At least, the PM we will take must be elected by us but it is impossible to take everyone elected by us ...
Even though PM is an executive position but at that salary, Albanese could have proposed something better than follow others' procedure !!!!
Then spread it to the whole population ...
No, not every channels, those who didn't do anything wrong.
Isreal can only defend itself where it is !!!!
Not everywhere, not in others' countries as an immigrant !

There isn't anything Yellow on that Flag ?!
Stop listening behind our door and stick to us like a SHIT !!!!
Shut up YOUR PROSTITE TONGUE of THEFT about my children !!
My children are not so EMPTY-MINDED to Camille and Harry !!

From now on, i think that countries can shake hands like that ...

Not like that !
The protocol has to change ..
Our Monarchic Status is banned to copy !!