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Photo du rédacteur: NetComF6NetComF6

Et quand Antoine et Sophie vont s'enlacer comme ça, ils vont dire "On est pire qu'eux" ! :)

Comme si on est si bête pour ne pas comprendre qu'il fallait nous le dire ???!

Mais il faut que les chien sans c**illes soient moins machos ... moins prédateurs avec nous !!!!

Vous avez vu la misère qu'ils nous fassent subir ????

That is not me. I didn't lie !

But in what that dog *hit is meddling ????

Shut it up !!!!

How can we be clean with so many dogs *hits sticking to us ???!

Those who walk the wrong walk have never ended well ...

The 1st wrong leader is as guilty as their followers

if you want to talk Laws ...!!!!

But i think that we will not keep Australia Lawful if the US has already taken it and Laws have a lot of legal issues too not handled.

We just need Dogs to stop imposing us their faithful Fidelity as moral Value !!!!

I myself need to know what is right, what is wrong to do ... i can not believe blindly to ganster God doing wrong to play with emotional stupid people.

Every country can have its own Constitution in which they say what are accepted or not allowed as legal and/or moral values.

From one country to another, values might change !

Flexible solution,

we can not stick All together as dogs shits !!!!

I can understand that Trudeau has mistaken manisfesting about us because he thought we were using his name ...

But brainless Céline, Céline, Céline, Céline sticking to me everywhere like dogs shits is UNACCEPTABLE !!!!

How to keep it accountable ???? I don't know how many times ???!

As soon as i was born it was like that !!!!

I am enough that All around the world people have to track my shit holes to know how to live their fucking life !!!!

I go Home and do it only for Australia.

If it is Australia that is paying me, i don't know what i am doing in France ...???!

"Un matin qui revient pour rien ..."

Il fallait demander à ses parents pourquoi ils l'ont fait comme ça ????!

Mais il ne faut pas que mes enfants soient harcelés à faire Tout ou Rien !!!!

Moi, qui je suis battue à vouloir faire quelques choses, faire autre choses !!

Et ces deux là, il faut faire très attention .. parce qu'ils ont le prénom d'une personne et le visage d'une autre personne !!

J'ai arrêté de voter partout en France.

Je ne fais plus du support pour personne mais ne les manipulez pas trop ... ils sont encore jeunes.


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