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03 09 24 News

Photo du rédacteur: NetComF6NetComF6

I was saying that you will not stay in Australia disturbing if you can never understand what I say correctly !

Sponsored Visa for me this month September 2024, 4 months before departure, not with the subclass 4xx !

I USE the Calendar, i am not the Calendar !

I even might not have the Calendar ... ??

Points Base Visas for students.

It is you who have to leave because old enough, you are still unable to understand correctly !

It was you, Jason Clare, who said that Albanese didn't feel pretty well enough to be PM ...

I thought that beauty musn't be the pricipal quality for a PM and wanted to give him a chance ...

But you migth have reason as Human Ressources recruiters say that those who don't look pretty are usually not well ?!

Perhapes, they have known too much discrimination in the society ????

That what's made them obcessed, more than necessary, for other qualities ???? Pathetic !

You could have candidated by yourself to the PM position than saying that you were there because he didn't feel pretty well, then disappear and re-appear now when we are moving to something else ...

Now, we have a fascinating program for Education : the Politics Master that not everyone can afford.

So, you will participate building it with us and candidate as PM later if it is what you want...

Because a teacher is not what need now for me.

I need you for them !

Smashing which economy, Jim ?

Those young economies are a temporary help for everything, not a food

Because what you do is just enough to eat !

So, you will now make the sponsored Visa for Treasurer Assitant to change our economy from Global to Private ...

Because it can not just continue like that all the time ...

That doesn't make sense of living !


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