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03 08 24 News

Photo du rédacteur: NetComF6NetComF6

Gardez vos trésors pour vous.

La France est simplement en train de nous rendre de l'or récemment exploité de mon pays.

Elle ne dépose absolument rien !

The Indian cast was the 1st child of a country gets married to the 1st child of the other country, the 2nd child to the 2nd child, a 3rd child to a 3rd child, a 4yh child to a 4th child... with a various number of children !

That model is not flexible.

Those who walk the walk like All have aborted to steal the supposed spouse of her 1st sister ?

All also wanted to steal the spouse of her last sister, however more difficult ...

Today, both my daughter and me don't want the Indian cast anymore.

Which recovery ?

Elizabeth the 2nd got married with Philip 2nd ?

Or she was married to All the 2nds ?

William and Kate want me to watch until the end of what ?

Your video or the cancer of Kate ?

I don't earn anything watching the cancer of Kate ????

That is not my Politics !

I don't know what exactly happened to you, Peta Credlin

But sacrifices are not Merit for me.

I don't have that Politics but you must understand "Action Reaction" !

Those incompetents are still trying to steal free what to do with Louis of Kate ? Everything has a price...

But Andrew Scheer came from the UK !

So, go back there after study and work !

In Australia, I don't have 2 States like in the US.

I have a country with Title and Subtitles.

I prefer to keep a country than 2 States. Different is not the same !


You will not stick to me like a shit King  everywhere i go !

Choose a place to stay !

I have chosen Australia for my longest government time.

Chalres III can not choose it. He can only choose with William between Europe and America ..

You are hurried to choose because you are just there to speculate piss and shits to steal properties and intellectual properties.

I have not finished what i have planned to do ...

There won't be People Speculation as Finance anymore ...

Everyone are Over under your High Incompetency !

I might take longtime to find back the pants for the King from my daughter or my son ...

but at a moment, you must admit that you were wrong !

Like Nguyễn Phú Trọng, i will not save twice those who persists in error and can not change !

Styled ... like Pretty Woman ?

STOP Commonwealth Institutions !

We are not coming back for it.

Hội nghị bất thường. Không biết nên chức mừng hay nên lo lắng ?

Nhưng mà đương nhiên là nếu có người khác xen vô là sẽ có người khác xen vô.

Khó tháo gở trong 1 thời gian ngắn để thay đổi lâu dài ?

I was saying that China seems to having started change with Banks Speculations,

despite difficulties ?

Do it yourself ...

But demonstration to public about your hardness when you work is not necessarily ... a target....

if people just work hard to get everything stuck !

I am for promotions of young skills in the society.

So, to young people, solve problems, not create problems to get everything stuck hardly, anyway ...

Not too much demonstration,

Some persons just say 1 thing and i know they must have something important because we can not know those things if we have not lived our whole life with those fucking problems...

Those things can not be read or learned !

Promotions to young kills, not access anywhere they want.

A l'époque, c'était la BNP qui payait et c'était pour la France.

Donc, vous le gardez votre Support Politique à vous !

Je ne me casse pas.

Je m'en vais pour ce que j'ai financé moi-même puis continué par l'Australie...

C'était en 2011 vers la fin de Sarkovsi au début de François Hollande, pour une raison que je ne connais pas,

que Le "Drapeau" a décédé, pas en 2007 à l'élection de Sarkovsi !

A mon avis, le régime Politique Socialiste, c'est ça et c'est aussi François Hollande avec Macron

pas n'importe quel travailleur qui vit avec un conjoint ayant un ou plusieurs enfant(s) hors marriage !

Aux US, on déjà eu un terme République avec Trump et ça c'était aussi payé par les Banques et les Institutions financières, qu'ils vont garder pour eux ... candidature proposée par eux !

C'est très dangereux de changer de régime politique à chaque fois qu'on fasse élire un exécutif !

En Australie, quelque soit l'élu Executif, c'est toujours nous Monarchic.

I was saying that

  • The Flag was dead in 2011 From Republic to Socialism, not 2007 !

  • Solicalism is not any worker living with a spouse having children out of that marriage

That it is very dangerous to change the Politics Regime each time we make elected a new Executive !

In Australia, it is always us the local Monarchic Regime, whoever elected executive ..

We will improve until succesful. Change Once for ever.


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