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Photo du rédacteurNetComF6

18 03 24 News

What say your constitution ?

  • Guilty half/half the person who does and the person who ask,

So, victime who becomes harasher is 100% guilty ? OK

  • For my son, I didn't know, have never asked and have never done it myself so Jeff Besoz will not be the President of the US ? OK

In General, I am not extremist.

My constitution has many levels of crimes and a different sanction per level.

If the sanction is $5000 penalty or 5 months in jail, the victime and the harasher can share half/half.

But to never return Monacrhic and never be President is not the same.

Because loosing the Monarchic Status is loosing thousands of years

Loosing 1 or 2 President term(s) is loosing just 4-5 to 8-10 years

It is not half/half !

To review our Constitutions, you can support me out Bridging Change Manager to review the Constitution point per point, but definitively we will not have the same Constitution.


I don't hate Trump but I had to impeach him

and because Mike Pence was occupied to walk him off (before the tribunal judgement) that we had to make to Biden elected.

Trump can not be elected now because he never change !

Trump is not the person for the task.

Trump is NO change !


Our task is difficult, our task is hard, our task is tough ...

because there are plenty of them ... who just do obstacles to be removed !

Stop bla bla bla. It is time to make America America again.

Stop Politics shows. trump will return actor.


We have to stop pissing shitting economy !


It is obvious that Kate is Chinese.

Because we had cross part of Russia land to go to Canada that they had come to join Russia ...

If Camilla doesn't have the Royal Blood, she shouldn't be called Queen Consort but the spouse of the british King !

Simon will have to go Home to work at Home. If he is the son of Charles, he can continue to be crowned in the UK but not stick to us.


Ils font toujours le miroir ou la pure copie. Il n'y a pas d'innovation !

Personnellement, je préfère moderniser la Monarchy pour être avec le pays en entier, pas nous isoler dans un petit coin ...

Mais c'est sure qu'un pays a besoin d'une tête pour faire élire les exécutifs tournant par termes !

Did you get their prosti ?

Which proofs do you have ?

But you should rather try to find your genealogy

than fill my laptop with migration files to be removed every day !

It is completely fool that i even don't have the admin right to remove them on my own pc !


NetCom News is not leftist media and change is no longer an option !


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