S'il faut "payer" pour ce que vous avez fait en France, vous allez l'assumer vous-même...
Vous ne pouvez ni nous demander d'être sanctionné à votre place, ni nous voler pour Tout !
Il faut punir les voleurs pas l'objet volé !
Si vous ne voulez pas rentrer en Nouvelle-Calédonie, cela vous regarde et cela ne doit pas conditionner mon non-retour !
Nous, on va récupérer simplement ce qu'on a perdu ..;
Et estimez-vous chanceux qu'on n'a pas encore porté plainte contre Lea pour détournement mineur !
La France est Républic.
Il est impossible pour nous de garder la main avec elle, étant une Monarchie.
Effectivement, on va garder les petites mains avec l'Espagne et l'Angleterre quand on est de retour en Australie.
Il y a plein d'Anglais là-bas. Ce n'est pas la peine de les ramener d'ici.
Je ne trouve plus le clip où vous avez parlé de l'Algérie....
Mais maintenant, le Maroc et l'Agérie sont hors scope.
L'Europe c'est l'Europe
On est déjà suffisamment de travers comme ça avec le miroir !!
Parce que normalement l'Espagne c'est le Maritime et c'est l'Angleterre l'Aviation ...
That is the child of the sexe nurse of Trudeau with François at FranceFinance ?
Don't stick to us better but indeed, in 10 years, you will have to reject a sticking harasher ...
Your true dad is American but don't confuse the right to stay in the US with other guilts.
Of course, if Trudeau was raised up by a fake dad, he can raise up a fake child ...
I am OK to be raised down by a fake mom because she was raised down by my grandmother .. but it is not eternal.
This year i have exactly the same age than "Add" when she left VN.
It is time for me to leave.
Australians, we do it by ourselves and we are for true inheritance, true Monarchic.
Just stop spreading to us YOUR SOCIALISM !
Stop raising New Zealanders against Australians !
Indeed, the Flag said that he went to New Zealand ..
i think that my true mom was New Zealander so is my brother ..;
But other children of the Rich have to leave.
Not just cybertruck.
Ban the firm Tesla for every kinds of vehicles, for All car.
Yesterday, i still had a lot of hateful questions about my divorce and ex-husband name ...
despite a million of times now explained that i will change it when i will come back in Australia, getting married again with someone else !
In France, i don't have any else name to use if i don't want to keep my fake dad name "Pham" means "Mr Woman" !
Both "Mr Woman" and Nuke are fake. Both have cheated a lot.
Some are saying that my Nuke name didn't come from the Accountant but the Airlines Pilote ...
And the Pilote face is someone nearby
Adam Schiff in the US
And Peter Dutton in Australia.
Both must have come from China ??
On the way back from Europe, i prefer to put on clothes than continue to nuke ...
Please, just let us keep that name until we will change it ... and you too, if you want to stay in Australia.
There are millions of people who have that Nuke name ..
so, why it is a problem for me ?? Why not others ?!
Russians are still harashing me to take its name "Mr Woman" !!!!
We have to stop the Phamily in Australia.
Oh i am ENOUGH listening talks about him anway !
The guy is like eating a too big food that he can neither swallow it in nor crash it out !
Before marriage, it was me who worked and have 1 year of full wages savings when he was still doing his military services ..
After divorced we separated into 2 equal parts what we bought together with same wages during 20 years !
In difficult time, i raised both children alone despite jobless, despite a huge amount of problems ...
most came from social harashment to divorced women !!!!
I didn't hear about Bill Gates until he heard about me and Australia !
So, shut up !
Don't pretend anything if you are good for nothing !
We will refund Hawley a lawyer and pass to work....
Marriage between countries are finished !!
Because American women used to get married to share money when divorce that American men used to think that every women on earth get married for money, divorce for money ????
NO !!