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21 10 24 News

Photo du rédacteur: NetComF6NetComF6

Russian ressources might be unlimited but Russia on the Plan doesn't steal ours for them ..

Russians steal it for others ... thefts !

Don't tell me that is not the Russian mistake.

It has been years we've got stuck with our Visas back !

Don't tell me neither that Biden wanted to sanction us because Australians also use the $Dollar system !

We are not stupid but

OK, Australia will have its own currencies ...

Multiples like $ but Continental or like € unique currency

Just please let us those 2 buttons AND+OR on the laptop keyboard to create our symbol ...

for Ausar or Auso.

Barnacles Activists have mocked me longtime with Capability ...

They just didn't think that one day their Capability to earn money sticking as barnacles will become their Capability to pay Tax or High Prices ???!

What's About Technologies ? I think that each country will teach what they create.

Australia will not make Universities Program for every Technologies created by everyone !

For countries who Bridging Cooperate with us, perhapes our Logics Certificate can be required to enter their Universities ...

Such as for our Universities, if we make courses in English or French, a Language Certificate can be required to apply ...

Les points c'est Jacques Legros ...

En Français c'est sur 20 qu'ils notent ...

Le Plan 6/20, ça n'ira ni à l'Université, ni dans l'espace !

I am not shocked.

A country like China will not stay with just a Balloon !

I have known about ISS and the China Space Station many years ago ...

And it is ISS problematical if it moves everywhere on non-member zones.

For clothing and houses stuff, China can continue to provide popular products ..

I think that every countries have their leadership for their own clothing but actually there isn't anyone who can provide popular products in quantity with an affordable price/quality

For some uniforms in small quantity, we can do it ourselves but popular uniforms in quantities, it is not worth that everyone invest to do the same thing !

Now that China has started to improve quality for their products ...

China has billions of persons to feed. Australia will not exceed its 26-27 millions.

That is a win-win relationship.

I am not asking supermarkets to reduce prices oppressing producers to be accessible by everyone... as Europe used to do !

I am asking for multiple prices for the same product to different categories of populations.

But i don't need to keep unused products refunded for negative prices.

We need our Home Affairs to be unlocked, our Visas Back to be done ...

We don't need to shadow Clare Oneil.

She doesn't have Titles to be prestigious or famous !

I told them that if they did it to us to set their procedure, now they have to do the same thing to them and stop saying that we are terrorists !

Yesterday, there are who said that we are multiple-origines and what we get depends on our choices ...

No, not anyone can choose to be the Local Australian Monarchy.

No, those who have not lived our whole History

and who have not DONE everything to keep our Local Monarchy can not choose it now ! It is too easy !

James Paterson, you will go back to Isreal and stop sticking besides us because prices will be high for you !


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