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02 08 24 News

Photo du rédacteur: NetComF6NetComF6

What does Pauline Hanson in Australia ?

Senator ? Go out to Papua !

They had their last child married to us to be Queen.

That's their problem. We let those incompetents solve it themselves...

We had our 1st child King. We did it and not just married ...

Even their 1st child Marie-Claire was just a "time child".

What is All for us to be so fucking ???!

Pauline Hanson goes out to EU, letting "Add's All stolen from everywhere there was All" go Home in Papua.

I had afforded alone The Politics HelpDesk for Exucutives Elections longtime before got paid by Australia.

As i stand out to Australia, i don't care much about who will follow it in other countries ...

but not in Australia.

I will do from January to May 2025 half-time Treasurer Assistant and half-time will build the Politics HelpDesk,

letting Jim recover half-time for treasury and half-time take care for his own campaign as PM.

What was done here was just a test.

Now, we need to build a real team for the Official Australian Politics HelpDesk.

But i don't take dishonest Incompetent people to do it.

Be aware.

Magic words like "All" to make dishonests incompetents, afraid of wrongness, without inheritance, dream to conclude on others efforts and success ... won't work with me !

For instance, i've just seen only some persons who are trying to do something by themselves ... and to whom i will help willingly.

That is the culture we will maintain in Australia. Others out !

We have our National ABC. We don't have the world ABC !

World revolution to be Independant World is impossible.

They have to wait until Mars will be populated and steal everything from Earth !

Follow us ? With All, they can never have 2 consecutive World Holidays !

Go straight. Don't turn around. My daughter is not All.

She didn't abort willingly to remove something.

We maintain the Title and SubTitles system, by election on our own criterias...

If she wishes, witout major problem, she can have 2 local children by local marriage by her own choice for her, despite the lost.


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