I don't have the Middle East culture. I don't know all those you talk about ..lah, ..lah, ..lah ..
Who are those 20000 ? Thefts of my identity ?
Because there are who want to harash and anticipate to be ready for immediate execution the day i crack ... ?
Obama is Democrate. He kills terrorist.
I am Monarchic. I kill harashers and thefts of identity if Laws and Tribunal are not able to defend us ...
Executives have to be ready for that list the day i crack....
Otherwise, in Troy, Prince Hector was killed not suicided,
My son is not following that Experience.
We are not actually in Middle East.
I give him an Australian Monarchic Status, not the Prince Title.
Iran is not me.
The person who has Amber Heard face is Helène at FranceFinance.
Clare Oneil is not squatting My Home Affairs anymore ?
You seem to be more with Obama than with Putin ?
Collapse with Obama, so !!!!
That car is more Democrate than Republican too ?
They don't work hard.
They work stupid living hard !!!!
I will take NASA out and remove Democrates in Australia.
I think that it was because Australians talked about Land that Africans happened in our Home.
Now we have to make them disappear with our Home Affairs.
And the best way is that Africans make them happen back their Home ...
Vous avez voulu savoir où il était quand il a chanté  "ne me quittes pas" ?
He bah, il était à Villetaneuse ! :)
Franck c'est la version Black du Tampon.
Je pense que Nikos a passé une soirée embarrassante avec les profs ... ????
La prochaine fois, ne me collez pas n'importe qui sur le dos !!
C'est fini l'abattoire des animaux ?
Parce que François Bayrou c'est la version courte de Pascal Saget quand Jim Charlmers fait la version longue à droite ...
J'ai vu beaucoup de vidéos médisances sur la nomination de François Bayrou !!!!
Il y a toujours qui cherche à bloquer toutes les solutions ...
Je ne comprends pas trop ce qu'il veut dire par ne rien laisser de côté ... ??
J'espère juste qu'il nous falicite la vie et nous laissera retourner chez nous...
parce que autrement ce sera très dur pour tout le monde. Merci d'avance !!