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Ce n'est pas l'impunité mais ce n'est pas Justice si les victimes ne sont jamais indemnisés !

C'est comme la cas d'Elon Musk, depuis qu'il m'a arnaqué, il a perdu et perdu ...

je ne sais même pas combien mais moi je n'ai pas retrouvé mes $5000 usd !

J'ai demandé quel âge a son fils ...

et il n'a pas répondu.

L'escroc joue toujours ....

Quand il m'a arnaqué, il n'a pas du penser que Kate et William a prévu de faire ça pour se débarrasser de lui ????

Il se croyait rester dans l'impunité pendant long temps !

Stop sticking to everywhere like a *hit ???!

Sure, at a moment, someone will have to do something about Macron !

Macron and his bandits have sabotaged me so much but after hundreds of failures i've watched, his criminal merit seems to get out of successful sabotage path ... ????


States Governors turn by terms like the PM.

A succesful term as any State Governor or any Field Exec head to candidate as PM...

A successful term of PM to become General Governor ...

is a good thing to avoid risk of high Incompetences.


As a principle :

If many can campaign and we take people votes,

how can i guarantee that Jim will be elected PM if he can achieve based on result ?

Now, Jim has to raise tax to people and not reducing tax to earn votes...

as said Albanese

I don't want to lie to voters.

So, exception that confirms the rule

By this time, Jim must be the only one who earns the right to campaign based on result if he can achieve based on result.

But what you are doing, Jim, is your job of treasurer, that i have nominated without condition.

Your priority is your actual job first by professional conscience and that is very good !

So, both Jim and Albanese get promoted to the next level

Or Jim and Albanese exhanged their places as suggested some persons if there is any reason that Albanese mustn't ...

In consequence, i need a job

  • part-time Treasurer and

  • part-time Home Affairs (Sponsored Visas 6xx, uniforms for people ..)

Treasurer job is not just managing Money, Tax, Revenus, Expenses ...

Its natural ressources part is Home Affairs.

Thank you for your support but Clare Oneil can not hold our Home Affairs alone as Great Russia ...

In Australia, she works under my Government Responsability.

Also, for medical researchs and innovations made in France by my ideas,

Researchers and Doctors can split if they wish to ...

but i can not let France a child to manage doctors. We are Australia as a country !

La communauté médicale cogite beaucoup.

J'ai reçu vos messages à la télé hier soir mais je n'ai pas d'image pour illustrer.

Tout le monde n'a pas besoin de parler de tous leurs problèmes publiquement.

Je connais les médecins, pas les patients

Les patients qui vont voir leur médecins n'ont pas besoin de me solliciter directement.

Ultra riches qui paient 0 impôts, au nom de qui vous voulez taxer la richesse des autres qui ne vivent pas chez vous ?

Je ne pense pas que ma grand-mère serait aussi... c*nnement envieuse !

C'était Thomas qui est allé lécher le cul des Africains au Crédit Agricole pour se retrouver en sous-chef des espagnols !

Eux, ils choisissent Trump !

Ne revenez pas auprès de moi. Vous allez retourner au Papua.

Continuer à être jalouse, tant que vous NE faites rien de positif.

Anne Claire Coudrey m'enerve tous les jours avec "restez avec nous" !

Mais ce n'est pas parce qu'elle est hyper-c*nne qu'on doit le faire !

And before Espanishs, there are Portugese ....

They will stay Europeans ?

Because in that Bank, North Africans were Expert Freelancers !

while i was Labor ...


Sure, if Putin wants to sanction those who just want to do wrong, he can not do wrong himself ...

BIG will never pass with Russia.

oh shut up !

You are the kind that always take the negative whenever there is something to understand !

I told you to be aware NOT to lose both money and person and you did it !

it seems that your fucking brain can not understand the "Don't" ?

They can not put in an isreal and take out Australia as a country.

Non Monarchic people can leave.

Those who have the Monarchic Status can only see it revoked. They can not leave the country.

I have answered it a millions of times now, stop playing !

Continue ask for approval whenever it is decision about Australians.

Middle East people in Australia have to go Home to defend their right at their Home.

Well, i think that it will not be possible for us to come back on January 27th 2025 to have 2 consecutive National Holidays.

We will have another Holiday for family reunion instead of Christmas.

I am not Religion practical.

People don't need to declare publicly what only concern them.

Stop that "tuc tiêu" bank !

To end 1 financial year ...

There are always plenty of ambiguities in what you say.

I suppose that it must be the package of tax raised to pay pension until the Visas will be done if you want to achieve based on result ?

Those who made the previous result will have promotion about 20€ /day...

Before change is not changed yet

Let's see how much you will be able to raise by yourself .... ?!

Without them, you wouldn't be able to start based on result !

Always the same price, the same price ...

when will we change ?!

Not twice the same person !

I didn't understand what they wanted to do before...

Now, i understand so no, WE CHANGE RIGHT NOW !

We need sustainable circular economy,

not just consume in our finite natural ressources.

So not immigrant without houses.

Not just building and selling houses to live.

We have not started our reform yet to hire workers.

A lot of things must be done before with existing people...

Why out of control ?

You can always control even though i prefer Trust ...

Australians don't need Trump to control.

We don't hire thefts to control us !

Indeed, you might be in charge of the Work Laws but Laws are not a game.

We can not do Justice playing infinite car game !

I have Laws.

My "brother" cousin can take the Solar panels.

If the idea came from the Flag, it is just right that he is in charge of that field under my government responsability.

He has SubTitle without Monarchic Status.

Moving to the Northen State, it is just the right place to do Solar.

We don't have borders between States.


States Governors turn by terms like the PM.

A succesful term as any State Governor or any Field Exec head to candidate as PM...

A successful term of PM to become General Governor ...

is a good thing to avoid risk of high Incompetences.


The position GG will turn by terms until someone who has the Monarchic Status takes it ...

It was not me who told my daugter to wear black when we left Brisbane.

I don't know who told her that if not the Phamily or whether she did it herself ...

HRH, Elizabeth used to say ...

I suppose that the Green color came from African Agriculture ?

I don't know whether she wanted to help us or to hurt us ... ????

But i will not represent any Australian population with that color.

So, if she wanted to play terrorist, it is willinglost.

Otherwise, don't do what we don't ask if you want to help.

I don't ask for "just dress, sticking as piss and shit everywhere" !

Why Australians talk so much about James Peterson these days ?

Why October 7 ?

We don't look like James Peterson.

I don't find anything, anyone in our surroundings in common with him.

And we don't need an empty word bringing just troubles.

James Peterson goes out back to Middle East.

You need to be investigated to move to uniform to move to official communication to fight fake news misinformation and disinformation ....

Because if there are plenty of persons wearing the same colors, what make differences are Titles and Graphical Representation like medals and braids ... in military uniforms.

The White uniform was for Air Force.

Navy Marines have both White and Dark Blue, it seems ...??

Nowadays, AirLines have Dark Blue uniform.

The President Thiêu and Vice President Ky (Flag) had many uniforms, not just White.

I am wondering whether my "brother" is in fact my cousin ?

If the President Thiêu was there in VN war as Malaysian on the plan ?

There are some kinds of persons ..

whenever there're something to understand ...

They always take the wrong !!!!

=> they can create a lot of troubles to others but never conclude !

Paul Murry, without any positive surprise, we prepare to replace Albanese in Australia.

Australia stays my unique priority !

And you ?

You don't want to campaign or to vote, i suppose, even not working in Official Communication ?

Which Visas are you talking about ?

Visas out to your countries as you are already in Australia ...

If so, Visas are not cancelled !

Study and be educated are not the same thing.

There are who have a lot of knowledges but still stay uneducated.

Humiliation is uneducation even though uneducated can also be incompetent.

Education is a culture.

Studies are knowledges.

If people come to study to come back Governors in their country,

what we teach are knowledges.

They will keep their culture.

That is respect and that is a cuture.

If there are cultures not compatible to study, we have to select who are suitable to study.

We don't try to change their culture ... as they have tried to change mine.

I didn't know any word to insult before i worked for that Bank.

And that is not Australia.

So, when i will come back and send them out of our surroundings, the culture of insultes will finish for me.

Now, as foreigners can not come into our country to divide it in States,

States Governors can not be static.

States Governors turn by terms like the PM.

A succesful term as State Governor to candidate as PM...

A successful term of PM to become General Governor ...

is a good thing to avoid risk of high Incompetences.

Only the National Monarchy is permanent even though those who have the Monarchic Status can also relay each other when it is necessary ... (not by fixe terms)

We have to keep in head all the beaten paths to avoid,

History can change but can not be removed !

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