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Merci !!

Bye Bye les Français !!

Excellente decision !

Thuy Nga back England by Night.

Keep a peace of us with you for my best smile !!!!

It was for that we have been waiting since Trump election ?

Get well soon, Mrs Pelosi !

Down to $10000 max per work year before going Chinese Wall Home ?

Everyone ? If Albanese didn't let steal the dinausore in the museum ..

Actually, we are not coming back to Titles yet and i will not take a King name without my children ...

So, we will stay with the Monarchic Status and Operational Titles for a while...

Our choice mustn't be just an Order of Marriage or Order Birth see all the incompetences stunning around us !!

New Zealand was another country.

Tasmania was an External State of the country.

Then Victoria was an Internal State then New South Wales was a nearer Internal State ....

And now both are in the same State and they still have to struggle with the Plan !!

As if a mother can never have her 2 children at the same time in the same place

While plenty who have a relation far tens of thousands of km are still sticking to us like shits !!!!

A country of 26 millions of persons, i can only find 2 to do something with !! 😱

It is rather you who join James Paterson ?

I told you that our Home is not Public Transportation.

You can not come there to squat a seat unoccupied !!

You will not stand the Parliament in Canberra to stick like shits to our Home Affairs now !!!!

All those who are there for us without our agreement must be removed !!!!

Lidia Thorpe will be our Delegated Home Affairs for Visas back, as she has stopped doing Senator.

She is the 1st Senator to change career and not everyone will have that chance !

Paul Murray is now out of the Politics HelpDesk Election.

There won't be election for the next PM while we are not back to do it in place.

I told Pauline Hanson not to do All and not to do the country yesterday but that video has been made 2 weeks ago.

Indeed, the Brave must have been there Qantas but if he had to take me to stay there, it means you can not stay All without us ...

You will shut up about the Bill until Australia will have its own Bills ...

We might not put our photo on the Bill.

My daughter is at Home in Brisbane / Queensland.

She has the same Monarchic Status than her Brother.

There isn't anyone to replace you as treasurer, Jim.

Lidia Thorpe will do Delegated Home Affairs instead.

In France, they are electing someone like you to be PM.

Let see whether life will be easier but there is only 1 way to stop all kinds of desasters ..

If they are stubborn to stick to what we don't allow, desasters will be stubborn to stick to them.

I do right. I am not for the car politics.

At 4000 years, it was already BIG and there were already Monarchic Titles. I don't know what how before...

So, i make the 4000++ as History code for Australian Monarchic Status now out of BIG !!

Tulsi must have come there from somewhere else because the US doesn't have History !

Tulsi seems to have the Historic counter but not Administration, not Monarchic ??

Because Trump has to come back to the Chinese Wall 😂

Sure, if they want to share, they are more alike thefts than owners !!!!

If Xi Jingping has not accepeted yet,

He is less dishonnest and less guilty than Trump.

What if the US doesn't have a local heritor to take ??

We will not follow the US, in any case.

Australia is different. We have a local Monarchy.

We will remove thefts from our country !!

The "Birth" is in England !!

Tom cruise, James Blunt have the Birth face ...

Sincerely, Xi Jingping should come back there England...

Every countries who want to send a team on ISS have to share its cost ..

Otherwise, ISS can not float out to their sky zones.

To share such a cost, we need to save money ... from desasters

and why not innocent people at the same time ...?!

We have to do it person per person guilty !!!!

Indeed, Bachar El-Assad looks alike the husband of the last aunt of the Phamily ...

Who served in the Army of the Flag and President Thiêu in the VN war with America.

He might be there in the North of Australia.

The Australian Army doesn't have the Plan.

The US paid for that war because they wanted it BIG !!!!

No, Australia can not keep Laws like the US and Russia because Senators in Australia are all corrupted and thefts.

Those who can not change career will be expelled out or simply removed.

They don't less us be kind. Kindness is not infinite.

I do it Right, in any way !!

I don't have the Middle East culture. I don't know all those you talk about ..lah, ..lah, ..lah ..

Who are those 20000 ? Thefts of my identity ?

Because there are who want to harash and anticipate to be ready for immediate execution the day i crack ... ?

Obama is Democrate. He kills terrorist.

I am Monarchic. I kill harashers and thefts of identity if Laws and Tribunal are not able to defend us ...

Executives have to be ready for that list the day i crack....

Otherwise, in Troy, Prince Hector was killed not suicided,

My son is not following that Experience.

We are not actually in Middle East.

I give him an Australian Monarchic Status, not the Prince Title.

Iran is not me.

The person who has Amber Heard face is Helène at FranceFinance.

Clare Oneil is not squatting My Home Affairs anymore ?

You seem to be more with Obama than with Putin ?

Collapse with Obama, so !!!!

That car is more Democrate than Republican too ?

They don't work hard.

They work stupid living hard !!!!

I will take NASA out and remove Democrates in Australia.

I think that it was because Australians talked about Land that Africans happened in our Home.

Now we have to make them disappear with our Home Affairs.

And the best way is that Africans make them happen back their Home ...

Vous avez voulu savoir où il était quand il a chanté  "ne me quittes pas" ?

He bah, il était à Villetaneuse ! :)

Franck c'est la version Black du Tampon.

Je pense que Nikos a passé une soirée embarrassante avec les profs ... ????

La prochaine fois, ne me collez pas n'importe qui sur le dos !!

C'est fini l'abattoire des animaux ?

Parce que François Bayrou c'est la version courte de Pascal Saget quand Jim Charlmers fait la version longue à droite ...

J'ai vu beaucoup de vidéos médisances sur la nomination de François Bayrou !!!!

Il y a toujours qui cherche à bloquer toutes les solutions ...

Je ne comprends pas trop ce qu'il veut dire par ne rien laisser de côté ... ??

J'espère juste qu'il nous falicite la vie et nous laissera retourner chez nous...

parce que autrement ce sera très dur pour tout le monde. Merci d'avance !!

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