patient" with trump return

The return of the mad cow

added crazy turkey will make the unstoppable waiting stopped more quickly ...

Online or Off line, those who game win or lose ...

I don't play but we don't have a millions of ways to deal with addicted gamers !!!!


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