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Those who work for our Politics HelpDesk are hired by the Local Government, not elected by people.

We elect Executives.

Don't confuse between vote and elect.

If she is gone, she can come back to join our Politics HelpDesk.

We need people with conviction...

You don't look black by skin ...

If you are in the Northern State, you are Australians.

That was why i wanted to keep Grey and Rose ... before Leftists get you into troubles.

Children can cut their hair ....

Immigrants can not come into our countries and have the power to make thefts steal for them ...!!!!

Leftists used to make voters electers but that's fundamentally wrong !

That's why i said that in Australia, only Australians can vote ...

Our Politics HelpDesk elects.

People Votes are help to decision. The Government (its Politics HelpDesk) is decision.

The Government hires workers to work for them

  • take votes to consider people problems

  • decide to elect an executive to solve those problems

Those who didn't understand that mustn't have the Politics Time, i think

But who is Camilla to go fucking everyone everwhere like that ?

From which bottom door was she out ? Does she know it ?

As people used to say that behind a successful man, there is always an influencing woman ...

They are the first to pay "Tax" doing wrong !

"Extreme Right" is Left, not Right !

that error has cost him life ...

Will Charles and Camilla have the right for the ground like him too ... ????

Simon will stay there on their grave until we take Alain Delon children back ...

Papua is another country and even that country, they don't have it Entire !

It was your "other face" Nicolas who said that we will come back King!

We can share the same symbole for multiples currencies for exemple ...

But stay independant as a country.

I am not America.

I know Doctors but not patients. Patients don't need to contact me directly, i said.

I suppose that Gavin NewSom as another leftist has come out from that corner New Guinea too ?

He might have married to an Tahitian but in any case they can pretend to be White Australian with an American All White or European All White !

If those who were "here in me" have to come to come back to me ....

It means that those who didn't come back to me were not with me !

And we will not take them now to give them a Fake Historic Proof !

Not to the UK, not to America.

Stop asking, stop inisting, stop harashing !

We are not your ennemi,

but Australia is not member of BRICS and not member of UN

We want to do right because walking the wrong walk has never been a solution ...

Other countries don't have to put their nose in our Home any affair !

Australia is an independant country and continent.

We continue G7, G20 summits turning by places whenever it is about common issues concerning other countries.


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