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08 07 24 News

Photo du rédacteur: NetComF6NetComF6

We had to remove the simple Gold ring from the Gold Diamond,

We can not get our Gold back,

We could even not move to Silver ...

Who do you propose to break ?

You as bank who did all those things ?

as volunteer ? or to take those $6,100 ?

Australia is not a storehouse for disabled people all around the world to be paid 3900€ for retirement !

We have too few population to work, not enough to feed us and to feed them.

Trudeau has to finish counting years to get full right back to change !

They must understand that i am not staying here to watch ...

Well, i should finish watching now to let him finish counting years one day ?

If you can force the nuclear reactors, you can force our Visas back ?

You know the requirements to fulfill to replace Albanese as the next PM ...

I have stopped everything in France, waiting is wasted time.

I can not be remotivated to find another little job with career managed by uneducated HR to let them track and steal intellectual properties for l'AI is not a solution anymore.

Any employer can handle this permanent brouaha all around hopelessly !

We have to move to the Politics reform to get drug takers out of Hell !

Pauline Hanson is not a fake One, but a fake Flag 😂

Si les démocrates sont généralement forts, il faut être forts chez soi ...

Là où il y a légitimité de faire.

FrDemocratExit : je pense que ce n'est pas la peine de préciser ?

que les démocrates sortantes ne rentrent pas tous en Indonésie ?

qu'un démocrate Italien ou Français ou je ne sais pas quoi ne va pas rentrer en Australie ?

Ou quand même, vous avez besoin qu'on vous le dise ?

Pas de retour de la haine pour nous, aucune des haines que vous avez semé !

La situation haineuse doit arrêter simplement pour donner droit à l'oubli.


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