For those who read it too soon or too late ...
I will not regret a 3€ mouse to not expose a scam of $5000 ?!
I have a NEW mouse today for my fixe computer and everything is working fine,
so, Breaking Trump !
Sincerely, if Mike Pence doesn't replace Trump in the US, we will replace Trump in Australia.
Trump is saying that he takes American back,
i prefer sending her out there and watch their match between democrates ....
because Kalama Harris is playing very dirty ...
Pence can not conclude the campaign of Trump but Kalama Harris can steal the job of Mrs Pelosi ?!
They all defend Activism but those liars all dream to become a Permanent non-Activist job !!!!
Trump was campaigning with Elon Musk and they don't want the "car" for Kalama Harris...
And now Musk is having a lot of ennemies, Trumps is just winning his campaign alone .... stealing the country with Kalama Harris !!!!
That is Democracy !!!!
Is it to those shits holes you want to stick your 4 years term, Albanese ?
It is not because we don't keep Trump that we will keep you !!!!
No, not 4 years fixe term.
If you can not do it during 3 years, there isn't need to give you 1 more year wages ...
Commentator is not my job, Albanese.
I told you that 20€ /day was what i needed to live, not my wages for commentator job !
I did it because others need my opinion to make those Executives elected everywhere because Democracy, Republic and Socilism don't have head to think !!!
There isn't anyone who knows who is God.... ?!
People want to know what they have to do ? not to pray ...!
Because if everone prays, there isn't anyone to do !!!
And now it is me who want to stop progressively interfering into other countries Politics but in Australia, it is still and always me who DECIDE.
I am not withdrawing myself from everywhere !!
The Birth was in Indonesia ...
Russia took the cast with Indonesia,
not Papua, not New Zealand !
I told you that is Mi, not me !
They dream going into All !!!!
Stop sticking Yellow like shit to me !!
Nan, Nan, Nan,
The US has already 52 States without Canada ?
Whatever, Canada is another country !
Like Papua for Australia, not like the Northern State ..
Don't dream to make a shitting cast with our Northern State, Trump !!!!
I don't know why Trudeau is wanting to resign ?
Perhapes, it is not the right place for him ?
Perhapes, to apologize for his misconduct during his terms causing hate and desasters everywhere ...
But Trump is not better,
just harashing weaker countries and licking the shit hole of stronger ones !!!!
Disgusting, Trump !!!!
Je n'ai pas continué le CE Grand Public en France
parce que j'ai compris qu'il y a des tas de personnels partout en France et ailleurs qui venaient de chez moi ou de chez eux, qui sont là à attendre voir ce qu'il faut faire ... ???!
Ce n'est pas la peine que je cherche à meubler le CE avec un nouveau personnel à moi,
re-inventer la roue à chaque fois !!!!
Excusez-vous pour ce que vous avez fait mais ne pas céder à Trump !