Are you telling us that you are still incompetent to understand everything i've explained about All ?
That's why i told Obama that some things can not be just read and learned !
All is not just in Ukraine.
All is eveywhere waiting to conclude on other efforts and success ... with only a magic word to dishonest incompetent populations !
Negociate what ? we don't need them !
From Republic Sarkovsi to Socialist François Hollande when the "Flag" was dead,
It was David who tried to talk to my son.
I myself didn't manifest for the election of François Hollande !
But i think that's was why Macron has been introduced ...
At that time, i was still considering myself as French people.
and that's why Macron has to stay there, i think .. and while i am still stuck in France.
But Today a lot of things have changed,
i am Monarchic Australian working in "jail" in France ! 😂😏
Thank you if you have been some moments there for me and my family working in France.
But i think that Papua, Australia, and New Zealand should be 3 distinct countries ...
with respect of borders between good neighbors, well educated people.
I don't walk the wrong walk.
The King has been delayded, I would govern Australia as a Princess, the whole country, not just Brisbane until one of my children will be able to find a new "clothe" for the King back.
Thank to International communities who have been there for our safety.
Are you seeing something that others don't ?
"Add's All" is not richer than me !
For very longtime, i was the child who earned the highest wages in the family and who gave the most money to "Add".
That is the proof that Elizabeth II was not an Add's All !
She is another All ... sticking to everyone, stealing our properties and intellectual properties !
But she seemed to having passed away by self-shameful feeling ... ????
I am not relying on intellectual thefts for my safety !!!!
They are kinds who don't know what is shameful feeling !!!!
as most of those who are actually in the UK ...
It was "Add" who wanted to die too remoseful !
When "Add" passed away with Nuke high school degree and Trump election,
All wanted to give David to me ...
But i didn't take because i don't like Socialism and that would make revenge unstoppable for my children !