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Photo du rédacteur: NetComF6NetComF6

Are you there at war ?

You are stealing what i am saying for me to lead me ?

As that is NOT what i am doing, i can not follow you

Before change is not changed yet..

So, you will do the King off like Anne Claire Coudrey to go back down in New Zealand if you are wearing Green ?!

As if Chinese are shameful to use their Identity to commercialize, they have to steal mine ???!

Why do you think that i have to reform the reference our Australian Visas ?

HUAWEI is banned in Australia !

Mental Health, there isn't one day that i write this NetCom News without anger because of those "conneries" !

They are not just talking about numbers or letters ....

They are stealing our identity taking us for stupid !

A good health society is a society absent of those "conneries" !

So no, not new housing because new houses are never enough for Asian people !

Vietnamese was the 1st community in the US and now the US is full, even Europe is full, they are moving to Australia to make us the same

But no, we don't want more "conneries" !

The Senate stays local.

Australia doesn't have Laws as Leadership.

It is Papua who keeps it International.

We keeps Politics.

The 608 Transit Visa i ask is only for the job i will take, half Treasurer half Home Affairs to the person who does the Sponsor ...

Not Experience for everyone to follow everything !

Those who have not been in our discussion for years now, please step away !

While waiting to go out, they can share their houses or appartments to students or workers ... That will help without having to build new.

New World Order ?

1 New Order for 200 countries ?

Or for more than 7 billions of persons ?

I think that we should have countries independant, self-governed.

When it is about common issues, we continue G7, G20 committees ...

turning by places depending on the subjects.

I am not Middle East people !

The misinformation is the Voice itself !

I don't know whether my brother is my brother or my cousin ???!

and whether he has the Yellow King ?

These days, i've seen other parliaments than Canberra ...

Indeed, we can also have the PM turning by terms and by places.

When a State Governor wins the PM, he can stay in his State

The King and the Queen with the whole team will move in to work with him,

if every States already have the infrastructure for ...

That is the education of elder come after activist !

Whenever possible, I am willing to satify the willingness of everyone , even the most uneducated ..

But which misinformation ?

Millionnaire , billionniare ... Trump is campaigning as the President of the US and doesn't understand the difference between Academic and Universal ...!!!!

The US doesn't have yet 52 White Houses for each State.

They to have to build it to defend their conviction of Federal States ...

But It will be very complicated for leftist to win with infinite division until Individual houses !

Most of the comments in that Polls don't want to pay tax when they can receive informations that they can not get anywhere else for 20€ /day !

If that aboriginal flag is ABC, it has to be separated into 3 independent countries, not defunded !

The yellow belongs to Australia.

Just please make sure that those who refuse to contribute to this anti-inflation day will not receive anymore information from us.

Votes are not free.

When people don't know, they say they don't know, they don't say No.

When they say they don't care, we will stop iterating, they will stop voting.

Those who are for All, go out.

But she has Yellow anyway.

Hope that she knows from where she was out ...

Because the French Orange chose NodeJS !

They modify people in run-time !

It seems the "BIG File" didn't survive ... ????

NodeJS is Mexican. France doesn't ban All.

Australian Orange is Technologies, not Politics.

Our Politics is White Yellow.

We can not stick everyone together in All !

All is not allowed in Australia.


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