Comme ça, vous voulez continuer à partager avec Tout maintenant ?
He bah, la liste est encore longue !
Il y a encore un enfant à perdre, des coques à faire, puis les aisselles, les sourcils, le nez et les dents !
Et encore, je ne suis peut-être pas au courant de tout ...
Mais tout ça, ce n'est pas ma fille. Il ne faut pas croire qu'elle ait tout fait !
Même moi,je n'ai pas tout fait !
Ce n'est pas parce que vous avez fait une semaine de cuisine aux champignons pour votre partenaire que c'est bon, vous pouvez accéder à Tout chez n'importe qui ...
Il faut le faire tous les jours et cuisiner des champignons à manger tous les jours pour accéder à Tout tout le temps ... ! ;(
Dites moi, vous voulez le faire pour quel pays déjà ?
Vous savez au moins de quel trou de cul vous êtes sorti ?
Body implants or Machine devices, if you want to recycle, you have to wait until they are dead and out of use to be sent back to recycle factories !
Albanese will be replaced for sure.
But he seems to vote for Peter Dutton instead of taxing him to raise my pension?
I told you that we stop public housing, Albanese !
I was about to say that from the next PM on ....,
The Executive PM won't move to Summit with his wife anymore, but with someone from Home Affairs !
If we won't go ourselves, we will give him a delegated
because it is also dangerous to expose our General Home Affairs directly to corruption.
Life is life, work is work.
We support marriage by love and when marriage is not sane, sexe at work is not banned !
We are not following those models :
Men People Exec Activists, Women more or less Great LAND move ...
If women don't do anything than land, African lands come is evident,
and they will have to quake....
Putin has always talked about Russia as a country ...
But VN seems to say that President Xi Jingping wife is not land or she is land like more than 1 billions of other Chineses !
Yesterday, I've also seen a lot of videos saying that the "negative gearing" you talk about is a new gun sent from Biden ...
That's what made Russia and China like crazy !
But that is not us because we got the "Nuke replacing American" !
Tax cut was what i agreed but if you can not make Visas during September and can not raise my pension for some more months, we start replacing you now without delay !
I have never said that we will take more Americans in our country as we leave them !
Sure, it is fool to think that you, Albanese, could 1 day get your head out of the "no plan" !
But if you can not understand more than
a gender : male ? or female ?
an order of birth : born before ? or born after ?
You can not continue our reform with us !
And if the problem is Hà Nôi
(the 1st question)
Then i think that my cousins in Hà Nôi will come back to Australia with us.
My brother and my cousins are the Grey and the Rose communities,
Simple Inheritance from the King side and the Queen side
=> SubTitles without Monarchic Status
We let the VN to the family of the Rich.
Krys too will leave with his mother and sisters, back to China
My children and me won't join Russia to the "no point return".
We will return in Australia.