Of course, it is not because Germany keeps relation with us that they can not keep relation with Russia ...
We are for many bi-latéral relations, not one multi-lateral relation !!
When we change or stop a partnership, it will not impact others.
Flexible, we don't resist to necessary change ...
That is principally the differenrce between us and Russia !
But our partnerships have to respect one thing : not stealing us for others...
As Putin said, Russia doesn't refuse anything.
There are a lot of criminals, thefts of All kinds in that country.
And as if stealing other partnerships were not enough, they still have to make what they steal a desaster to set the desaster procedure back to us and to the world !!!!
Don't think that all those desasters that happen here, that happen there ... were from Germany !
In another video, there was someone who ask for a ceasefire (trêve) and Putin said that he didn't want to let them a pause because they are building reform and education...
He wants a long term peace ...
Well, i don't know whom and what Putin was afraid of ??
If it is our reform and Politics Master then i will say they don't concern Russia.
It is not a war. We do it for those who want to learn our model....
As fucking what, Russia bans us to do so ?
As fucking what Russia stays as the world ?
It is not just a Politics Master, we also have our own Technologies Masters because France has also its Science Po (Politics Science) ..
I don't how it came there and what they teach, but i have never said they stop it !!!!
People study what they want and where they are accepted.
it is not an obligation for anyone.
Sure, when i will be back in Australia, i will work more for it ...
Actually, i am not working full-time for Australia because i am very occupied to adverstise free for those who track us remotelly ....

Pour la France, ce n'est pas la peine de réserver ces formations avec moi.
J'ai fini la question des formations avec elle. Je ne vais pas passer ma vie à suivre des formations non plus ..!!
En ce moment, je veux juste un job qui me permet de gagner de quoi vivre en attendant ... Une perte de temps pour elle et pour moi
Pourtant elle devrait comprendre que si 3300 Milliards d'euos de cast Top Histoire ne m'intéresse pas ..
Ce n'est pas une carrière d'Analyst gérée qui est mon rêve ???! 😱
Un bon de réduction au supermarché pour 60€ d'achat quand je suis seule ..
Un bon de réduction au supermarché pour 90€ d'achat quand j'ai mon fils ou un locataire ..
Putain, il faut qu'elle arrête de nous prendre pour des triso de 3 ans !!!!
J'ai passé 4 heures au lieu de 2 pour faire des courses et quand j'arrive à la caisse, ça ne me fait pas 90€ et j'ai oublié la lessive pour les linges !😂
Si elle ne traque pas mon quotidien, elle ne peut pas faire ça !!!!
Payez ce que vous avez à payer et laissez les gens vivre leur vie !

De l'eau gratuite, elle veut donner ?
Mais ce n'est pas de l'eau.
C'est la machine, la lave-linge qui m'inquiète !
Puis je n'ai pas trop écouté ce que vous avez raconté à propos du rygby sur l'ongle hier ...
Si c'est une langue de pute, c'est mauvais pioche parce que moi, je ne bois pas du vin rouge de Bordeaux !
Je bois du Sauterne parce que c'est sucré.
Et cette année, je l'ai arrêté avant même qu'elle va la battre aussi ..
La compétition va surtout faire mal à l'économie française !!!!
VN Stronger : they are saying !

I didn't see who the husband of "pas Jolie" in the Green bank looks like ... ?
But it is him me, Massachsetts, not her. She is like my ex-husband Cambodian.
He was the child coming out of Troy 3200 years ago .. ?
I don't know when my grandmother was replaced by the "4th castle" ?
but the Flag has just come out of VN finishing Politics since 1975.
I am the unique child of the Flag ?!

Bike is Indonesian. Motor-biked is Japanese.
But the motor is from whom ?
I have tried many kinds of those cups from different persons and differents brands...

While the Talent used that one so called the legendary Honda 67

While the Brave was still having one like that ..
That is for Trump playing guitare ...
sticking like shit to everything they don't know !!!!
Otherwise, yes, the Tamtam is Indonesian
That is the only picture i found on Internet typing to search for "Indonesian Tamtam"...😂