Labor is Labor.
Politics Refugee is Politics Refugee.
Refugees can work but all workers are not refugees.
What say refugees say non permanent character ?
So, when the Politics problem for which we have been refugees is solved, refugees can go Home and it musn't be persecution.
Even better, we aren't going back to the country we left because of war or after war critical situation. We are going another our right Home to change ...
All was in Papua. We started, they added ...
Pauline Handson has to get out there !
Perhapes, David will get back there too
but we finish Republic Socialism with them.
They can only build the Bridge with us.
When a Bridging activity is beneficial, we share benefice to every wrokers,
not just All as single person. All is useless.
When a Bridging activity is not beneficial enough, every workers vote
to stop it
to maintain anyway
it is also possible that a State vote to stop and another State vote to take it ...
Whenever People want to find those informations again, everything they need to know are here :
The Word has never pretended to do the NetWork.
In what were they wrong ?
Civile Crimes ?
Penal Crimes ?
Politics Crimes ?
You have to define those crimes to know what to do ...
The Senate and Tribunal handle Civile and Penal Crimes, not Politics Crimes (and immoral issues however legal).
They are not allowed to revoke our Monarchic Status.
I would say for the Government Employment matter, in a general way :
In Telecom, for example, the 3G, 4G ... must be managed by the GSM staying up to date.
You stay unbroken in Politics HelpDesk NetCom Activities.
You have been there before Tasmania Liberals, you have the priority.
But you still have to ask ... 😏
What else would you want ?
I prefer people who work faithfully and answer directly to questions that have been asked than playing around ...