Parallelisme is not Mirroring to copy !
Every things that happen at the same time are not the same things !
You must have understood that i am not Trump.
There isn't the white house in Australia.
When Trump will get stuck with the Car and Experience and wants to pass away ?
That was "Add" !
Not Better, not Beautiful,
but a dog anyway ...
An ugly one !!!!
The same everywhere ?
Trump is surrounded by women who don't like bad guys but i will shut out tiny pets first !!!!
If Trump stays President in the US, we withdraw Mike Pence to Australia and he doesn't need to split to US and Russia !
Mais Putin n'est pas parti pour faire BRICS ?
Il retourne sa veste tous les jours parce que Putin se retrouve maintenant avec un dilème ...
Il veut que Trump devient President aux US mais il veut aussi prendre Pence avec nous !
Je ne sais pas pourquoi comment ils peuvent penser prendre des gens à qui ils refusent des choses des plus importantes ???!
ça, c'est très occidental et moi, j'aime pas discuter avec les tordus de la tête !!!!
Bah Trump est en Allemagne.
Pence non.
C'est toujours très embêtants des gens qui vivent dans un endroit avec l'identité d'un autre endroit ...
Voir sans aucune identité !!!!
Return to Cancer ?
If they can never change ...;
Strange !
Princess without being the daughter of a King or a Queen ?
Why do we efford to do things differently if others can just steal directly ...????
Some How, the Congress of the US is like Home Affairs in Australia.
Actually, i feel more comfortable with them ...
than with Great Democracy or Commonwealth.
Not exactly the same thing, but exchange must be fair ...
I go general Home Affairs. Tony Burky can stay Minister and make us the Transit Visa ...
Pension half result, Visa half result, both can candidate as PM.
People can vote.
The speaker stays the speaker.
We will see what we will do with the GG once the Presidency of the US finished...
We just have to help others finish repairing cars !!!!
We will not come back to Monarchic Titles while we have not taken those who have been there governing the country while we were absent ...
We will not come back as SubTitles Prince and Princess while the UK is keeping the King and the Queen with Commonwealth !!!!
In the meantime, we govern with Operational Titles + Monarchic Status to keep history.
People propose, the Government approve or refuse.
Propose what is more acceptable for us to stop hate speech !!