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Dernière mise à jour : 4 oct. 2024

Stop barnacles speech !

Freedom of speech is not freedom to steal !

I am not renting or giving away my identity to empty-minded thefts.

Not, Federal.

You are National Treasurer or you must be replaced, Jim.

For my Sponsor Visa, you can make it through a Transit Visas (608 for exemple) that i will close when i will make myself other 6xx (600, 606, 607, 610)

I can also move directly to Home Affairs Visas to do it.

I feel even more suitable to do it than Treasury ....

Raise my pension if you can not achieve based on result at time.

But i can not tolerate those who vote Red or Green as a country !

Only Australians can vote.

Voting for or voting against, people must have the right to vote to vote.

Those who are not represented by our Flag are not considered as Australians !

We have to fixe our past errors to get us out of Hell ....

When i did the Flag wrong, they said that they were not represented.

Now, i fixe it, they have to comply.

People who are for the reality need a right reality to stay sustainable.

Pisser dans ma place de parking où je gare ma voiture,

Mettre du parfum dans l'ascenseur,


Je ne pense pas que c'est Macron qui ait fait tout ça ????

C'est votre peuple de merde qui le fait à son Titre !

Après mon news d'hier, j'ai même reçu un message de Temu comme quoi mon colis ne sera plus livré dans ma boîte aux lettres mais dans un point de relais contre signature alors que je n'ai jamais demandé ça ...

Pendant que la Chine était en train de parler du dollar avec les US ...

Et quand j'ouvre le mail, c'est la Poste !

qui a volé l'argent dans le compte de ma fille en fermant le compte elle est portée disparue !

L'argent c'est les parents qui y déposent,

et quand les parents perdent leur enfant, ils ferment le compte de l'enfant et volent leur argent !

Pas que la Poste...

J'ai eu des tonnes d'emmerdements de toutes sortes avec les livreurs quelques soient ...

Il ne faut pas mêler les livreurs à la Politique !

Je peux comprendre que tout le monde cherchent un sens à ce qu'ils font ...

Mais il faut qu'ils retournent à leur employeur pour le demander,

pas en emmerdant les clients !

S'ils n'ont pas compris ça, ce n'est pas la peine.

D'accord, vous pouvez prendre le Violet pour représenter votre pays ...

Comme j'ai fixé les couleurs pour le drapeau de l'Australie, on ne vous suivra pas

Mais les actes à sanctionner ne peuvent pas être qu'un simple port de vêtement.

Autrement, le prix qu'on paie ne reste que le prix du vêtement.

Trop de mails pour les offres d'emploi au Canada ...

The past is the past. History is for investigation.

I am not doing anything with Canada Politics.

Just stop fucking now !

Or remove it now from them if they are still using it as Politics.

Do you really think, sharri, that my family have gone through thousands of years of war,

Myself have put decades to search to do right to let you stick to conclude ?

Sincerely, i can not understand what you have in your head bone to do such a thing ?

I don't know how to talk politely to people of your kind ???!

I got Black but not Trump ?!

I see that they have removed in my Youtube History

the videos you talked about Home Affairs and watch dog to Jim Charlmers yesterday ...

But i will answer anyway :

TV, Youtube ... are for everyone.

Dog also can watch dog ...

It is not banned.

Instead of those videos, i find that one today ...

You are in touch or you are out of touch, i don't care.

Just don't stick to me !

Stop cheating in All ways.

Sincerely, even for my son, i prefer 1 thousand times more Lina.

You are not just too old for him. You are too "conne" !

You will not be hired to be our Home Affairs delegated.

I said i won't watch alone. I didn't say i will watch with you !

That's not a solution.

I don't want to keep a too BIG shit at Home !

They too have stuck like shits to me and made me angry during very long time !

Because i had to watch dog ?

No, it is not because of my past History to where they want to drive to ....

They are not my shits.

They are my cat, pig, dog ... shits !

They stick to me because they don't know from which holes they were out ... ???!

They stick to me until i find it out for them, one by one !

That is the kind of SYSTEM that produce those dogs, cats, pigs ... to shit and piss in mass !

But sincerely, i think that those who don't know who they are don't have anything important !

It is not worth to spend too much time to search for them, too many !

La Russie reste en Russie.

Elle ne doit pas entraver notre frontiere en tant que pays ou en tant que personne.

Or perhapes, we have to remove those yellows to stop them sticking to Australia ?????

All Black is All Black.

All Red is All Red.

Grey and Rose can be tolerated because they are low

but not yellow if it represents the Local Government !

It is Putin who said our local conflicts have become a Global conflict

but Russia has put its nose too far !!!!

In what are they concerned ?

Stop copy, do it yourself !

They are saying that they will break Red ....

I don't represent Red in our local Politics and don't ask people to vote Red.

What i said is "vote is not free" !

If they want to break Red, break directly voters, every voters !

Left Politics Activism.

We are not anymore or not yet interested in Students Visas .

You have to work up to date !

Home Affairs can make me a Sponsored Transit Visas ...

that i will close when i will make myself the 6XX Sponsored Visas.

If you can not work right, apply a Visa out for you !

The option "disable the channel" is disabled in YouTube

but Channel AMEC is a fake information. I never walk the walk that way !

Are you going BIG, Jim ?

That is Marria NOW !

If they want to follow, they will follow them, not follow me !

Don't stick to me, the Radio !

I am not censuring anything. I am saying that from the next PM on ...

Not sure that it will be Jim Charlmers if Jim can not achieve based on result.


Which misinformation are you talking about ?

It is not just Medias, I asked where my daughter is and anyone has answered me without ambiguity, Police, Governmental services, Teachers and Students in Queensland University included !

Always plenty of "if ... then ... else" !

Too stupid to understand that different is diffrent, different is not the same.

We can not take the same decision when it is about another person !

Otherwise, follow Nguyên Phu Trong !

The same thing available for everyone !

I will die like Elizabeth II at 100 years old !

Not just France, a country,

but the whole world is charged of emotions and frustrations because stupidities have come up power too high !

Those who want to build the car will get the car. Those who want humiliation will get humiliation.

Not so negative, I will not watch alone ;)

Don't reduce me to journalist, i am not doing sticking like barnacles !

But If you want to tax those super stupid power to raise my pension,

it is OK for me too.

I have said from the beginning that the only requirements is to do what you are elected for ...

=> make our Visas back

It is a work Visa, not a partner Visa

While i still refuse partnership, they call, call, call and call again..

and when i say Yes, the break belief !

I can not understand why ???!

If it is not just a stupid car, keep it accountable !

Not once against a millions of times !

If Jim will be the last foreigner treasurer,

Home Affairs can make a Sponsored Transit subclass that i will close when i will create myself the Sponsored 6XX ....

It is already tomorrow ..

It was because All couldn't study that i was stolen rewards and schooling many times !

Take the Car !

They prefer to sabotage me than to study and have knowledge to do right !

ça, c'est Tout ou Rien !

Since i told them that "Not All" is not Nothing, but Something(s) !

From English to French, Stupidities still can not understand !

They are just adding Africans to keep them live in ...

A world full of emotions and frustrations !!!!

That is disinformation;

In a video he left before dying i have watched, he said himself that he didn't have 16 tonnes of Gold !

Both have lost against the Rose Time and/or Plan Government in VN

But we have to know who the President Thiêu exactely is ...

If he is Malaysian or American or German, i don't care.

Individual States anywhere as persons ?

Russian States have to Stay in Russia !

Don't worry, I am not doing that Stupidity in France !

If the President Thiêu is a White Australian,

he is there ... on our Flag

The Title President is banned as we are coming back to the Local Monarchy, General Home Affairs from the Top and Plan Queen side ...

We keep the PM Operational Title for Executive Activist

I don't get any more a head at All as we already have Republic to manage workers

Enough is Enough, even without Republic it was already enough to govern.

Laws are the details of the King's orders.

Are you wanting to put it on your head like those stupid Americans ?

Which one of those leadership do you want to change ?

Or we have to change them All ?

Experience can not win anymore !

I am doing something anyone has done before ...

Will i display the Master II "Getting out of the beaten paths" now ?

They are users requesting for change, not teachers because we search ...

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