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Dernière mise à jour : 14 juil. 2024

Ukraine must be part of EU.

They all turn by terms ...

1 Gold State in Australia, 1 Gold State in Papua, Not in the US !

Leadership, Not Property, All other countries use their local Gold.

If there will be another child for New Zealand and Papua, it should be now with a local wife ....

Otherwise, we will split.

My brother too will come back in Papua turning by terms with others.

He had a subTitle without Monarchic inheritance and that is the MAJOR PROBLEM to be lifted out !

If Gavin NewSom doesn't want to come back in Papua, one more one less is not a problem to turn by terms ... unless he is the only one who has Gold in that country ???!

It is Sandrine Quetier who must have kept a child or both children of the true graduated (Litterature) ?

The Nuke didn't lie about his fake children ...

Come back to keep hands with us is Pence (not Litterature), i think ...

In General, people can vote to remove a problem, not to create a problem.

In Monarchic country, people can complaint and congratulate, not elect.

Don't mistake between vote and elect !

Even computing votes, there must be someone who say how ...

Pauline Hanson is a fake One Nation.

People vote Pauline next PM then agree she's out !

Who proposed Albanese as PM to me ?

That is the gross result of votes.

I have not worked yet on the Voting licence !

for voters and those who suggest as well ....

Mike Pence is the 1st i suggest by myself.

All others Presidents and PM for France US and Australia since 2007 have been suggested by others ...

Let's see whether it will be done ...

May 2025, Albanese will have his 3 years but we don't need to wait until May 2025 to come back in Australia

We can have a previous 6 months part-time Tresurer assistant, part-time NetCom News to build the Politics HelpDesk with other countries ..

Before Jim moves to be the next PM

It is not because i am selfish that i count hours paid...

but when i don't receive enough to pay others, i have to do everything else myself !

We need to be paid correctly to work correctly.

It is Nasa that i want to see what we have ...

I have seen what we don't have with Tesla and i am not trying to be scammed a 2nd time with Space X !

The problem is :

The Flag was trained to fly with France and Morroco but when he was alone in his very first engine, France and Morroco were not there !

New Zealand is not in North Alantic !

Japan is not New Zealand !

That's why we can not vote no for nuclear in the world !

We can not have Nato *hits sticking above, sticking below.

New Zealand can move to local Monarchy like Australia.

We share the mother of the King even though the Official King is in Tasmania.

My ex-husband has to come back to live there near his daughter too.

Pauline Hanson will be out to EU ..

Unless they are saying the Scretary of Nato is having auto-immune desease too ???? train to defend yourself !

What's about releasing Zelenski for a while... to answer directly to Jens Stoltenberg ?!

Thank you for your wishes but both son and daughter are my family !

I Don't choose only one.

My son could have had now his turn to know what my daughter has known but not him ...

But life has decided otherwise.

So, just stop taking my family to bet and play !

We will soon won't need speculation to do Politics anymore to let people choose with whom to live by themselves ...

We come back in Australia is not an option.

Monarchic people have to go Home. China too has to release my son.

I don't want to wait anymore. Others will stop trying to waste our time and theirs.

Democrats are those who have always talked Action and Merit ...

but finally what they do ? only speculate, track and steal intellectual properties !



As soon as i will come back to replace Jim Charlmers as Treasurer as intended years ago, Jim will be elected the next PM to replace Albanese.

La durée d'un mandat executif est librement fixé par chaque pays ...

aux US, c'est 4 ans.

en France, c'est 5 ans.

en Australie, je viens de réduire à 3 ans pour Albanese mais on ne l'a toujours pas remplacé.

au UK, ils changent quand ils veulent .. il n'y a pas de terme fixe.

Pour les pays Monarchiques, c'est la Monarchie qui recrute son exécutif. Aucun cours ne peut mettre son nez dans ce qu'on appelle "Home affairs" d'un autre pays qui ne demande pas de l'aide ou support.

Le Tribunal n'est que pour juger les affaires pénales.

C'était Putin qui a parlé du nucléaire le 1er. Il a dit que c'était les US nous prenant pour américains.

Les australiens n'ont pas de nucléaire pour en parler !

Moi, je n'ai juste pas voté pour le non nucléaire dans le monde dans tous les cas, quoi qu'il arrive et quoi que fassent les Japs.

Après, vous n'êtes pas obligés de faire tout ce qu'on dit !

Vous n'êtes pas débiles, quand même ?

C'est comme les conseils entre amis, voisins, frères, soeurs ...

C'est la liberté d'opinion mais vous en en faites ce que vous voulez tant qu'on n'est pas payé comme professionnel à conseiller !

Seule la Monarchie légitime d'un pays peut décider pour son gouvernement exécutif.


Democrats are those who don't have ideas if they always need to be inspired with a lot of problems of "walking the walking car" !

I don't think that thousands of years ago, a Queen could have a child out of marriage with the King ...?!

The Queen must have been a sister to Gavin Newsom, not his mother !

That's why he has Gold but not the Monarchy.

That's why he became Democrat with others ...

I found my brother in History as the uncle of the King 1000 years ago but i didn't find Gavin NewSom unless he was nearby the graduated dead who has never been taken by the Princess ...

That's why he is New and it is just now !

Papuans don't have the Monarchy. They turn by terms like Indonesia,

as the US and Mexico.

What did Nguyễn Văn Thiệu have to be above ?

The bad education by order of birth ?

Nguyễn Văn Thiệu, Nguyễn Cao Kỳ and Trần Văn Hương must have represented 3 different countries than all in the same walking the walking car !

It is not because we inherit that we can not change ..

Study, Research ... can make progress.

I must admit they have started searching a lot even though the target was not reached.

That's why we have to continue to progress...

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