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Il faut être prudent quand même ?

Pour les Touts Entiers, un gros risque d'aller vendre des cigarettes après avoir été directeurs au McDonald 😂

ça va être insupportable pour eux si rien ne change ...

A 52 ans, vous pensez que j'ai encore besoin de nounou ou quoi ?

It can't be a 2nd without a first, both the same problem, the same defeat !

Australia will not follow the US model.

Change !

Change directly now we know what to do, and better without guns and wars.

Among a millions of things, incompetent can only retain bad, focusing more on criticising than solving problems ...

Anyone is perfect, the strength to believe in something anyway ?

We all know what we did and why we did it !!

So we must know in whom in what to believe ?!

You defend the value of marriage ? Or you search to trouble ?

If "Incompetent money in Politics" like you and Trump could have satisfied staying married in business knowing how to pay work by value, we could have kept Institutions instead of Homes ... ????

Or you should better shut up out to Trudeau divorced and anyone is wanting them ... ?

The Chance just walked back with me alongside half the road had been predefined ...

They give blood and/or money or anything, It was me who carried.

My son and my daughter will split giving back full politics update to New Zealand and the Islands Union ??

Dernière mise à jour : 1 juil. 2024

New is my brother. They are money !

That is a problem of administration such as the Title and SubTitles system without taking into account the local government time !

What do you propose to me, Albanese ?

  • to give my son away to the US ?

  • to let my Home to all those Mexican Americans ?

  • to make my daughter clear as new money ?

You are surely for the "car" as all those Japs ... dishonest wrong to govern low level people  ?!!!

Money are new old for global land like Meta All with Africa ... .

but Indonesians can not win !

Now, what do we have ?

  • 1 Entire Flag for 2 children ?

  • or 2 Entire Flags with Papua ?

If we have 1 Entire Flag for 2 children, My half-brother has to leave

  • the south of VN

  • the north of Australia

Where is mom "Add" ?

If Papua then from 1 to 5, they are All papuans ...

My brother has to leave Papua and Malaysia !

Now that my half-sister moves back to Russia, why doesn't he move back to South US with other children of the Rich to keep hands with us ?

He doesn't have Australia like i don't have Russia to give it to All !

I am creating the Monarchic Status to fixe the local government time Administration problem.

My daughter has a Monarchic SubTitle with the same Monarchic Status.

You can follow them out to the US ... if they want you, Albanese !

Sincerely, she should have been the 1st lady of Indonesia with Obama !

Because an European Indonesian can be the 1st lady of the US when her husband was just a worker ... ? 😱

No, i don't dream it 🤧

That is Mi, not me !

What is Trump ? Where will he get out ?

If he is there to walk the walk, he mustn't have been American from the beginning ...

Trump is more imposter than worker !

Even worker, we don't hire fucking workers just to control them !

Sure, Russia can has come because the US sticks to Australia ..

Russia walk the walk to and that is not me

The Australian Monarchy to what i am coming back was only in the Flag before the US and Russia : 50%x2 : 100% local.

Money are new old for global land like Meta All with Africa ... .

Japs can lick any bottom but but Indonesians can not win !

unless Biden's wife is American ... not Monarchic, they turn by terms.

And we, another country, has to manage their elections ... ?! 😱

Let's see whether the world people level is higher today to let us come back without guns and wars ?

Thank you for your support and help.

For my son, it was fake but i think that for my daughter, it was done ...

Now that forget is impossible,

The one who did it will not avoid Justice !

Someone must know the truth to confirm....

The best All you wish for Nato is Biden ?

He can get out there far away from the Ukraine border with Russia ......

As i said to Gavin NewSom yesterday that Democrats (Indonesians) like Africans have to stop fucking all around !

With that Bank's very Insane Management !

It is Obama who comes back in Indonesia.

Gavin NewSom can go back to us in Australian Continent.

People don't know whom to trust ???? what to trust ????

The only thing they can know is what they have done .... and what THEY ARE DOING !

Ignorance is not guilty.

That'swhy we have this NetCom News to inform for what they do ...

Je ne vote plus en France.

Ne collez ni Macron, ni Marine Le Pen, ni Jordan, ni François Hollande à nous !

Ils ont autres choses...

Depuis le 2nd quinquennat de Macron où ils m'ont sortie du processus d'élection,

pour faire élire Macron contre mon avis,

je ne vote plus en France !

Typiquement très français, dès que quelqu'un qui fait quelque chose de bien, ils ne veulent que couper la tête pour le faire plus que ce qu'on peut !

Maintenant il va falloir se démerder, pas se rabattre à moi quand ils savent pas quoi faire !

Rien que parce que l'âne n'a pas d'enfants, elle peut se permettre de tout avec la politique de Macron mais moi je ne marche pas les mauvais marcheurs.

Je marche bien.

La Chine, La Russie maintenant approuvent d'être indépendants ...

Quand est ce que vous nous foutez la paix ?

Je ne trouve pas choquant de leur parler comme ça.

Je comprends votre colère....

Ils sont en train de dire qu'ils vont nous taxer 69€ pour s'occuper de tout ...

Mais non, pour moi, les pays autonomes ont le droit de choisir avec qui faire quoi !

Qui sont-ils pour nous imposer Tout ?

Dans tout, chaque personne ne se retrouve qu'à 2%-3%, le reste c'est du Toc et c'est ça qui est insupportable pour tout le monde !

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