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Heritage came from us but they talk about ADN ???! Stop sticking to hurt my family !!!!

He killed Diana to be with Camilla then wanted to give the throne to William adopting Kate and now people are saying that it is Harry France, he wants to acknowledge Harry as son ???!

Those persons don't refuse any crime !!!!

If they can steal everyone, kill anyone, do everything only for the interest of the people of their country ...

Then British people is for you !!!!

That is someone who have always served PEOPLE, refusing his own interest ...

People as a population full of thefts, we have to refuse our own family to serve ????

Bye, Bye NPT !!

That face is the face of David, not my son.

If Viktor Orban is keeping the n° 9, Charles III is in EU !

Elizabeth II is Portugese, Prince Philippe must have come from EU ?

One day you will be happy to go Home and say that you are not XX !

55 years ago, Americans had already landed on the moon !

You just came 34-35 years ago and now you are billionnaire having Mars ??!!

No, You didn't return in the US, you came there when i came in France !!

What didn't you understand about the Bill ?

Australia will have its own currency and its own Bill ...

They had already splitted back to us.

Bill Gates only keeps one child, his daughter.


Otherwise, Deputy Speaker instead of President is OK.

You have received the correct information.

Il y en a qui travaillent avec la tête. Il y en a qui travaillent avec le corps. On peut travailler de n'importe où...

Mais arrêter de subir, c'est Excellent !

They thank for donations !

Trump will not be President of the US

Gavin NewSom ni ni ni na na na ... then thank !

And my answer to him

Trump Administration !!!!

I have Synthesis, not details, not more than 22 pages, i think ...

Je ne donne aucun accord à Trump en ce qui concerne ma famille et mon pays.

I don't give to Trump any agreement about my family and my country.

Mike Pence as "Trump 4 more years" !!

It is the person who said it and whom people vote for ....

I do it for the person who asked when it can be accepted.

In Europe, Home is my appartment.

In Australia, Home is my country.

Home Affairs is not House Work ...

A word can have many senses <=> many things can use the same word

But not anything can be anything !!!!

=> check the dictionnary !

Viktor Orban and Putin stay n° 9 and n° 11 in Europe ...

My daughter didn't abort !

They broke her pregnancy without her agreement.

I surely can not stay with those who were with me only to break my marriage, then fired me from Bank to steal my Administration for All, then killed my father, then killed our common mother, then finally broke my daughter's pregnancy ...

And now they are saying that France was out !!!!

In hostage with the dinausore stolen in Brisbane ????

Is the dinausore still in the Museum or they have stolen it ????

Can anyone answer me that question ?

Gavin NewSom said that he stands firm but France is still hoping to stick their beautiful BIG sexes to our Country ...!!!!

France must lose that hope. I will never allow it !!!!

Shut up your prostite tongue, Sharri !!!!

Have a look !

You have half her age.

Not sure that when you will have 84 years old, you still stay graceful as Mrs Pelosi !!!!

You will be back in Germany to do it Trump ...

One day Africans in Australia will be happy to go Home and say that they ARE NOT Australians ... to stop fucking great humiliation !!!!

That's enough for me.

The UK will stop stealing our Monarchic Titles and you will stop stealing their President Titles ...

We keep the Speaker for every States, every Parliaments, specific Infrastructures then,

Now, i know what we will have to build as Home Infrastructure.

I don't need Bank for that.

If Jim Charlmers becomes the next PM, you can replace him as Treasurer if you wish to ...

I have too many projects link to me, i can not stay full-time in a specific Function...

So, i go General Home Affairs, transverse cross-cutting issue projects.

He Bah, espérer qu'un jour vous ne faites qu'UN avec un âne stérile ....!!!!

Mon fils a fini son collège Cesear Franck depuis bel hurette et même le temps qu'il était adolescent, il n'a jamais dit une chose pareille !

Mrs Pelosi DOESN'T split out to us.

She is American, she stays there in the US.

Only Mike goes out or split out for the Space Force.

Lawyers are not above Judges !

By the way, A lot of Americans were voting for Mike Pence as "Trump 4 more years".

They didn't vote for Trump.

That is the Politics problem of representative activist campaigning sticking to MY identity without my agreement !!!!

And Theft of Identity is a Penal Crime !!!!

You must know work Laws to work correctly.

I didn't laugh at mom "Add" death,

just thought that she suffered too much to want to leave ...

and we shouldn't retain her in sufferings if we couldn't do anything to release the pain ...

I wanted to tell funny story and feed her but doctors nurses and my half sister didn't let me do !!!!

I laughed at Trump yesterday but Trump was not condamning to death.

Trump was just supposed to be impeached ...

The proof that William was tracking.

William has always been the most actif in tracking my pesonal life and that is also theft as penal crime !!!!

But why the US and the UK are in that situation ?

I could have let those who ask who are us to say

what is right, what is wrong ?

what is true, what is fake ?

... to find the answer by themselves ... when they can do whatever theywant !!!!

Then Kalama Harris and Elon Musk were trying to give more or less the answer ...

But the Problem is not just the Yellow !!!!

Actually my daughter, after loosing Black, is living in Queensland as White Australian without me and people are saying that "It is him, i can not" !

There is 1 Speaker per Parliamant = per State !

Some States were calling them Presidents ...

Both PM and Speaker turn by terms but

There is only 1 PM per country !

They started at mid-point, they have equal or less than half time.

For all the time we have been away, we've worked internationally, Australia included.

We have full time staying half time abroad ...

I didn't do anything significant for Africa. I will stop here with Africa.

There are a lot of Africans in Australia.

Someone of them will split, coming back in Africa to keep hand.

I am not approving Peter Dutton's right to campaign ..

We can not allow anyone to come into our country as activist to campaign ...

Whether they are for our Government's interest or not,

Whether they are for or against our Government !!

People can only vote for those who are approved to campaign...

Peter Dutton and Tony Burky are not yet approved,

Albanese is refused for the next term.

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