La Russie c'est de l'acier
La dame de fer est Française Allemand !
Les allemands quand ils donnent, ils donnent des tonnes, ce n'est pas une petite bague de quelques gr ou mgr ... !!!!
Ce n'est pas un marriage comme La France avec l'Autriche...
Je rentre en Australie, je vous donne Que Dalle.
Comme ça, vous n'allez pas vous retrouver avec rien.
NO unique solution ?
The Lake gave me back a Diamond Gold ring...
What he had to throw away was the simple Gold ring.
But we have never talked about Money and banking marriage !!!!
You are not true, Albanese !
It is not about engagement ...
How to make a ring with a simple Diamond without Gold or Silver around ???
Gold and Silver could have waited for the next generations to Add ...
and when it is finished, we split to get marriage local !
We don't need to add again and again, like turning-be-terms politicians.
Even Silver, we have not got yet.
We stop the RING with European materials.
FRDemocratiquExit ....
pour nous 3.
Restez avec l'Afrique
Mais vous êtes sûr que c'est ça France Afrique ?
Ou c'est plutôt ça ?
Albanese is not about marriage but Jobs.
According to the actual Work Laws, both Sabotage and Incompetence can be professional mistakes to be laid off ..
However, sabotage is more severe than incompetence.
I would say that for the PM position (and jobs in other Authorities like the Police and even Medecine ..),
Sabotage involves immediate impeachment
Incompetence, we will just replace the PM at the end of the term