Get married with British and stay in the UK ..then let France to Camilla and her children
Or stay in France like that ...
I first said that Simon comes back in France ...
but French people said he is the forgotten Prince !

That is what to finish and clean the French TV tray ..
Yes, employers that don't fire thefts at work should go bankup !!!!
The way back is not easy and it is not the same for everyone....
We do what we can and we don't have to do the same thing !!!!
So what ? what's their message to me now ?
They are those who separated my daughter making her leave before ?
Indeed, in 2018 when i travelled to Xmas with the Phamily in Brisbane, my son was delayed for an exam,
and it was William who said that we shouldn't travel together to prevent crash...
But my daughter and me waited for him and we finally went together late for Christmas but i didn't know about William and Kate trip to New Zealand in 2014.
I do what i feel comfortable to do ..
They have to stop wanting to lead us for experience !
We don't need it !
I have always believed that i was B, thought that my brother was from the Flag ..
and was surprised but now i understand why Krys said that i am C ...
I am not the only 1 they plan to be C and they are not there to help !
Unique is not ONE !!
All wanted to give David to me and seemed to be very disappoined when i said No and the Dragon said he will take it back ... to finally clear the Word !!!!

That world is a Monster !!!!
Plenty of cheats, traps ... just to kill and steal !!!!
It doesn't make sense that those who have talents, skills, competences ... have to sacrify themselves to raise all kinds of criminals !!!!
But All is All.
That one that does All has to do the C himself or herself !
No, i didn't understand all those impact when i worked to migrate ETEBAC to TCP/IP, just doing Technics ..
But it is the Client (French Blue Card) who kept the code paid...
It is not too big to fail and there isn't any mechanism gearing to help !!!
That is just a workaround !!!!
We don't criticize them to do the same thing !!!!
Seriously, i am changing the specifications ...

That is why i don't stand up to banks but stand back up to government !!
Bank is Bank. They keep money to invest and develop where the Government allows them to do ...
Not government, RH, Banks, Prostite, Murders, Thefts ... everyone in the same !
Trump is an C. They struggle to clear Trump because Trumps defends so much ..
and they don't know what to do with Putin because he is not an "i"
and they don't know what to do with Xi Jingping because he is not known by their protocol ... and they are confusing Unique with One for me !!!!
Prince Andrew is an C too ...
Interoperabilité oui vous avez compris l'essentiel
Vite non comme la plus part des gens sont à la ramasse
Et vous n'avez pas besoin d'aller où il va ..
Il vient souvent ici, pas vous. Vous n'avez pas besoin de venir ici 😂
For me, the age gap is shocking but it is your right. Others don't have to comment on your private life ..
If your videos are showed out to me for a question of face, i would say that in the new protocole, that is what to avoid ..
Hands shouldn't be shaked to high or too low
Not every houses the same roof
Not everyone at every levels of the society the same face : from the moon prostite to school restaurant workers, to artists, to the white house, to princess ... the same face !!!!
You are yourself a receiver / a destination, you are not there as you said !!!!
Secretary might shedule meeting for others ...
but Secretary doesn't write report for the meetings !
It is not her jobs. You know why !
I wrote report myself and have always scheduled meeting and sent invitations even book flights for me.
I don't pass by the Secretary like others ...
I don't have that face and you are not doctor or biologist !
Be who you are !
Out to somewhere else !!!!
Stop sending me your videos.
So, you are an ash and not the King, you say it yourself !
You are David for sure !!!!
Brief, Just tell me what is your relation with the Jews community ?
Is sharri your child ?
Why is it so powerful ?
But i do it right. There isn't too big to fail !!!!
I believe that there aren't only empty-minded in the world we are living ...
Jews are very insolent and manipulator ..
I will expell them all out of my country !!!!
If we don't want to spend our life just to control fucking people, we have to get rid of them.
They are doing the message package ? Cute😂
Acknowledge then send back, not remove !!!!
Or we will need a 8th tiers underground level to remove failures dropped ...
Trump is not allowed to put tariffs in Australia.
He has to wait until Americans will be relocated in America to deal with them ...
We don't need to import from the US to remove better !
Foods are not decreasing in France but farmers have to earn enough what to live too ...
Farming is hard.
I am not sure having understood everything you said ?
but there isn't anything shocking in your pre-election Pitch...
Unless who is broken as hardwork and deserv better ?
Scott Morrison children ?
Sure, there must be something for them but
If they can get something that way, others will follow .. and we don't want things to continue like that.
That mustn't be the way to access Australia if they did it willingly.
We will see it when i will be able to talk directly to them, very regretful that things happened that way.