I am not going in the Nord. I go Home, Australia as a country.
I remove the Green Politics Party in my country.
They could have removed the Green Bank in that one !
Et si t'as les c*uilles pour me répondre, gardes tes c*uilles pour recevoir ma réponse !
Ne supprimes pas mes commentaires dans Youtube qui m'oblige en plus à les remettre le lendemain !
ça c'est la vidéo que j'ai vue après mon news d'hier ...
Mais je m'en fous d'elle !
C'est qui elle ? La Banque ? La France ?
Quand je vais à gauche, elle me double à gauche.
Quand je vais à droite, elle me double à droite.
Pour elle, l'importance c'est de me doubler,
pas la direction !
Je me dirige vers le gouffre et comme un Taureau furieux, elle est tombée dedans !!!!
Maintenant, je veux faire demi-tour mais elle est foutue !!!!
Il ne faut pas me blâmer. Ce n'est pas moi qui lui ai dit de sauter dedans !!!!
What do you have against politicians ?
If you are millions of years ago to understand what I said, ask kindly or shut up !
I confirm that you are disinforming what i said.
She will soon have a penis and she was surprised than men can be pregnant ?
Which canal you want to take back ?
A shit of mine to eat ?
It is not because they are the same kind, both followers, that they can like each other !
You want to finish like that, Trump ?
What are you waiting for .. ?
Trump goes out to Middle East.
Elon Musk goes out to Russia.
Simple !!
Stop putting your nose into my Family and my Country, Trump !!!!
Which crowd size ?
Look at the US like that, it is a nightmare, not a dream !!!!
They are never enough of harding, of fighting, of shouting !!!!
I am for a diverse world with different countries,
not a universal world with every countries the same things !!!!
I don't know what it is.
I don't want to know and don't want to debate.
The US must be let to those who want to stay independant !!!!
Not those who are just obcessed to make everyone BIG with All.
Lazy or not, people must have choice where to live as they exist as a personality, as a specific culture ...not everywhere the same things just for fucking minded.
That is the exact meaning of Freedom !!!!
A freedom with legitimacy and without thefts of All kinds !!!!
Which Australian Economy Albanese is destroying ?
That is the face of Bernard Arnaud is it ?
I have talked for a while directly to many persons i needed to know but not him ???!
Perhapes, he doesn't need to be known by me ????
Why my Visas is getting stuck ?
There are things to be removed to get it done ?
There won't be election until my son and me get our Visas back to join my daughter safe.
People will answer to our logical questions to vote for what to do with Albanese...
We have to define what is Family to give Family Holidays ...
When does family start, when does it stop ?
I told you that when you don't know, you answer "i don't know", you don't answer "No" !
The Change has to start , not finish !
We are not changing to exclude,
but not to open it all as a Porno Prostites country !!!!
You must be the right persons to stay in the right places to get your right for Holidays among other rights for citizens ...
Not playing with dress to make everything stuck.
I don't know Iran.
We don't have anything in commun with Helène and Amber Heard !!
My son is not a child of Jerôme.